110 Industries & Yu Suzuki

I agree wholeheartedly this has misdirection written all over it. I expect Shenmue 4 to be announced this year. It's coming we just have to be patient. Cause if it turns out they were just blowing smoke then 110 and Yu gotta answer to that.

But most of the teases, apart from a couple at the beginning, have mostly been us interpreting the vaguest of shit as a Shenmue tease through mental gymnastics... Like Twitter likes, a picture of an apple and banana, and thinking 10th June was a tease because it's Yu Suzuki's Birthday...
I saw a random PR page for Red Goes FASTER pop up today (in the last 24 hrs) but it seems like it might’ve just been some spam trap website, so I nixed the post. Thought the timing was interesting since there’s been no news since TGS but there’s nothing interesting on the page. That’s what I NMd.

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But most of the teases, apart from a couple at the beginning, have mostly been us interpreting the vaguest of shit as a Shenmue tease through mental gymnastics... Like Twitter likes, a picture of an apple and banana, and thinking 10th June was a tease because it's Yu Suzuki's Birthday...

110 responded to a tweet implying Yu involvement with them is related to Shenmue. 110 set this all in motion. They could've gave a general response and moved on but they had to pour fuel on the fire.
110 responded to a tweet implying Yu involvement with them is related to Shenmue. 110 set this all in motion. They could've gave a general response and moved on but they had to pour fuel on the fire.
But they said "We love yu-san!" Which could literally just mean that they love yu as a creator.
not denying any possibilities but we got to keep ourselves in check lol
But they said "We love yu-san!" Which could literally just mean that they love yu as a creator.
not denying any possibilities but we got to keep ourselves in check lol

We're gonna have to agree to disagree. My expectations were in check before 110 came along. Even before 110 2022 made alot of sense to announce Shenmue 4. We're coming up on 3 years since Shenmue 3 was released. Cedric Biscay confirmed in a interview that with sequels you have to start right away while everything is in place. As time goes on it looks like Deep Silver won't be involved anymore.

Whatever Sega, Yu, 110 and whoever else is involved is doing I hope they do it sometime soon. We can't MIA again, we got animes, games, documentaries and even in house development with @LemonHaze. We gotta get Shenmue 4 soon or sometime in near future.
I still have no idea if they are basically confirming Shenmue 4 with their responses / replies
or if they just want to generate hype with Yu Suzuki fans because they are doing a different project with him
or if they are just liking all of these Shenmue comments because they want to let us know
that they heard our requests and thats it for now ...
Are they doing Shenmue 4 because Yu Suzuki agreed to do another project with them after that?
Are they even already working on Shenmue 4, in what state of development are they,
are they just testing the waters here to see if there are enough requests for Shenmue 4 ...
what kind of budget do they have for the project, do they already know if Shenmue 4 is the end
or are they interested in Shenmue 5 too
Is it even about a Yu Suzuki game or is he a producer or designer for a different team,
is the big announcement even for the Yu Suzuki project

There are way too many possible scenarios, way too many questions.
We dont really have any kind of up to date info. Nothing.
We dont know 110 Industries or their campaigns because they didnt release anything yet.
Sure, it seems pretty obvious that they are doing something with Yu Suzuki
but thats kind of where the real clues end. The rest is like 'we didnt confirm it, we didnt deny it'.
So we can all bet on a lot of different things and yeah some people are going to have the correct bets
but its still gambling because nobody can know it 100% for sure.
I'm gonna need more than some likes on Twitter and a picture of fruits
Good monday morning everyone! Today I WANNA OUT OF THE FORRUM THIS FRIGGIN' FORRUM! RAAAAA!😤😤
Where are the staff where?? im hungry! there! cmere cmere YOUUU ARRRR RAAA damned staff i ate you haha yummy staff!

Beware you fools shall not like like my posts because i'll believe im funny and i'll keep doin' it! are you crazy? careful
dont quote me neither dont be crazy
On, about people saying we are the ones who grasped at straws...

I really don't think so. They've made some VERY heavy Shenmue 4-oriented tease. And they never, EVER denied working with Yu or on Shenmue 4.

The first is "Please make Shenmue 4 with Yu Suzuki" to which they answered "Guess why we invited him at TGS". That's where everything started, the rumors started there, and instead of killing the rumors, denying them, they just answered "no comment" under an article about this subject, while they could have denied it clearly.

Then the guy who asked "if you're not making Shenmue 4, please say that you love Yu Suzuki, but you're not making Shenmue 4" and they just answered "we love Yu Suzuki, he's awesome". Again they could have easily killed the rumors at this point, but they decided not to.

Then of course there's this big announcement with Banana and Apple, which, here doesn't mean anything, and here we might have read too much into it.

And then they post a full video with Yu Suzuki for no reason... Except that this date was a date most Shenmue fans were waiting for, because this day Yu Suzuki was doing an interview for the anime, so people kinda expected a little to maybe have a Shenmue 4 announcement... So they posted this video (which is very Shenmue-oriented) at this peculiar date saying "here's the video. No announcement today", again teasing that the big announcement is about Yu Suzuki. And again, when asked about Shenmue, they didn't answered negatively. And we saw they are able to answer very quickly to deny stuffs. For example when they straight up denied that Yu Suzuki was going to be there at the Summer Games Fest.

Again, maybe they are making a new Yu Suzuki IP, And using Shenmue's aura to market this first. Why not, that wouldn't be that huge a surprise to use Shenmue's name in the sake of marketing some other game.

But saying that nothing pointed towards a Shenmue 4 teases, and that we were the ones imagining things is not true.

They could have easily denied and killed all rumors in a matter of minutes if they wanted to, they proved that they could, but they didn't and kept teasing Shenmue/Yu Suzuki throughout the month.
On, about people saying we are the ones who grasped at straws...

I really don't think so. They've made some VERY heavy Shenmue 4-oriented tease. And they never, EVER denied working with Yu or on Shenmue 4.

The first is "Please make Shenmue 4 with Yu Suzuki" to which they answered "Guess why we invited him at TGS". That's where everything started, the rumors started there, and instead of killing the rumors, denying them, they just answered "no comment" under an article about this subject, while they could have denied it clearly.

Then the guy who asked "if you're not making Shenmue 4, please say that you love Yu Suzuki, but you're not making Shenmue 4" and they just answered "we love Yu Suzuki, he's awesome". Again they could have easily killed the rumors at this point, but they decided not to.

Then of course there's this big announcement with Banana and Apple, which, here doesn't mean anything, and here we might have read too much into it.

And then they post a full video with Yu Suzuki for no reason... Except that this date was a date most Shenmue fans were waiting for, because this day Yu Suzuki was doing an interview for the anime, so people kinda expected a little to maybe have a Shenmue 4 announcement... So they posted this video (which is very Shenmue-oriented) at this peculiar date saying "here's the video. No announcement today", again teasing that the big announcement is about Yu Suzuki. And again, when asked about Shenmue, they didn't answered negatively. And we saw they are able to answer very quickly to deny stuffs. For example when they straight up denied that Yu Suzuki was going to be there at the Summer Games Fest.

Again, maybe they are making a new Yu Suzuki IP, And using Shenmue's aura to market this first. Why not, that wouldn't be that huge a surprise to use Shenmue's name in the sake of marketing some other game.

But saying that nothing pointed towards a Shenmue 4 teases, and that we were the ones imagining things is not true.

They could have easily denied and killed all rumors in a matter of minutes if they wanted to, they proved that they could, but they didn't and kept teasing Shenmue/Yu Suzuki throughout the month.
and to extent they are still teasing, liking and hinting things when anything is mentioned. I mean their latest likes was during shenmue day. They are well aware of what they have been doing, to me doing these little things are not just by "coincidence" anymore...they know what they are doing. I agree they have had countless opportunitys, chances and openings to just blow the flame out but rather did the opposite and fanned it. They are capable of responses, retorts and replies to everyone from journalists, partners and fans they've proved this but when the question of shenmue is brought up they go tight lipped, the behaviour alone just speaks volumes. I for one am aware a new anime interview is coming (confirmed by the japanese animation twitter account) and im very curious & interested in seeing if they attempt to drop something else on that day its shared. it's been 3 weeks tomorrow since the banana & apple tease they can't go back on that now even if they tried to because its already out there & people wont let them forget on twitter. This certainly was not fans imaginations running wild about a possible shenmue IV this was a company igniting the flames & people wanting to see it.
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