Retrobit remaking Dreamcast controller with Saturn Dpad and facebutton layout

Aug 18, 2018
Exactly what it sounds like. Also has a concave analog top, which imo is absolutely wrong but w/e. Short stick with a big wide, textured convex top fit the DC controller perfectly imo and still makes for the best way to play Jet Grind Radio and Sonic Adventure. It's a prototype so that could still change of course.

This is cool, glad to finally an image of the prototype. I've already bought Retrobits reproduction Mega Drive and Saturn controllers, amazing build quality. I’ll be getting a couple of these for my Dreamcast as well.
Having a Saturn D-pad and 6 face buttons would be great for fighting games.

One thing I wish could be added is a second analogue stick, although I'm not 100% sure it would work in terms of comfort. Despite owning a keyboard and mouse, it would still be cool to have a second analogue stick for FPSs. Even if they couldn't make it true analogue, it could be used as a remap of the face buttons which are often used as movement in FPSs.