Will QTE prompts be more difficult on the PlayStation 4?

The different locations between ABXY controllers is a pain in the ass, I have a 360 and a Wii U, played Bayonetta on the first one and it was hard to get to the Nintendo ABXY possition on Bayonetta 2.
yeah the same thing happened to me occasionally.
As someone who is more familar witha PlayStation controller, I imagine it will more instincitve for me - I still struggle with QTE's on Xbox :p
The only thing that might trip me up will be instinctively hitting Square when 'X' flashes on-screen because of the Dreamcast/Xbox controller layouts being burned into my mind. I expect that Ryo will fall off quite a few cliffs in my first playthrough. I might have to treat Shenmue 1&2 PS4 as a completely new game and re-learn the QTEs rather than rely on memory.

I don't think it will be a problem. It looks like the on-screen buttons will still be fully colored according to the respective PS controller letter color scheme. With time, people will get used to associate pink with the square button and so on.

I saw this video yesterday for the first time and I’m happy to see that the QTE prompts will be fully coloured, unlike in the Shenmue re-release where they’ve decided to match the appearance of the QTE prompts to the buttons on the controller and consequently they look quite dull, IMO.

I think fully coloured prompts are much more vibrant, eye-catching, and can make a QTE more exciting and enjoyable.