Recent content by dap

  1. dap


    Mods, please delete this thread. My s2 game disk is no longer available. I'm cleaning out my house of stuff I never use. I have a Shenmue2 Xbox disk (few minor scratches) that I'd be happy to send to a USA address. If you want it, please message me your address.
  2. dap

    Guilin 2018 (Vimeo Staff Pick)

    Beautiful scenery of Yangshuo (Guilin, Guangxi China) in a 4 minute video. I was browsing Vimeo's front page of best videos and came across it. Thought people here would appreciate it.
  3. dap

    Nazomi in the trailer?

    Lady with white sweater, pale skin, short dark hair. Similar, yes. Good eye ^_~ are you that observant, or were you looking for her?
  4. dap

    Twitch Highest Viewers Data: Week 1 (Record = 26k)

    I manually kept track of how many people were watching Shenmue HD on Twitch this past week. These numbers are calculated by adding viewers from the "Shenmue" game title as well as the "Shenmue 1 & 2" title, at any given hour. And only when "Shenmue 2" was above 50 viewers (very rare) did I add...
  5. dap

    Youtube Blind Playthroughs/Let's Plays

    Of all the Twitch streams, this guy (NihongoGamer) is the most interesting I've seen since he compares real-life Japan to Shenmue. Lots of cool culture and language nuggets. Part 1 of 2 Shenmue starts at 1:12:45 Part 2 of 2...
  6. dap

    How do you envision the Ryo vs. Lan Di encounter?

    We know the first part of Shenhua's prophecy has already come true, but surely the latter part, "A dragon shall emerge from the Earth, and dark clouds shall obscure the heavens. A phoenix shall descend from above. Its wings shall create a purple wind. In the midst of the pitch-black night, a...
  7. dap

    Am I The Only One That...

    I don't even buy games, now that Twitch is so huge.
  8. dap

    What are you playing?

    SMO "You Got a Moon" haven't had this much fun since Halo2 LAN parties.
  9. dap

    Let's Make: Shenmue Remix Album

    Who wants to join me in making a fun album of Shenmue remixes? For example, if ten people are interested, then each of them (including myself) would remix a different song from S1 or S2, then compile them and release somewhere like soundcloud or bandcamp. What'cha think?
  10. dap

    Favorite areas

  11. dap

    Shenmue I&II official release date in Japan (22.NOV / limited edition)

    Please forgive this noob question, but I really would like to know: Does this "Limited Edition" mean after this first publishing, they will never again put this exact same product on the market? In other words, can someone describe exactly what is "limited" about this item?
  12. dap

    Random thoughts and a question on the shenmue series.

    @Tony Z if you were trying to speedrun Shenmue1, then 40 hours is not good. But, both Shenmues are huge games and one of the purposes is to explore and talk to many NPCs, which takes a lot of time, so you shouldn't feel bad about getting involved with the story. In fact, you should be happy that...