DC Shenhua model for Shenmue 3

May 10, 2021
Hi Shenmue community,

I'm a big fan of all the mods you have created for Shenmue 3! like Eric Kelso and no drain!

I was wondering if possible can someone make a DC Shenhua model for Shenmue 3 similar to DC Ryu https://gamebanana.com/mods/234076

I really dislike the current model used and I really don't know why Yu Suzuki stray so far from the path of her DC model when he used to claim Shenhua was his life. I believe with the research I have been doing that she is the key to the whole series so seeing her the way she is currently makes me sad :(

I have found this useful link that may be helpful to make this happen https://www.shenmuedojo.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=51303
the mega link is dead but I'm sure one of the community members downloaded it and still has it, hopefully....

I'm looking at you LemonHaze, you have pulled off miracles before and Ibelieve this will be your best one yet!

Kind Regards,
I did plan for this aswell but unfortunately we all got really busy, so it kind of just got left behind.

Here's a very rough WIP version:

View attachment 11523

You sir are without a doubt an absolute legend. The game I dreamt of 20 years as a young lad ago becomes more and more a reality with each and everyone of your mods.

I'm truly grateful, Thank You so much!

Shenmue III   26_05_2021 14_47_31.png
Would be amazing if there was some way to get ahold of the model they used for the 2015 E3 trailer. Looked a lot more like the original character to me.