Recent content by QuattroBajeena

  1. QuattroBajeena

    How to access story quest dlc

    It's honestly probably Epic Games bullshit as usual on PC to some extent, I have never had a painless easy experience playing games on their platform outside of Ticket To Ride and Satisfactory. Every other title has given me a lot of grief even simply trying to play the game. Most recent...
  2. QuattroBajeena

    Battle Rally DLC next week!

    Been playing the DLC today, having quite a lot of fun finding all the Bailu Chan's around the town. Battle Rally is kind of whatever though, like it's not bad but it's just kind of a minor addition that I'm not particularly enjoying. It's good for at least allowing me to enjoy the world and...
  3. QuattroBajeena

    Why the story in Shenmue 3 is good/Why the story in Shenmue 3 is bad

    I have sat on my feelings about this game for over a month now, so its been given time to mature in my mind. To be blunt the story presented and its grueling pace at which it is delivered is what has turned most people sour with the game. Its a plodding story, with no real character...
  4. QuattroBajeena

    Kickstarter update #123 Backer reward walkthrough

    Implying that suddenly makes it all completely ok, countless companies before YSnet learned the hard way how people react to silence and many before them also ignored these lessons. These companies gotta learn if your going to kickstart things you have to update every couple weeks or your...
  5. QuattroBajeena

    Kickstarter update #123 Backer reward walkthrough

    This whole backer rewards situation is being handled pretty terribly, they should have done a update in the first few days of the year. It's been a while since we heard anything about this or the dlc pack even. The radio silence is mildly concerning to say the least.
  6. QuattroBajeena

    Project Berkeley Poem

    Also looking at this im trying to match up what we have so far plot wise to what we have picture in these images. Picture 1&2 clearly just depict Yokasuka, and Hong Kong/Kowloon. Not much to talk about here really honestly. The third panel makes zero sense, it shows a coastal region of some...
  7. QuattroBajeena

    Project Berkeley Poem

    The character pictured in the 4th and 6th panels looks a whole lot like Yanlang the leader of the gang in Bailu taking all the stone masons. Dunno if the characters are one in the same but his face and hair design are very very similar.
  8. QuattroBajeena

    Impressions on the plot and the ending (only read if you finished the game)

    I agree with everything besides the Ren kick to face, that shit made me laugh harder than anything else in the game because it fit the character, and that guy he wrecked straight up looked and acted like something out of a Bruce Lee film crossed with a Steven Seagul film.
  9. QuattroBajeena

    Impressions on the plot and the ending (only read if you finished the game)

    Lets not play this game, because the complaints here have zero to do with nostalgia and that's a straw-man to invalidate opposing opinions. This game could have been far more fleshed out, and is not on the same level as even Shenmue 1. So much is left unanswered and undeveloped, things just...
  10. QuattroBajeena

    Impressions on the plot and the ending (only read if you finished the game)

    Did we play the same game, because I can't recall a single conversation with her that really gave us anything meaningful about her since she basically served as a recap each day, and the small talk pretty much died in Niaowu besides just going over recaps.
  11. QuattroBajeena

    Christmas in Shenmue 3?

    Been poking around a bit using Unreal Debug options and snow is programmed into the weather system for whatever reason.
  12. QuattroBajeena

    For those who have played or completed the game. How would you rate Shenmue III?

    The story is a 4/10 and the combat was around a 6/10. The world, side distractions, and music was the strongest part and felt like a extension of Shenmue so it's like a 8/10. I enjoyed it, and I'm glad I got to experience a modern take on Shenmue if we never get 4 but it's very flawed as a whole...