What do you want Yu Suzuki to make, other than Shemmue 4 and 5?


And also that original IP he talked to @Amir about. Apparently he drew a bunch of concept sketches that looked reminiscent of Panzer Dragoon, Nights into Dreams, and Alphonse Mucha, which obviously sounds like a total knock-out visually. I'd also like to see how good/bad of a drawer Yu is. :p
A papier mache bar stool with racing stripes.
I think you could make a killer Space Harrier sequel nowadays -- super fast, lavish UE4/5 3D graphics...could be cool. Besides that, give me something new!
One VR game for Disneyland or some arcade company since VR seemed to be the natural extension of his classic environment before Shenmue entered his life.
I don't want Yu to become Kojima; stuck making 2 full games when restless for a break and trying to do something new. Peace Walker was a bit of good luck--revitalized him--but then we all know too well how shitty Komani was during MGS5 and Silent Hills.

Death Stranding should've been a PS3 game around ~2009, rather than MGS4. He hadn't wanted to make MGS since Sneak Eater, and even then he first allowed others on the team to direct MGS3 before taking over after a disappointing prototype, IIRC.

At very least I hope YSnet create a fully new project between Shenmue 4 and Shen5. At least, procuring PsyPhi and finishing off the beta testing somewhere between now and Shenmue 5.
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Virtua Fighter 6 would be the logical answer. I really want VF6 at some point.

But honestly, I'd like him to do something new. Be it something smaller than Shenmue or something grand again, I have no idea. But I'd like to see what else he has cooking in that head of his and to see if he still has it to come up with something new and different.

I could see YSNet doing a smaller download title at some point.

But ultimately, I'd be happy if he finished his career just finishing Shenmue. I mean, the guy is getting on in age and I really would like to see him finish out his grand vision.