Recent content by XodiousBlack

  1. XodiousBlack

    Yu Suzuki's Post-WePlay Travelogue

    Must keep composure....must be realistic..must...mus....SHENMUE 4 BABY!!! LETS GOOO
  2. XodiousBlack

    Question: What potential things can I (we) do to help Shenmue 4 get made? Now and in the future.

    I'd love to see this happen and I have a feeling it will
  3. XodiousBlack

    Question: What potential things can I (we) do to help Shenmue 4 get made? Now and in the future.

    I really like this Idea.. I actually have 2 friends I've wanted to introduce this series to. I might have to get them copies of 3 and force them to buy the HD themselves haha
  4. XodiousBlack

    Question: What potential things can I (we) do to help Shenmue 4 get made? Now and in the future.

    Question in the title. I, like many of you, would LOVE a Shenmue 4. Hypothetically what can we do to make this happen?? Should the ShenCommmunity make a move now? Should we wait until Cerdric gives us an update? Should we wait to hear from Yu San? I've been tearing my hair our wondering if...
  5. XodiousBlack

    Gamesradar - first hour of Shenmue III

    Do these "Journalist" do any research whatsoever before they write!? My god, this take is so false it almost unbelievable. I guess Since we have assassins creed odyssey we don't need God of War...what a moron.
  6. XodiousBlack

    Shenmue III Backer Trial | General Thread

    I've been itching to get my hands on the trial since the 16th haha! I'm so excited, I cant wait to get my hands on the new combat system...although I'm expecting the final product will be better than what is available in the trial regardless
  7. XodiousBlack

    Epic Games CEO talks Shenmue 3

    I got banned for asking a question about the situation a few weeks back (just asked a simple question, I didn't take a side).. I almost deleted my account.
  8. XodiousBlack

    Epic Games CEO talks Shenmue 3

    First post on this wonderful forum! I 100% agree! I'd play it on the Sega Saturn if that's all they could manage and I'd be happy every minute of it!