How old are you?

quite a lot of us are the same age. i turned 33 this month. good to be alive.
52yo, shock! o_O
Actually I'm 34 and ½ :eek:
I visited the dojo in the early days but never registered... nothing to say, nothing to ask...
I was about 15/16 when I played the first game on the DC, I'm on the average I guess.
Still, the joint pains! :sneaky:
32.? Yup seems like we’re all around the same age and I’m pretty sure most of us have been waiting since the early noughties for S3. These new teenaged fans though.?
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I turned 31 back in late July, I share my birthday with WWE wrestler HHH and martial arts actor Donny Yen.

I may be 31 but I don't look it, I have one of those weird baby faces but then again, everyone in my family looks young for their age, lol
19. I only found out about Shenmue's existence this year ?
Suprised that a 19yrold not only found out about Shenmue this year but also enjoyed it enough to make a forum account. Usually your kind only cares about stuff like "forknite" or "cod" Very happy to have you aboard.
Not like us true gamers that're only into niche games, right? ?
Uhh huh? I just meant that is unusual for someone that age to take a liking to Shenmue since their interest usually lie elsewhere. Nothing more. Dunno what's with the attitude. I'm not trashing those popular games if that's ur issue.
Suprised that a 19yrold not only found out about Shenmue this year but also enjoyed it enough to make a forum account. Usually your kind only cares about stuff like "forknite" or "cod" Very happy to have you aboard.
I laughed at "forknite"
Uhh huh? I just meant that is unusual for someone that age to take a liking to Shenmue since their interest usually lie elsewhere. Nothing more. Dunno what's with the attitude. I'm not trashing those popular games if that's ur issue.

"Your kind" is summat that has no positive connotations whatsoever.

Misspelling/mispronunciation of titles is the snob's way of looking down on summat. Plus the use of quotation marks.
"Your kind" is summat that has no positive connotations whatsoever.

Misspelling/mispronunciation of titles is the snob's way of looking down on summat. Plus the use of quotation marks.
Sorry for interjecting, but if one's primary language is not that which was used to convey the message, then you could be reading too much into the meaning of individual words or expressions. Furthermore, given @GYO6161 reply there isn't much doubt that you are definitely trying to define something which he expressly already explained.

Also, "summat".
Sorry for interjecting, but if one's primary language is not that which was used to convey the message, then you could be reading too much into the meaning of individual words or expressions. Furthermore, given @GYO6161 reply there isn't much doubt that you are definitely trying to define something which he expressly already explained.

Also, "summat".
Yeah exactly this. He's grasping for straws. Already explained my case and I'll be moving on.
16, looks like I'm the more younger one around here :p
I discovered Shenmue only like about a year ago when Vinesauce Joel streamed it, I ended up really liking it, so I played the second one myself with a DC emulator, had such a blast!