DC Shenmue 1 - Do you need a winning can for Dural Gold?

Aug 27, 2019
Favourite title
Shenmue III
I've mainly heard of people not getting Gold Dural, but when I do it seems they previously stocked up on winning cans. Videos I've seen on YouTube either don't show the product placed for the raffle... or a winning can. I can't say for sure if the chocolate, chips and caramel mean anything for Gold or Silver Dural even.

Currently, I'm on my first play-through of the game and I choose to reset every 1,000 yen. Now I'm wondering if I should do more than 7-8 raffles before I reset the game on DC and try again because of all the horror stories I'm seeing for this drop. The Day is December 7th.
You don't need a winning can, but aside from the initial time cost of getting the winning cans it's much faster to use winning cans as you can just select them from the menu and go straight into the raffle instead of waiting for the grab -> Buy -> "this please" -> wait for money to reduce every time.

Despite what some sources claim, the day makes no difference to your chances of winning. Actually nailing down the chance of winning is difficult as it's so rare; my current best estimate is ~1/1200, which means with winning cans it'll take you on average ~10 hours, and by purchasing food ~15 hours. My first attempt on the re-releases took me 3393 attempts, which was more than 28 hours.

Good luck.
I've got Dural Gold on December 24th. I bought a Caramel and pressed A (or X on PS4) before button show up. But it seems I just was lucky.

But if not you have a chance in Shenmue 2. I think it's more easier to get cause you can have a lot of money. I've got Dural Gold a couple times from Virtua Fighter toys machine near Blue Dragon Garden in Kowloon. But I did it on PS4 version I don't know how it works on Dreamcast.
I got it randomly once at the VF machine by Jiminez on Worker's pier, many times (probably every save file--no joke) at the arcade's VF2 machine. I'd prefer to have already before leaving Japan, so I can win a duplicate easier in HK and only worry about Kids Dural C, but if I don't then no big deal. Pine Game VF2 is a literal gold mine. PUN INTENDED.
Yeah, if all you're interested in is Dural Gold and don't care which game you get it in, it's much, much easier to get it in Shenmue II.

I've even won it directly from a winning can before; you can also win it the same way from any of the stores in Wan Chai, they can be found in the VF2 capsule toy machines, the Dural Room in Thousand White Bldg. offers it as a prize, and if you're picking up the move scrolls anyway, the secret stand on Dragon St. replaces the move scrolls with Dural Golds once you've won both move scrolls.
Gathering a bunch of winning cans and throwing them on Abe's counter is definaltey the way to go.
I did it with a stack of 10 and it still took ages to do this with the over 2200 tickets I had to draw.
Yeah, if all you're interested in is Dural Gold and don't care which game you get it in, it's much, much easier to get it in Shenmue II.

I've even won it directly from a winning can before; you can also win it the same way from any of the stores in Wan Chai, they can be found in the VF2 capsule toy machines, the Dural Room in Thousand White Bldg. offers it as a prize, and if you're picking up the move scrolls anyway, the secret stand on Dragon St. replaces the move scrolls with Dural Golds once you've won both move scrolls.

I would prefer to get the toy in Shenmue 1 and then go on from there. Am I missing something? Can I transfer the toy from 2 to 1?

Appreciate the help so far. All tips can go a long way.
I would prefer to get the toy in Shenmue 1 and then go on from there. Am I missing something? Can I transfer the toy from 2 to 1?

You can only transfer from 1 to 2, not backwards. I was just saying that if you don't care which game you get it in, it's infinitely easier in 2.
Yeah, its so much easier to get it in 2. Still took me a while, but at least money is no issue in 2. I spent so much money in 1 trying to get some of those dam toys...