Hands On Impressions - Romain Mahut from Gameblog (French)

Aug 8, 2018
Currently playing
SupCom FA, Rocket League, Football Manager, VF5, Myst-Riven


  • There were 3 people in the room. A translator, him and Suzuki next to him.
  • The demo takes place 3 days after Ryo and Shenhua finally reach Bailu Village.
  • The quest is to find a scar-face man used to play gamble games to know more about a gang.
  • Yu didn't explain any tip. He just gave Romain a Xbox One pad and the 15-minute timer could start.
  • Controls are the same but camera is 360 degree free via right stick.
  • Gameplay, ambiance, Chinese-style music feel Shenmue.
  • When Romain said "The gameplay, this is Shenmue !", Suzuki was delighted.
  • Environments are beautiful with a lot of plants and flowers
  • Ingame, he met the big guy who's training the children at martial arts. He knows Ryo so he was prone to answer his questions.
  • Romain asked a woman the way to go to a martial art school and the woman hinted at the romantic relation between Ryo and Shenhua, and it makes Ryo stammering a bit. When Romain pointed that to Suzuki, the latter was delighted again.
  • The Horse Stance mini-game is pretty rhythmic.
  • At some point of the demo, Ryo run out of energy and said something like "If I would have food, I could run again". Then Romain seeked his inventory and eat everything he could to fill up the green balls of stamina.
  • About the combat, there will be several levels of difficulty to please hardcore gamers because in Yu's opinion, mobile games have made video games too easy.
  • While some characters have great faces like the martial art master, others feel more "cartoonish"
  • The picture was weird and had like a "Snapchat filter" that smoothed the definition and gave the characters a pastel tone.
  • He noticed facial animations but many games do better.
  • Shenhua, Lan Di and Ren will not be the only characters making a return.
  • The game is not perfect yet but the ambiance and journey feeling are faithful to Shenmue.
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  • There were 3 people in the room. A translator, him and Suzuki next to him.
  • The demo takes place 3 days after Ryo and Shenhua finally reach Bailu Village.
  • The quest is to find a scar-face man used to play gamble games to know more about a gang.
  • Yu didn't explain any tip. He just gave Romain a Xbox One pad and the 15-minute timer could start.
  • Controls are the same but camera is 360 degree free via right stick.
  • Gameplay, ambiance, Chinese-style music feel Shenmue.
  • When Romain said "The gameplay, this is Shenmue !", Suzuki was delighted.
  • Environments are beautiful with a lot of plants and flowers
  • Ingame, he met the big guy who's training the children at martial arts. He knows Ryo so he was prone to answer his questions.
  • Romain asked a woman the way to go to a martial art school and the woman hinted at the romantic relation between Ryo and Shenhua, and it makes Ryo stammering a bit. When Romain pointed that to Suzuki, the latter was delighted again.
  • The Horse Stance mini-game is pretty rhythmic.
  • At some point of the demo, Ryo run out of energy and said something like "If I would have food, I could run again". Then Romain seeked his inventory and eat everything he could to fill up the green balls of stamina.
  • About the combat, there will be several levels of difficulty to please hardcore gamers because in Yu's opinion, mobile games have made video games too easy.
  • While some characters have great faces like the martial art master, others feel more "cartoonish"
  • The picture was weird and had like a "Snapchat filter" that smoothed the definition and gave the characters a pastel tone.
  • He noticed facial animations but many games do better.
  • Shenhua, Lan Di and Ren will not be the only characters making a return.
  • The game is not perfect yet but the ambiance and journey feeling are faithful to Shenmue.

I knew it! He must have asked Yu Suzuki this directly as I doubt there'd be such a spoiler in the demo.
So exciting! I got so giddy reading about the returning characters...but I hope he means more than Chai.

  • The picture was weird and had like a "Snapchat filter" that smoothed the definition and gave the characters a pastel tone.
In John's DF Retro about the Mega Drive Mini, he mentioned SEGA were annoyed because their booth was set up by the conference organisers, and they had enabled motion smoothing on the TV, and they couldn't turn it off :unsure:

In John's DF Retro about the Mega Drive Mini, he mentioned SEGA were annoyed because their booth was set up by the conference organisers, and they had enabled motion smoothing on the TV, and they couldn't turn it off :unsure:

Shenmue 3 was in a completely different area, on an upper floor, in its own room closed to the pubic (where it looks like Yu Suzuki, and a translator were often present.) Its possible that they had much more control over the setup than those staffing the Genesis Mini.

This would be similar to back room Final Fantasy 7 Remake behind closed door demo. Maximillion Dood saw both the public and private demo of FF7R. How does this relate to Shenmue 3, it doesnt directly but he describes his frustration of the public demo as framey, and it having the motion smoothing function enabled, he says the private demo didnt look like that, it looked more crisp and didnt have input lag and the game played smooth.

John from DF said the people running the Genesis mini booth had no control over the tech setup. That booth in particular was extremely public, as I can attest by watching several videos of it.

That leads me to believe closed door demos had full control over their setup while public ones did not.
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Wonder which other character(s) will be returning aside from the ones we know about. I kinda hope Zhu Yuanda gets more screen time, I can't help but feel he knows way more than he's letting on...

Still not sure I like the sound of the stamina thing though, sounds like what they did with Yakuza 6 with limited running. And that sucked (no surprise they got rid of that for Judgment).
That said, Yu's comment on mobile games makes me laugh, glad he's looking to have various difficulty levels to the combat.
Shenmue 3 was in a completely different area, on an upper floor, in its own room closed to the pubic (where it looks like Yu Suzuki, and a translator were often present.) Its possible that they had much more control over the setup than those staffing the Genesis Mini.

This would be similar to back room Final Fantasy 7 Remake behind closed door demo. Maximillion Dood saw both the public and private demo of FF7R. How does this relate to Shenmue 3, it doesnt directly but he describes his frustration of the public demo as framey, and it having the motion smoothing function enabled, he says the private demo didnt look like that, it looked more crisp and didnt have input lag and the game played smooth.

John from DF said the people running the Genesis mini booth had no control over the tech setup. That booth in particular was extremely public, as I can attest by watching several videos of it.

That leads me to believe closed door demos had full control over their setup while public ones did not.
Yeah that might be true -- it was just an idea. They could also be using some sort of high contrast filter that intensifies during midday/early afternoon or something.