When would I have to finish Shenmue I to be able to do Fangmei's Birthday?

I believe... Feb 20? My ultimate duology play usuallly times it out so I have ample time for good luck on Xmas/New Years at Abe Store, then Valentine's at Tomato Mart on the second or third day of work.

Also, while attempting to finish by Feb 20, I'll still usually repeat the 2nd day glitch for more cash to use on capsules in Shen2, so if you do, be wary of the dates. There's at least one or maybe two other days repeatable if you don't advance the notebook plot.
February 5th is the absolute latest you can finish the first game and still do the Fangmei sidequest; I'd recommend finishing a week or two earlier so you're not rushing and have chance to make mistakes.
I believe... Feb 20? My ultimate duology play usuallly times it out so I have ample time for good luck on Xmas/New Years at Abe Store, then Valentine's at Tomato Mart on the second or third day of work.

Also, while attempting to finish by Feb 20, I'll still usually repeat the 2nd day glitch for more cash to use on capsules in Shen2, so if you do, be wary of the dates. There's at least one or maybe two other days repeatable if you don't advance the notebook plot.

I'm currently on December 17th and just started Disc 2.
Duck corrected me, so disregard, please. Dunno where I got feb 20 from... oh well.

Probably the date you arrive in Aberdeen if leaving japan by Feb 5.
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