A good way to tell a real Shenmue fan

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Sep 12, 2019
I realize there may be exceptions but 9 times out of 10 a real Shenmue fan says "Shenmoo" and a fake fan or Shenmue hater says "Shenmew"

This is what I have noticed.
I never meet Shenmue fans in person, nobody’s played it whenever I mention it. I’d much rather talk to a “fake fan” than no one at all.
I've never liked the whole "true fan" stuff, it always has this air of elitism to it and almost always gets turned around eventually to blind allegiance where you're not allowed to say anything remotely critical of something without being called out as not being a true fan.
I do not think that there is a Connection between true fandom and the pronunciation of the word Shenmue. It seems that non japanese speaking engish Speakers have a horrible way to pronounce japanese words especially if they do not care if their pronunciation is correct or not.

But that does not make them lesser fans than the fans who can pronounce Shenmue in the Right way.
Maybe people just pronounce words differently based on accents, dialects, what they grew up saying and many other factors. Lol what is this thread.
It's just that people who don't know or care about Shenmue just read it as it's spelled with a "mew" but people who have taken the time to do a little research or play the game understand it's "moo"
Locking this. We're not going to do the gatekeepy 'real fan' thing here.
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