! [No spoiler]

Lol that has to be a joke video(we got what was promised, infact it looks better then the ugly concept art they showed off), and it even sounds like he's voicing a character(unless he has a issue with his vocal cords).
Fuck me. I wouldn't like to be around some idiot like that. Has he even played the game yet? He backed Shenmue 3....he GOT Shenmue 3. Extras will be coming soon. Everybody knows that...

He uses multiple platforms already? EGS not really a problem then is it. What a bellend. A complete cunt.
This is absolutely hilarious. Love the dressing gown.

Btw, I think this is the The List of Reasonable Demands guy... :D

Here's another one of his videos.
She has a face, dude. Jeez :LOL:

And, somewhat disturbingly:

The guy's a frootloop but his list will stand for all time (trying to find it, thought I took a screenshot).

Edit: found it.
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I saw someone on Facebook whining about the Backer Slipcase as well. Fucking hell people, you didn't pay for a fucking case. You paid for a fucking game. Anything to have a whinge.

Buys the collectors edition and steel case edition and still has a whine.

I really hate where humanity is right now at times. Bunch of entitled windbags.
Hooray! By popular demand, it's The List in video form. My life is complete.
This is my response to him, let’s see if he responds or just deletes it.

Have you read the emails that you’ve received from Fangamer and YS Net? If you did you would realise the following:

1. The rest of your CE is coming! Fangamer confirmed multiple times that they were sending out the games first so that gamers could get started with the game on release date. So don’t worry you will still be getting your ‘chunkified’ box set.

2. The Epic Game Store deal has already been explained. EGS has pre-bought something like 250,000 copies of the game. Would I have preferred that it was on Steam? Yes. But during the Kickstarter, Steam was never mentioned.

3. Deep Silver was a publisher that was interested in Shenmue 3, I’m pretty sure YS Net didn’t have hundreds of companies knocking at their door.

As a side note, the fact that you are advising the company break legal contracts in my opinion is silly. That is a sure fire way to ensure that YS Net would never release another game in the future. Which companies would ever deal with them knowing they will break a contract? Plus, it is due to the investment that EGS and Deep Silver gave that we now have a more fully fleshed out game. If we only had the Kickstarter budget it would have been a very different experience.

4. I actually agree with you about a true PC physical release. This was promised during the Kickstarter and should have been honoured.

5. In regards to backer content, make sure the DLC has downloaded on your PS4, then close the game, restart it and enter the 5 digit backer code. It should now work.
What a muppet. I’d love to know what this guy does for a living. Buys chunkified collectors editions for hundreds of pounds but has a chair that’s falling apart.