I hate trophies/achievements


Sep 9, 2019
I'm glad they exist but I don't care for them, they are annoying and kind of make it a label for how much you've accomplished in a game. I don't like that, I do whatever I want and don't want a set goal of accomplishments. Anyone else agree or are you trophy hunters which I really don't see is necessary other than "look how much of an hardcore gamer I am" I wish there was an option to disable them completely
I'm glad they exist but I don't care for them, they are annoying and kind of make it a label for how much you've accomplished in a game. I don't like that, I do whatever I want and don't want a set goal of accomplishments. Anyone else agree or are you trophy hunters which I really don't see is necessary other than "look how much of an hardcore gamer I am" I wish there was an option to disable them completely

I like the idea of achievements and trophies, but I can't say I really look at it in that way. I really only ever go for a Platinum if I'm enjoying the game enough to do it...if not, then I really can't be assed to do it. It's not really a status thing for me rather its "I like this game....fuck it, I'm gonna try to Platinum it for the hell of it."

If all you're doing is going for every last trophy in every game you play then it does get old real quick I find.

I go in and out of moods with it...sometimes I feel like going for a platinum...other times I just can't be bothered to sit there for the long haul hunting trivial collectables or such (see why I never platinumed Uncharted 4 yet platinumed the rest of the series; not only was the pace of that game too slow for its own good...but I just hated the idea of replaying through it multiple times for collectables)

For me, it's never been about the E penis factor, rather it's just something I do because I may be enjoying the game enough to do and see everything it has to offer through the trophy list.

Yet when it comes to Steam I never even bother looking at the achievements as I couldn't care less on that platform...go figure.
In the last 10 years of gaming, I have certain gone out of my way to get Platinum trophies in games, yet I find these days if the requirements demand collecting an excessive amount of collectables or having to re-play a game multiple times then I usually don't bother any more. I don't tend to look at them on my initial playthrough anyway, but then upon beating the game I might take a peak and see if the games trophies aren't to much on a demand.

I do have to admit, they do have a pull on what I play still even now, I find it slightly less appealing to go back to a game system without trophies than with... like having trophies gives the game some sort of Authentication - Silly I know. I still haven't touch Shenmue II on my PS4 due to being dissatisfied with d3t work on the port, so while I have a Platinum for Shenmue 1, 2 remains at 0% as I still experience that game on the 360 with the Xbox version.
I look at Achievements as suggestions. I don't care about Gamerscore or any shit like that, but if it sounds like a genuinely fun challenge then I'll go for it.

Shit like "press this button a million times" usually goes unearned, while "defeat all enemies using only a TV remote and a packet of crisps" I'm more likely to give a go.

Sometimes I'll even go out of my way to avoid unlocking an Achievement, if it's more interesting to not unlock it. For Sonic 3 I have all Achievements except for the one for beating Ice Cap Zone; and yet I have the one for completing the game, despite it being impossible to beat the game without clearing Ice Cap Zone. Because it's more fun to do that.
But how else am I supposed to boast about finishing Mega Man 10 without getting hit?

But seriously, I've really gone off trophies these last couple of years. I don't mind stuff that either challenges you to play the games in new ways (Mega Man 9 was actually pretty awesome like this) or just had a fun trophy list to go through (Shenmue 1,2 Yakuza etc.) but many others feel like repetitive grinds to do boring busy work (X kills with Y gun, play X matches, find all collectables noooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!)

Seriously, collectables need to go away unless they serve some sort of purpose or are actually fun to get. Shenmue had toys that were fun to collect, especially the Sega toys that were either hard to find or hard to earn (sense of satisfaction when you get them) or Spidey which used collectables as a way to fill in backstory for this version of Spidey. But more often than not its pointless stuff just used for padding. Which is actually the main reason I stopped going after them.
Yeah. There's a trophy in a great Vita game (Yamowari) that has a trophy for playing the game for 20 hours. The game is only a few hours long, even if you get every other trophy in the game. There's really no point to the trophy.
Yeah, I personally never really cared about them myself. I just see them as nothing more than digital participation trophies.
I will say, the trophies have Made each and every game I own for the PS3 and PS4 (all Yakuza series and Binary Domain), much more interesting than if the games didn't have them, as I have discovered new things and challenged myself to complete things in a certain way.
Some of the smart/rewarding trophies are the secret ones that requires you to actually experiment.

Like stacking buffs/stats/gears/damage calcs to pull off a certain amount of hit ratios.

or knowing how to chain skills on which enemies to reach insane combo links.

Or figuring out a really tricky off the road puzzle to unlock a rewarding area/scene.
I will say, the trophies have Made each and every game I own for the PS3 and PS4 (all Yakuza series and Binary Domain), much more interesting than if the games didn't have them, as I have discovered new things and challenged myself to complete things in a certain way.

This. In some ways, they challenged me. For instance, I’ve been trying to go for the Platinum for Catherine and have been playing Hard mode recently. That game is blisteringly hard at times, but really rewarding when you do pull it off and get the Gold Awards for each stage. I don’t know if I would have done that had their not been a trophy.

I know some people see them as bragging rights, but for me, it’s really not about that. It’s more so about the fact that I may like the game enough to try going for the completion rate...in this case the completion rate is trophies.

I could care less about bragging rights. I just want to test myself and see if I can do it for a game that I genuinely love. For instance, I hold two Platinum’s (US and EU version) for Persona 4 Golden. I didn’t do it to brag, I did it because I really love Persona 4 and just wanted to have both Platinums for myself. I wanted to do it for me. Not to show off to anyone.

It’s more about self gratification than looking for outside gratification for me.
Inside/Limbo have excellent trophies - most of them rely on you exploring and doing certain puzzles/platforming challenges. Really fun in my opinion. Limbo also has a trophy for clearing the entire game only dying 3? or less times. Which I managed... after most of a day playing it! Can't see me trying to do something like that again, though it was really fun!

Hat in Time also has a few nicely designed trophies that basically just require you to play levels perfectly. But the game difficulty is just right so its actually possible to just get them without even knowing, I got a few without even trying, its such a good game that it just felt natural.