Recent content by rdk_nl

  1. R

    Shenmue III Complete collectors edition

    Confirmation @ 2020-11-20 16:01
  2. R

    Kickstarter Rewards Pictures

    Please provide us a picture of the back (hi-res).
  3. R

    Kickstarter Rewards Pictures

    Yu Suzuki Game Works ISBN 9784757208896
  4. R

    Kickstarter Rewards Pictures

    What you fine people need to now about the (history of the) Busts: On July 11th 2015 I asked through Twitter: For some reason I had the feeling I had to "upgrade" the Credit on my CreditCard from € 2,500 Credit to € 3,500 Credit... On July 17th 2015 (Not my own memory but based on KS...
  5. R

    Kickstarter Rewards Pictures

    Made a second video some minutes after unboxing:
  6. R

    Kickstarter Rewards Pictures

    Please Read this: You can browse Wikipedia, Google and Youtube to watch production processes of statues and other artworks. Love it's made of FibreGlass or what we call in Dutch "two components" Love it's strength; real Plaster would really make it Fragile. I think people who work in arts...
  7. R

    Kickstarter Rewards Pictures

    Now it's confirmed there are both blank and painted statues; I really would like to track down the history of the painted one(s). It's a really good paint job by an artist. Looks more like it's done by a make-up artist. Eyes looks like the're real. Eyelashes attached. Her hat is a really nice...
  8. R

    Kickstarter Rewards Pictures

    Same here; certificate is excellent and Embossed. Love they make use of original "printed" pictures of the busts. Love your Ryo, as always I like the details of "the spikey hair and eyebrows!
  9. R

    Kickstarter Rewards Pictures

    My Contribution :cool::love:
  10. R

    Kickstarter Rewards Pictures

    Watch Project Berkley from 26:20min and you got your answer (and cool history about the busts).
  11. R

    When will the backers receive the rest of the items?

    Received mine Today (had to pick it up from local PostOffice because of Import Taxes). Also haven't opened it yet. My Choice was: 1. Ryo 2. Shenhua 3. Ren 4. Lan Di Ryo because he's main character. Shenhua Because of this answer at Reddit Yu Suzuki AMA: Ren because that bust is nice and...
  12. R

    Shenmue 3 Collectors Editions. Where to Buy

    Dutch (like Amazon in foreign countries)... € 79,99 Pre-Order