Recent content by DoneLurking

  1. DoneLurking

    Ryuji luchi started to play Shenmue

    Man, Nightfall is just incredibly relaxing every time. Cool to hear the "live" version.
  2. DoneLurking

    Shenmue IV Will Happen - Here's Why!

    Love this thread. Even though I know it's just a vocal minority, some of the negativity around Shenmue 3 has been really off putting, keeping me away from some Shenmue corners of the internet. Sure, the story didn't progress as far as we hoped, but I still really enjoyed my experience. The...
  3. DoneLurking

    Backer Copies | General Thread & Shipping Information

    California here. Just opened up my tracking and it’s at my local post office as of 5:40 this morning!! Going to be a long day at work but can’t wait to get home!
  4. DoneLurking

    [!!SPOILERS!!] Datamined Info - Discussion Thread (Backer Demo)

    Gotta just say, I spent more time than I'd like to admit going through this entire thread. Fascinating stuff, absolutely can't wait for the game to come out. Just 2 weeks to go!
  5. DoneLurking

    Been following this site for too long to not be a part of it

    Been following this site for too long to not be a part of it
  6. DoneLurking

    Random Shenmue III Thoughts

    Day 1 Patch is also reported to be 4.5 GB, don't think the game could be nearly as small as everyone is assuming here. Also don't mean this as a negative, but with development done by a small team, I doubt compression will be as efficient as other games mentioned like MGS5 or RE2