Random Shenmue III Thoughts

With all the collectors editions that there are for this game, will the regular edition become the true collectible?

If you want ALL the versions 100%, you have to wait a couple of weeks or months after the release
until the physical Day One Edition is out of print because the next game copies wont have that "Day One" label.

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.... That Ren.

.... Is looking GOOD! With the game informer Ryo looking sweet too, I'm guessing these are the final renders from the polishing phase.

Such a pity all the marketing has 2017 era models ?
That brings up the old catch 22 that they showed something too early and people latched onto the 2017 stuff. Ren looks excellent now, Shenhua perfect (now I'm used to her changes) and the Ryo model in the picture of him nailing Chai is great. That's the closest to the DC artwork I've seen and is personally brilliant.

I think the final product might shock quite a few people.
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I'm trying to avoid looking at any more screenshots as I feel I've seen far too much of the game already (don't think that will be possible but I can only try!).

How different does Ryo look in the Game Informer screenshots compared to the trial version? Is there a new image of Ryo that doesn't give away too much of the story or the games locations?
How different does Ryo look in the Game Informer screenshots compared to the trial version? Is there a new image of Ryo that doesn't give away too much of the story or the games locations?
IMO the changes are entirely to character lighting and colour balance in the general image (skin tones especially). The assets seem entirely the same otherwise, to my eye.
Yeah, but that's just a render of her overlapping the image. The Shenhua render is from the steelbook cover too, so not new.

You can see the page in the digital preview for the issue here.
Damm, was hoping for a Shenhua and Ren confrontation LOL
IMO the changes are entirely to character lighting and colour balance in the general image (skin tones especially). The assets seem entirely the same otherwise, to my eye.

Thanks! I had already seen a small version of this image when pre-ordering the Pix'n'love edition of the game. Good to see a full scale version and you are right, it doesn't really show anything that previous trailers haven't already shown.
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Hey bros.
Not Shenmue 3 related but I know many of you are Dramcast fans.
So this might be of your interest.
I just bought.

Back to shenmue3 , the game informer podcast was fascinating to hear.
I would pay 2000 to go on a trip and had a visit to YS Net studios haha!

But Nights wasn't on Dream....oh wait, they beat me to it with their self awareness :)

I tried to find the YSNET office on my last sojourn in Japan back in April...it really is tucked away in the most unexpected of locations. (I found the place...but you really wouldn't expect the office to be there)
But Nights wasn't on Dream....oh wait, they beat me to it with their self awareness :)
haha dude... They know it all ;)

I would knock on their door!! If they complained about it I would say that I learned with Ryo Hazuki that you could knock on every door you wanted hahaha!
I then would offer my presence to enter in the offices ... what a dream that would be. I think I would faint.
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Good. Hopefully we get an official KS update for the Gold announcement as well. I just wanted to be sure it went gold before starting my replay of 1&2, so time to pencil that in for later in the month.