Kickstarter Update #100 - Shenmue III delayed until November 19th

Seriously guys - Q1 2020 has the potential to be a lot more crowded than November this year if things stack up the way they're looking.

There's always going to be other products on the market, nearly nothing releases in total isolation. There were calls to delay it past August because of Control and - for some reason - WoW Classic. If you keep wanting to hold on until the "perfect" release date, the game will probably never come out.
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As disappointing as the delay is, you make a fair point.
Besides, it’s still within the accepted range in my book (ie just a few months).

…It’s the timing, number, and overall lack of thought behind the update that really get my eyes rolling here. I mean wow.
I completely agree on the timing front and the way it was handled
The promotion of this game is really irritating. While the announcement of a delay is disappointing, I will get over it and understand the reason. But to release an update that just says the game is delayed, gives nothing but a "needs more polish" rationale, and gives us nothing else to cushion the blow is really ludicrous.

This is really a massively blown opportunity to at least give a more substantial progress update and it also gives people that are not as invested as us a reason to make up whatever they want to explain the delay and put the game in a negative light.

I really hope something positive comes soon (Switch/Xbox port, demo release details. etc.) to get this game promoted properly so we can see a Shenmue 4 or more.
Do you really think the audience for any of those games is the audience for Shenmue 3? If the game is given the true Yu Suzuki polish and reviews incredibly, it'll sell. If it's a buggy mess, it won't, even if it releases on a day no other game comes out.
I agree for the most part, Death Stranding is the only one I'm even remotely worried about as far as demographic overlap. And if joel is right and DS gets its own delay, then it's pretty much guaranteed smooth sailing imo.

He didn't answer the question...
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I doubt this will come in 2019
Shenmue 3 looks...unfinished graphics ash hell,unfinished animations ( looks like a robot ) I can easily see this being mid 2020 lol
I doubt this will come in 2019
Shenmue 3 looks...unfinished graphics ash hell,unfinished animations ( looks like a robot ) I can easily see this being mid 2020 lol
They've had months to polish now they have 2 more. It is unlikely to be pushed back to 2020.
I'm surprised they got another delay I figured DS would have wanted it out in August
Oh well. Let's look on the bright side.

It's nearly a Christmas game like 1!

Pros: more chance we will have the best possible experience with the extra time dedicated to polish and such

Cons: very bad time to release the game, and e3 hasn't even happened yet

Disappointing, but what can be done? Bitching and moaning will achieve nothing unless we want to force their hand in releasing an unfinished game.
I only wonder if 3 month are enough to polish the game enough to be ready to released . Didn't Yu San said at magic that game is already ready and just needed some polishing? If they cannot polish the game until August is no good sign. Is the game Maybe still to flawed to be released in August? If so, are 3 more month really enough time to repair the mess?

The whole Thing sounds a bit fishy but let's be postive that everything turns out well.
Thinking there should be E3 news aside from hands on journalist demos. Another thing, Kojima has a lot of weight with his name, but will sales be as massive as usual simply for not being an MGS title? In addition to my theory many will be too lazy and mentally shallow to care to finish such an experimental art-house game by the time Shen3 releases, how many will ignore entirely for not being Metal Gear? Then, they'll see Shenmue lll up next, which still boasts artistic genius, yet on a much more generally-palatable scale.
I only wonder if 3 month are enough to polish the game enough to be ready to released . Didn't Yu San said at magic that game is already ready and just needed some polishing? If they cannot polish the game until August is no good sign. Is the game Maybe still to flawed to be released in August? If so, are 3 more month really enough time to repair the mess?

The whole Thing sounds a bit fishy but let's be postive that everything turns out well.

Yes, he said the game is finished, which means it can be played to completion. But it doesn't mean the game is ready for release. Keep in mind it can also be related to performance.

In any case everyone, what do you prefer ? A polished Shenmue experience that convey the amazing moments we had in I and II ? Or a clumsy and iffy Shenmue III ?
R.E the delay update.

I know the timing and the update number aren't really doing it any favours, but it's basically a business press release at heart, so don't take the bluntness of it to heart. It's to the point, provides a comment, and peaces out pretty swiftly. It's basically how the last delay was handled too, just cold hard business.

I only wonder if 3 month are enough to polish the game enough to be ready to released . Didn't Yu San said at magic that game is already ready and just needed some polishing? If they cannot polish the game until August is no good sign. Is the game Maybe still to flawed to be released in August? If so, are 3 more month really enough time to repair the mess?

The whole Thing sounds a bit fishy but let's be postive that everything turns out well.
Don't really get this train of thought.

"Can't get it done by August" is not "can't get it done at all". It's like if you are preparing a delicious meal that takes just a little longer than expected, everything doesn't just ignite and burn the kitchen down because the potatoes needed a few more minutes than what the cookbook said.
I hear those who say Q1 may be packed but they really need to handle this project with care, which they're not.

The game does not have an established mass audience who will buy it like other titles which have been on the market for years. Picking a quiet month / good release window even if its after Q1, I believe is a must for the game to reach its full potential and succeed.

I mean November is probably the worst month they could have chosen. I dunno I just think yu suzuki and Shenmue deserve better