Recent content by IrishNinja

  1. IrishNinja

    Shenmue The Anime - Final Ratings

    9/10, not much i'd want changed - humanized ryo plenty, great pacing/development/animation quality etc, didn't manage to overwhelm new folks with wide cast & varied settings. really hoping for more!
  2. IrishNinja

    Shenmue II Scripts - with sample decompilations!

    a lot to parse here - tight work OP, thanks for all this!
  3. IrishNinja

    The Games Of Yu Suzuki

    i knew suzuki produced sword of vermillion but never anything more specific than that...underrated game too really need to get around to that fan translation of rent-a-hero one day
  4. IrishNinja

    Judgement Series

    yeah, with yakuza apparently staying turn based, i'm really hoping this series keeps going beyond that agency's fuckery - still haven't finished last judgment, kinda taking my time there in case it's all we end up getting
  5. IrishNinja

    General RGG Discussion

    yeah, the series is clearly in good hands at this point - also as much as i adore yakuza & the spinoffs, i hope they get more time to do their own projects going forward - like, binary domain was ages ago, but that was a blast
  6. IrishNinja

    Why do i see yakuza fans spreading hate on people who like shenmue 3?

    ugh, yeah that shit is so tired - i get the similarity/DNA but they're vastly different series, and can be loved/respected for quite different reasons too