If it doesn’t happen...

An anime idea would be disastrous. Shenmue has a simplistic story powered by interactive environments. It was designed to work best as a videogame.
An anime idea would be disastrous. Shenmue has a simplistic story powered by interactive environments. It was designed to work best as a videogame.
It may be a simple story... but to call it simplistic is insulting.
Would you be okay with it transferring to a manga or something like that?

I still have hopes that it will, but if publishers pass on funding IV...would you be okay with him finishing the story on another medium?
Now, i am. Since the mess of a story i got. At least, would be story driven.
I would be fairly interested in reading the original treatment/novelization to see how the story flows in Yu Suzuki's own words.
Would you be okay with it transferring to a manga or something like that?

I still have hopes that it will, but if publishers pass on funding IV...would you be okay with him finishing the story on another medium?
No, it's a freaking video game. I forgave so much bull as far as a story because it's a game. He instead needs a kickstarter again. If he can't do it yet because of DLCs, that's one thing. If he KNEW Deep Silver wouldn't fund S4, or anyone else, he might have rewritten S3. He didn't. This is not Dreamcast, and he's not bound hand and foot by SEGA anymore. I think ever since 2015 the chances of more Shenmue are way bigger. I do think after the DLCs, after he had a chance to put Ryo in separate villages I guess to learn newer secret moves. He might do a big end game in the 4th. I do see the 4th game though. It has to be a game, I'm sorry.
I'd read it, but I think the problem for me is the story in shenmue, is frankly, kind of negligible, like its so far got a couple interesting build ups but its mostly a pretty by the numbers revenge story with some wonky mysticism topped on it that might be retconed at this point, what makes shenmue work for me is the immersion of being lost in these locations and meeting the inhabitants or learning the cultures. Its a slice of life story with some kung fu on the side not the other way around.

I guess this is why 3 really doesnt urk me as much as others, I more or less got what I liked about the series, I cannot see this working as a manga.
See, that's where I agree 1000%. It got us crazed because WE got to open the drawers, we got to train up Brutal Tiger, or in the 3rd Scorpion Tail, and then saw it connect vs the boss. We won the motorbike chases QTE and real time. Take all that out, eh, he wrote a so so scenario for a b movie. Again, the fact that people keep bringing up his older plans for VF RPG, and that these 3 games do follow it from what they saw. Take out their memories of VF and judge 1&2 on the story, not the never before seen gameplay. Shenmue 4 has to be a game. It has to reuse assets from the 3rd game, it has to come out soon, before they have to redo everything if PS5 comes out. I'll play on PC it'd not matter, but I get it it's mostly a console game. As a game it's one of the best I've played, flawed, but one of the best still.
In my opinion a Shenmue manga and anime would help the sales for the games. Manga and anime of Shenmue one till Shenmue 3 with more details of the story, with parts that Yu Suzuki had to cut in the games. More people can know Shenmue this way, more people can be interested in the games this way. View attachment 6070
Yeah, of course, do 1,2, and 3. Tell the bits cut out of all 3. THAT i'm totally OK with.
I don't want an anime or manga, I want a game, but there has to be a cut off point at some stage. It's like I said in another thread, if a 4th game isn't funded and developed in the next 4 years, then I think Yu Suzuki needs to find a different way to tell his story. If he wants to keep the gaming side of things involved, then a visual novel would be the best option.

A Visual Novel is not what I want, this is only something I would choose as a last resort, but If there is no chance of a proper Shenmue 4 game, than I would take it. It's better than having nothing at all.
Like everyone else, I want the series to be finished with games. However, I would read a manga or novel if it came down to it, as I'm interested in where the main story is headed. It wouldn't be the same, obviously. Shenmue is about far more than just the main story.