Recent content by Caps2k18

  1. Caps2k18

    Were you happier with no Shenmue III? Or do you prefer living in a post-Shenmue III world?

    Liked it. The story was lacking and parts of the game were repetitive but I never lost interest. It felt 100% Shenmue, which was great. The night before going to the castle I called everyone on the phone and really enjoyed seeing Ryo talk to the characters from 1 and 2, especially Nozomi, I...
  2. Caps2k18

    New Member Introductions

    Um, huh?
  3. Caps2k18

    New Member Introductions

    Hello my name is Brian. Been a fan since 2000.
  4. Caps2k18

    How Many Times Have You Completed the Shenmue Games since 1999?

    Hello, I am new here. Happy to see this community of Shenmue fans. I bought my Dreamcast the day after Christmas in 1999. I was 20 years old and saved my money and gift cards to buy it. I purchased Shenmue the week it came out it the States. I had seen articles about it in magazines and thought...