Video 1 - Shenmue III MINIGAME footage from IGN Japan (13 minutes)

We all know who would be very excited for them turtles.

I know people have been complaining about the facial animation forever, including in this thread, but am I the only one who noticed that literally the mouth movement is the ONLY facial animation on anyone? Other than that everyone just has a constant fixed expression. I really really hope this is remedied before release.

On a positive note, when I heard the old "you got an item" sound effect I literally fistpumped.
I know people have been complaining about the facial animation forever, including in this thread, but am I the only one who noticed that literally the mouth movement is the ONLY facial animation on anyone? Other than that everyone just has a constant fixed expression. I really really hope this is remedied before release.

On a positive note, when I heard the old "you got an item" sound effect I literally fistpumped.

I think you're gonna have to get used to it because I don't think it's gonna change drastically before release.
I know people have been complaining about the facial animation forever, including in this thread, but am I the only one who noticed that literally the mouth movement is the ONLY facial animation on anyone?
You should watch the video in the OP again, though what's there is usually subtle.

Ryo furrows and unfurrows his brow a bit during the Lucky Hit segment, and the dude manning the turtle race stall frowns and drops his eyebrows when Ryo says he's done playing.
I really like the flashy UI -- it's got juicy feedback to it. Maybe not the best gameplay footage to kick off with haha -- but still. Loved that they streamlined the capsule buying process as well.

Look, I'm probably not going to do the turtle race more than a few times. Lucky Hit I'll probably do 5-10 times the entire game. Roll it on Top is probably my go-to for easy cash.
To be honest, I'm not interested in any kind of mini-game return (apart the capsule toys one). I beat Shenmue 2 about 7 times in my life. Just bring new experiences there please. Ninja turtles seem to be a nice little cute beginning.
This is phenomenal work. Love it all.


Are you telling me we have a SHENMUE CAPSULE MACHINE!!!!!!!! I see Chai, Guizhang, Nozomi and Ine-san on that cover. Its gonna be awesome getting a Lan Di figure whilst you're trying to chase him down and kill him lol.

Love it

I also just noticed the capsule machines have different prices. The fishing lures are 5 each, whereas the Shenmue toys are 10.

A nice little change.