Console Modding


Jul 24, 2018
Favourite title
Shenmue II
Currently playing
Destiny 2, Shenmue HD ;)
Surprised we've not got this topic already but it seems like a good idea.

Use this topic to discuss modding of your old or bee games consoles. Got a paint job you're proud of? Post it here. New mod you've installed post it here. Recommendations.. post it here.
I am not able to mod myself but I like modded consoles. Big fan of my Ultra HDMI N64, and my HDMI modded Gamecube. Both mods where not cheap, because I was not able to it myself but I do not regret it. Using my 2 favourite nintendo consoles of all times with HDMI was worth every Cent.
My Dreamcast GD drive kicked the bucket a while back, so I switched over to the GD EMU mod for it. Best move I could have done. Saved my Dreamcast and cut out load times. I want to go a step further yet and further mod it with the DC-HDMI mod as well...maybe give it a new PSU as well.

My Saturn's CD drive is also starting to die. I'm waiting for either Satiator project to come to fruition or waiting for a decent price on a Phoebe SD Card Reader to replace it.

To be honest, I love the fact that the mod community is helping to keep the original hardware alive since it's inevitable that these CD drives will eventually die out. I know my original PlayStation is also near death but at least I have my PS3 to compensate for it.
I'm interested in getting a Saturn off of ebay, primarily for the Policenauts fan translation and Panzer Dragoon Saga (and of course I'll start to dig through the library once I have one!)

Do you think it makes sense to buy a console that has a mod chip installed already, or just get the console that's in the best shape and get one of them fancy "Pseudo Saturn All-in-One" cartridges? I worry about software solutions being finicky but I feel like I'd rather avoid taking my chances on buying a console that had a shoddy mod chip installation. Or maybe the solution is to buy the Saturn that's in the best shape and get the mod chip installed down the line by someone who's well regarded?

I read about Satiator and that seems to be the ideal solution but I'm not sure when that would be available, it appears it went into beta right before the end of the year.

My Saturn is still healthy and strong (knock on wood), but I have no intent to Mod it, so I will most-likely be going the pseudo-Saturn route for my playthrough of Policenauts.

It's cheaper and IMO, more worth it, as other cartridges (Action Replay, Gameshark, etc.) all have the options built in, that Modding would take care of (save for playing burned games/repros).
Not really a console modification itself but, many years ago my brother and I thought about how cool a “taco advance” could be, where putting different stuff in it could give different games :p So one xmas he’d found a sort of half circle of wood in his junk heap and hotglued buttons from a broken GameCube controller onto it and gave it to me. Sadly I’ve since lost it and don’t have any pictures.
I ended up going the with proper Saturn and the all-in-one Pseudo Saturn cart. I think that will buy me time until Satiator comes out. I also bought VF2!

I agree with @danielmann861 with modders keeping systems alive. It's pretty amazing, and I think once you get 20 years past a consoles lifespan it's ok to go this route. Especially since we're now seeing how disc drives fail on those old systems and that disc based games don't hold up as well as cartridges.
Y want to install GDemu and HDMI in one of my Dreamcast. Also I would love to print it like the Shenmue 3 PS4 released only in a German newspaper