Instinction -- New Trailer -- Moving to UE5


Sega Game Gear Enthusiast
Jul 27, 2018
Beginings of Dystopian Hell
Currently playing
Resident Evil 5 (PS4), Helldivers 2 (PS5), God of War: R (PS5)
Ok. Not sure if you guys were ever into Dino Crisis on PS1 but I was a huge fan (I pretend the 3rd never existed). It's a survival suspense game that's basically the love child of Jurassic Park and Resident Evil. Fast forward 20 years... Capcom continues to let the series rot among many other great IPs that they had.

Developer HashBane reached the point where they were done waiting for Capcom to get off their rear and decided to make their own Dino Crisis-esq game. It's a 3rd or 1st person game stated to be a spiritual successor to Dino Crisis.

Well a new Instinction trailer has released and the dev announced that the game has moved development from Unreal Engine 4 (which the new trailer was using and still looks gorgeous) to the new UE5.

With the announcement of moving to UE5, they announced that all capable systems will have the option of Ray Tracing. So PC and the new consoles.

Here's their note:
"UE5 will allow for us to further push the lighting and model quality. A few dino models will be improved on and/or replaced to be completely unique to Instinction, we’re working with most of the original artists for new models and animations. There is a lot going on behind the scenes and we will share more details as and when we can through our socials."

Link to the new trailer is below. I recommend watching it in 4K if you have the opportunity. Absolutely stunning. This game is the first one that I'm interested in that feels truly next gen and worth owning a PS5 for.
