
We actually do not notice simple things, for example, on the way to work or home. If we ask us what we have seen while we went, we will not be able to clearly describe, because, as a rule, we are simply going out of the point, but in point B and do not remember our travel. But the most unpleasant thing is that every day happens to us. This is called life on autopilot onlinecasinoitaliani.com.

Autopilot reigns in our default life
We tend to do everything in a stencil, as you are accustomed, so the autopilot reigns in our default life. And this happens day after day, year after year in millions of people around the world. It is usually cool, because we do not strain our brain and do everything that they did before, and that we are well known. But the bad news is that, living such a life, we skip happy moments, do not belong to yourself and, most importantly, we lose yourself and cease to be yourself. We are no longer able to enjoy life and be as if in a hibernation. And if we live on autopilot, we will tax our subconscious, we become passive, detached, prone to irritation, negative reactions and emotions, and nervousness becomes our friend.

For the first time, I seriously thought about this phenomenon two years ago, when I realized that, despite interesting travels in my life, I remember in a year only some details and I could not remember the names of all museums and palaces that visited. At work, all monotonously day after day, even coffee with girls in the breaks we drank on schedule, discussing the same topics. Five days a week I work in the office outside the city, away from civilization, and after work it could not always make myself go somewhere, because it seems to be tired - it means that much many years have delayed for later. Visiting the gym, always performed the same exercises, and thoughts sounded in the head: "Go home, go to the store, meet with friends ... Lord, and whether I turned off the iron - yes, it seemed to turn off - and what at work next week? - To hold a tender - to meet a bunch of agencies - write a plan for two exhibitions, do not forget to prepare everything for the event for designers - Ahhh, did I send the text to invitations? "You must not forget to call my mother and write a sister - and what to cook - the cake was last week, maybe just baked fish ...". And so - constantly, not only in the gym - a lot of thoughts in the head and there was no return to the case that was done at this particular point.
May 12
Venezia, Italy



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