Why kickstarter to make S4? What about SEGA?

There isn't a chance in hell Sega will come on board. If Shenmue 3 had sold millions, then maybe, but the game flopped and received mixed reactions from not just critics, but also fans and newcomers.

So do a lot of the Sonic games, but that doesn't stop them pumping more money in.
A few million... like I say, it's nothing to Sega these days, especially with what they put in to other games that don't necessarily sell well.
So do a lot of the Sonic games, but that doesn't stop them pumping more money in.
A few million... like I say, it's nothing to Sega these days, especially with what they put in to other games that don't necessarily sell well.

Whilst it's true that they've struggled with the Sonic series since the mid 90s, I guarantee Sonic makes them way more than Shenmue has or ever will. It's not just the games, but the television shows, the merchandise, the toys etc. I imagine the budget and resources they allocate are also much smaller than what Shenmue needs. Sonic Forces only had three level designers (all complete noobs too). Sega have also slowed the rate of releases down massively. There was a 6 year gap between Sonic Generations and Sonic Forces. Sure, there was Sonic 4, Sonic Lost World and Sonic Mania too (oh christ and Sonic Boom), but they were mostly games done on the side by other teams.
Sonic is Sega’s identity. Even if kids don’t know Sonic equals Sega anymore, they still know Sonic. I doubt any kids know who Ryo Hazuki is.

They’ve treated Shenmue like it’s just a curious blip in their history. Their lack of any kind of asset or licensing support for Shenmue 3 should tell you all you need to know about how much they care about continuing this franchise.
VF and Shenmue are sister IPs. Help with one and you open doors for reviving the other. Sega needs to realize this asap and put AM2 back on track.

What I was saying in this topic.
Having a collaboration between YsNet and Sega-AM2 to make both Shenmue IV and Virtua Fighter 6.
I wouldn't have hope that main Sega in Japan will finance Shenmue IV after III apparently not being a resounding success.

But at the same time it wouldn't surprise me if Sega Europe entered the game and facilitated IV development somehow (if YsNet come with a reasonable budget based on IIIs workbase). Remember that I&II's port was originated and developed in Europe, and even the Sonic Racing appearances, which were the main acknowledgements of Shenmue by Sega in the 15 year wait, were European-based too.

Also both Shibuya productions and Deep Silver are from Europe, and I think the latter has other business ties and a good relationship with Sega. They could also try to use that agreement as a marketing bonus to convince some of III's critics of giving the series another chance (of it being now backed by a big corp and getting rid of some of the most amateurish aspects of III, like the logo or the trailers).