After hearing pretty much all of my friends talking about it, I've also been working my way through The Haunting of Hill House (despite not being a massive fan of horror). Only watching one episode at a time though as it's the kind of thing I just can't binge. I'm 4 episodes in now and have fairly mixed feelings about it.
I do like the atmosphere it sets up. Definitely one of the most creepy and unsettling show's I've seen (it even manages to carry that atmosphere through broad daylight scenes which is certainly an achievement). I think the casting is really well done too. The adults definitely look and act like the grown up versions of the children; it's extremely convincing. The show also does a good job at fleshing them out and making them feel unique with their own quirks.
As mentioned in the post above me though, I feel like the show relies a little too much on jumpscares and smash cuts. It's a horror show, so obviously I don't expect it to be completely devoid of them, but I've noticed a trend of 'if it has a face, it'll probably go a bit CGI deformed and scream at you for no real reason'. And the whole thing of setting up a tense scene and preparing the viewer for a jumpscare only to smash cut to a loud noise from a completely different scene is way too overused. It works in some scenes where context is provided, but random instances of the trick happen far too often. I guess they don't really count as jumpscares, but they serve the same purpose. I just feel that the show should be more confident in the masterfully crafted atmosphere it creates to portray the horror and not fall back so much on these almost cheap feeling tricks.
That being said though, I still think the show is extremely well done. Despite me usually keeping away from horror entirely, it's got me hooked and I want to keep watching to see what happens. There's a huge amount of character development and a really interesting story unfolding. Will definitely be seeing this one through to the end.