Recent content by tylerisrandom

  1. tylerisrandom

    Collecting herbs. Has anyone got a trophy yet?

    Bailu trophy popped shortly into my first New Game Plus. I had sold all my herb sets toward the end of the previous playthrough. Found a bunch of (presumably regenerated) herbs in plain sight the second time, but the last Jujube I picked (near Grandmaster Feng) is on a map so I may have just...
  2. tylerisrandom

    How long was your first playthrough?

    My first playthrough was 30 hours, 21 minutes on PC. Replaying now on PS4!
  3. tylerisrandom

    Collecting herbs. Has anyone got a trophy yet?

    Pretty sure I only have one Licorice and one Jujube left in Bailu (not the one behind the huge boulder, unfortunately), but I'm itching to move on to Niaowu and I'm not sure where else to look! Ah, well. In case it helps anyone else, the last two herbs I found were behind the abandoned temple...