Do you think there is any chance Sega will give YSNET permission to use his old AM2 games?

Feb 3, 2019
Sydney Australia
Favourite title
Shenmue II
Currently playing
Tekken 7 (always Tekken 7)
Do you think there is any chance that Sega will give YSNET permission to use some of his old AM2 games? Do you think there is a chance we will see the likes of Outrun, Space Harrier or Hang On in Shenmue III? At this point, would it really be any loss to Sega considering they're packing those games into every Yakuza release as of late?

I think it would be kind of a cool notion for them to do. It'd be a good will thing for Sega to do. But yeah, think there is any chance for that?

Or are you happy with the basic QTE games? So long as they give me more Lucky Hit then I'll be happy with whatever they give us.
It's within the realm of possibility, but as for how likely...? Sega has already made an unusual arrangement with YsNet, allowing the use of the Shenmue IP and assets. Use of other Sega IP would also have to be negotiated, and considering that Shenmue III is on a tight budget, it might not have been deemed cost effective to pay for the rights to other Sega games. Personally, of course I'd love to play many of Yu Suzuki's arcade games within Shenmue III, but I don't think it's likely.
Honestly, I play darts and Excite QTE most of them all anyway. So, to keep costs down--as Zoyous mentioned--I'd not be surprised or disappointed if they're not there. Then again, if they are, or added later, I'm all for them.
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It would be nice if we saw the reappearance of Yu's classics in Shenmue 3 but I don't think it will happen beyond Darts, Excite QTE and QTE Title. Budget would come into it and also SEGA's willingness to let it happen I suppose. More than happy to be proven wrong given they have let Yu use all the old assests etc.
Would be kind of them, and Yu and company are trying, but we shall see.
Initially, I misinterpreted the thread title, convincedn it'd bea great idea for YS to make Outrun 3 or VF6 after done with Shenmue 3/4/5.
It'd be cool, but I won't be disappointed if they aren't there. Contemporary arcade games make less sense in the middle of China, but then again, I don't really care if the game isn't 100% realistic. I was fine with Ryo owning a Saturn, Shenhua chocolate bars etc. They should focus on what's fun.

I'd be more interested in new takes on old mini-games. For example, a version of Excite QTE that is more involved and not so...mindless. Also, I love Shenmue darts but it's mainly because of the music. The actual mini-game could be more active and skill-based.
I’d worry it would add more cost to the project.
Now, I don’t think it unlikely he might have had a few of his own small ideas or projects over the last two decades that could surface as “new” arcade games.
Seeing a Sonic capsule toy poster in the ferry screenshot would have skyrocketed the odds. Too bad because Power Drift would have been the logical addition.
Even if they were, its not realistic of the time period and setting, so I hope not to be honest.
Yeah, it’s not exactly novel anymore anyway. Yakuza’s been doing it for years now.
Besides agreeing with Peter regarding the realism of it all, I also have to admit that, speaking only for myself, some of the novelty wore off.
In 2000 I had never played Outrun before and was happy to do so; in subsequent playthroughs I mainly tend to play darts or Lucky Hit. On my recent SII run, I played the AM2 games only for a complete collection.

If anything, I'd rather they focus on new mini-games (my kingdom for a full pool game).
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Funnily enough, ive never really thought about it from that point of view, until you guys mentioned it, but it's actually very true. For it's time, it really was a novelty. Something barely seen before, and certainly not packaged up in the way Shenmue had it. Visiting an in-game arcade, playing old arcade games in full... It was one of the first images I ever seen of the game, and it really blew my mind.

But then, as you say, its been done plenty of times now, including in the Yakuza games, so it has lost its charm a bit. It's not novel anymore at all. It would be a distraction at best, but with the likes of lucky hit and other games, I doubt I would spend much time on them. I barely played Afterburner II in Shenmue 2, not because of it's location (I could easily have saved the game), but because I just have no interest for it in the grand scheme of things. I play it once in a run just because...
Even if they were, its not realistic of the time period and setting, so I hope not to be honest.
Yep, I haven't wanted contemporary SEGA arcade games in Shenmue III since the beginning. It just doesn't make sense for the location. I think something like an old beaten up pinball machine would make more sense for rural China than cutting edge arcade machines.
I think something like an old beaten up pinball machine would make more sense for rural China than cutting edge arcade machines.

Yu Suzuki did confirm that pinball will be one of the new minigames.

However, as for the "it's not novel anymore" angle when it comes to arcade games within Shenmue... True, but it's still fun! Count me in for re-treading old ground if it comes to including games within games. :D

I would love to keep playing classic Yu Suzuki arcade games, and there are still a few that haven't been officially emulated either in Shenmue or in many other places. Also, it would be great from the collection minigame point of view to have a Sega Master System and Ryo can collect and play the games. Do I seriously expect that? No, not at all, but it would be so fun. I say that as someone sitting next to shelves full of actual Sega Master System games, so yes, I realize I am crazy. Joyously Sega crazy!
Courtesy of ShenGCH's meticulous thread:
I remember pinball being mentioned in one of the Gamescom 2017 interviews, but the actual source interview isn't listed there.

I'm trying to dig it up. What's important is whether Yu said it, or if it was some conjecture from the author after misremembering/fudging a detail of what they saw in the extended Gamescom video.