Will QTE prompts be more difficult on the PlayStation 4?

Shenmue AM2 Podcast

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Jul 28, 2018
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada
Anytime I have played Shenmue or Shenmue II the button prompts for the QTE segments have always been identifiable in two ways. Symbol and color. Dreamcast has colored buttons with letters on them. The same goes for the original XBOX and the XBOX 360. Colored and lettered. All of the buttons on a PlayStation controller are the same color, except for the symbol on the button, Square, Circle, Triangle and X. I think this may hinder my ability to be as quick as as I used to be with these as my brain will have to recognize them in a different manor.

My PS4 isn't working at the moment, so I'm going to be playing Shenmue on my PC with a PS4 controller. I think I will find it hard at first to get used to, but I'm sure I will get used to it.

I think I will do better on Excite QTE 2, if they have keyboard support for the PC.

It will just take some time to get used to. In some way the different shapes on a neutral background can possible even be quicker to discern.
Anytime I have played Shenmue or Shenmue II the button prompts for the QTE segments have always been identifiable in two ways. Symbol and color. Dreamcast has colored buttons with letters on them. The same goes for the original XBOX and the XBOX 360. Colored and lettered. All of the buttons on a PlayStation controller are the same color, except for the symbol on the button, Square, Circle, Triangle and X. I think this may hinder my ability to be as quick as as I used to be with these as my brain will have to recognize them in a different manor.


I think that it will be more difficult, at least until you get used to it. Personally I've really struggled with a mental block with the Playstation button symbols. I had to consciously think up my own personalized mnemonic devices just to help me remember their arrangement. I don't think it's this way for everyone, of course, but it was really significant and annoying for me!

Color-wise, the Xbox One X button has the same problem of being mostly black with just the letters in color.

Looking forward, I seem to recall Yu Suzuki saying he wanted to refine/evolve QTE's in some ways that might alleviate this kind of problem in the future. It would be better if they didn't focus your vision on a tiny symbol in the middle of the screen, because that undermines the enjoyment of their cinematic aspects.
Honestly the hardest QTEs always involved arrows for me anyways so I'm not too worried lmfao. The symbols should be more than enough for me but the lack of color certainly makes it just that tiny bit harder...
It's not an issue if you've played other PS games with QTE's. I don't think I ever memorized the colors on Dreamcast, it was always the letters for me.

After the death of the Dreamcast in 2001, I went Nintendo for Phantasy Star Online and the Sonic ports since I grew up with most of Sonic Team's games and that's where they were going. At some point during college, I bought a PS3 and have continued with Sony + Nintendo consoles since then. Early on, I never properly learned the buttons. It wasn't until Sonic Unleashed came out and I had to play that fucking airplane stage that was basically a 5 minute long QTE which I credit for finally teaching me the buttons.

Once you've learned the buttons and are comfortable with them, QTE's aren't a problem.
It can't be any worse than the hours of frustation I spent during my teenage years in the ghost hall buildings with those bloody wooden beams.
We used a Dance Dance Revolution mat to cross those beams, and we ran the Dreamcast through a PlayStation VR headest. Check it out in our video:

As someone that has had Playstation as their primary system for the last 23 years, I can say that having the button prompts in Shenmue for PS4 will actually be easier for me than it was on Dreamcast as Dreamcast wasn't around long enough for me to really put the colors of the buttons to muscle memory.

Playstation Forever!​

I don't think it will be a problem. It looks like the on-screen buttons will still be fully colored according to the respective PS controller letter color scheme. With time, people will get used to associate pink with the square button and so on.
if it was a switch ver then everyone will have a real problem trying to adapt because the controller is using the ABXY format but with completely different locations rather than the unique shapes X,Square,Circle,triangle for Playstation.
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That's an idea.

I think they will be fine though. It's the same pattern of layout on a ps4 just different colours and symbols which wont take long to master.
if it was a switch ver then everyone will have a real problem trying to adapt because the controller is using the ABXY format but with completely different locations rather than the unique shapes X,Square,Circle,triangle for Playstation.
The different locations between ABXY controllers is a pain in the ass, I have a 360 and a Wii U, played Bayonetta on the first one and it was hard to get to the Nintendo ABXY possition on Bayonetta 2.
if it was a switch ver then everyone will have a real problem trying to adapt because the controller is using the ABXY format but with completely different locations rather than the unique shapes X,Square,Circle,triangle for Playstation.

Fun fact: the Playstation actually uses the Nintendo button placement. The shapes represent the number of lines they use - so O is 1, X is 2, triangle is 3, square is 4.
Sega/Microsoft:  Sony:  Nintendo:
           Y       3       X
         X   B   4   1   Y   A
           A       2       B

Just an interesting bit of trivia. The Sega/Microsoft way makes more sense to me either way.
Fun fact: the Playstation actually uses the Nintendo button placement. The shapes represent the number of lines they use - so O is 1, X is 2, triangle is 3, square is 4.
The West complicated this though, and it's something I always have to re-adjust to when running a Japanese game. In Japanese games, O is confirm and X is cancel, but in US games X is confirm and O is cancel.

In the case of Shenmue's fighting engine or QTEs, I don't think they're going to swap any buttons (bottom = kick, right = grab, etc.) but I wonder if the Japanese version will swap X and O for menus.
Yeah the whole swap around with the confirm and cancle buttons on the Playstation makes the whole layout even more confusing.
There are also some none Japanese games that did this wich makes it even worse.
i think the biggest problem will be the xbox 360 controller on pc because of the d-pad.
i remember playing Shenmue on a emulator with the xbox 360 controller
and the qte's where you had to press a button on the d-pad were extremely imprecisely.
like it shows you the prompt to press left but if you hit the left button of the d-pad
slightly at the top or the buttom, the game thinks you hit the wrong button.
i think the biggest problem will be the xbox 360 controller on pc because of the d-pad.
i remember playing Shenmue on a emulator with the xbox 360 controller
and the qte's where you had to press a button on the d-pad were extremely imprecisely.
like it shows you the prompt to press left but if you hit the left button of the d-pad
slightly at the top or the buttom, the game thinks you hit the wrong button.

Yep. Delin got so pissed at me dropping crates all the time because of that damn 360 d-pad! Something about that d-pad is too tall and wobbly. In comparison, the Xbox One controller d-pad is like a surgically precise instrument.