Favourite SEGA Games?

Feb 3, 2019
Sydney Australia
Favourite title
Shenmue II
Currently playing
Tekken 7 (always Tekken 7)
I’ve been thinking. Everyone here is probably both a fan of SEGA and Shenmue, right? Lately, I’ve been playing a fair few SEGA classics and it got me to thinking about some of my favourite SEGA franchises and games from said franchises. So it got me thinking, what are some of your favourite SEGA games?

I'll go first

Outrun (Arcade/Mega Drive) -- The definition of cool. Just you, your girl and a Ferrari cruising down the ever changing highways of America. I mostly played the Mega Drive port as a kid. Was a solid port. Sure, it couldn't live up the excellence that was the Arcade board, but a solid port none the less. Always loved Outrun. It's sheer simplicity at its most addictive best (something that I think SEGA always excelled at)

Space Harrier (Arcade) -- I have to admit, I never played Space Harrier until Shenmue. Never had a Space Harrier cabinet at any local arcades and I never actually played it until the Yu Arcade in Shenmue. But boy did I waste many in game hours on it. Fell in love with the concept immediately. Thanks Shenmue for exposing me to a classic.

Sonic CD (Mega CD) -- Still my favourite Sonic game to date. I love the Past, Present and Future time travel aspect it has. Being able to flick between different variants of the one stage was a neat way to show off what the Sega CD hardware could do. Also, it's just a really fun Sonic game and is still my favourite Sonic game (fantastic soundtrack as well)

Yakuza (The Entire Franchise -- I can't pick one, I love 'em all) -- I tried picking one. I really did...but I just couldn't do it. I kind of love all of these games. It was a matter of do I pick the first game for its importance in launching the franchise or do I pick Yakuza 0 since it's the one that finally got it going in the West? Or do I pick my favourite of the series (which I think might be Yakuza 3 for me)? But in the end, I couldn't pick just one. I love the entire franchise. It's one of the best things SEGA is doing at the moment. Hence I give the whole franchise a nod.

Crazy Taxi (Dreamcast/Arcade) -- I'm a sucker for score attack games. Crazy Taxi fills that itch. Powering down the hills of San Fran has never been more fun than it was in this game. Packed with the adrenaline filled 90's soundtrack of Offspring and Bad Religion, it just has a fun vibrant energy to it that never ceases to bore me. I can pick that game up today and still get hours of enjoyment out of it like I did the first time I fired it up in my Dreamcast. Again, simple concept but a true time sink. Learning how to power slide, dash and the best routes was all part of the charm. It's Sega at its best and is the ultimate Escort game.

Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master (Mega Drive) -- Brilliant game. Sank many hours into it as a kid. Don't regret it. This, Sonic CD, Streets of Rage II, NBA Jam, Street Fighter 2 and Mortal Kombat II were the few games that saw heavy rotation on the Mega Drive. I would kill for a Shinobi reboot. What better time than now given Sekiro and the upcoming Ghost of Tsushima?

Panzer Dragoon Saga (Sega Saturn) -- Not a very long RPG, but a damn fine RPG none the less. One of those games that really pushes the Saturn quite hard as well. Brilliant game and I kind of even like the fact that after all these years you still have to find an actual Saturn and a decent copy of it to actually play it. I know, I know, I would love for them to port it to other systems simply for archival purposes, but I kind of also like the fact that it's still a game you need to pick up a Saturn for (or at least get an emulator)

Jet Set Radio (Sega Dreamcast) -- A wonderful score attack/platformer that once again shows SEGA at their best. Taking simple concepts but making them fun and challenging to master. Also, the soundtrack and cell shaded look are killer. I know many people love to point out that Jet Set Radio Future is the better game, but I disagree. I still much prefer the original game. It's not just the Dreamcast factor, it's more so the challenge factor. It's a really challenging game to learn the best lines to grind and how to attack the levels properly...I felt Future didn't have that same challenge. Future is a cool game but I really like the challenge of the original game so much more.

Virtua Fighter 2 (Sega Saturn/Arcade) -- Technically VF4 and VF5 are superior games, but my heart remains with Virtua Fighter 2. Always has, always will. I pumped many dollar coins into the VF2 arcade machine at my local arcade. I was absolutely obsessed with this game as a kid. As a kid, the furthest I made it on the Arcade machine was Jeffery...I could never get past Jeffery and his fucking power bomb spam. Now days I've beaten the game many times over. But yeah, I spent so much money on this one arcade machine as a kid. I love this game through and through and it will forever be the definitive VF game (for me at least; even though I know objectively VF5 is far superior in every way)

Daytona USA (Sega Saturn/Arcade) - DAAAAAAYYYYYYYTOOONNNAAA! Let's go away! (need I say more?)

Nights Into Dreams (Sega Saturn) - I'm a sucker for score attack games; see my love of many Sega games or the Tony Hawk franchise for example. Nights is a perfect blend of 2.5D platformer and score attack game. I first played Nights when I finally got my hands on a used Sega Saturn in 2005 (I never had a Sega Saturn as a kid even though I wanted one desperately). At first I didn't really understand it and tossed it aside because I didn't quite get it. But then I came back to it and started learning how it worked, and soon enough I fell head over heels in love with it. I could never get A ranks for every stage though. The closest I came was three stages of the eight in the game. I also just love how wonderfully trippy and surreal that game is. It's a real marvel to look at and a perfect showcase of how best to use the Sega Saturn hardware for 3D. And to think Burning Rangers would come shortly after and blow us away even more.

Shenmue 1 and 2 (Sega Dreamcast) -- I can't pick between the two. They both might as well just be one game to me. In fact, that is how I feel about the entire franchise. It's just one long game that has yet to see its ending. It all just runs into one another. A true masterpiece...we all know this. It's the reason we're all here to begin with. We know and at this point I'm just preaching to the choir here so lets move on...

Virtua Cop 2 (Arcade) -- Much like Virtua Fighter 2, this is another game I dumped so much coinage into as a kid. Aiming for justice shots was so much damn fun.

Die Hard Arcade (or Dynamite Dekka as known in Japan) (Arcade) -- I've always had a love for side scrolling beat 'em ups. Dynamite Dekka was a really solid attempt at bringing that style of game into 3D (probably the best attempt of the bunch at the time -- now days I think that honour belongs to Yakuza instead)...I loved this game. This was one of the games that made me want a Sega Saturn over a PlayStation at the time. My parents ultimately went with the PlayStation as they saw the writing on the wall for the Saturn (when stores were fire selling, my parents knew there wasn't much point in buying one over a console that still had life in it), but oh well. I don't regret getting a PlayStation at the time, but this along with Virtua Fighter 2 were two of the games that really made me want a Sega Saturn over a PlayStation at the time.

Streets of Rage II (Mega Drive) -- Probably my favourite game on the Mega Drive. Bar none. The defining Sega Mega Drive game for me. Still have my original cartridge on the shelf. I will never let that game go. Never.

And this is only scratching the surface as there are SOOOO many Sega games out there to choose from. I haven't even mentioned the likes of Phantasy Star or the countless untranslated SEGA games that I have yet to play such as Sakura Wars (I know there is a translation recently released for it) or the wonderful looking sim/RPG SEGAGAGA (which I still really want to play but am waiting for someone to finish translating it)

How about you guys? What are some of your faves and why?
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Virtua Fighter 3
I know 2, 4 and 5 are better, but it was the first time I saw "realistic" human characters in a video game, also the fighting areas and watching it in a Megalo 2. A live definer game for me

What can I say, it was the first game I played from dusk till dawn. The first one is my favourite game ever (tide with SMB3)

Sonic 2 / Sonic Mania
I love Sonic 1 when a friend of my father lend us his MegaDrive, but when I got mine it was because Sonic 2. I have completed all main 2D Sonic and this one is perfect for me. Sonic 3 was butchrered, also I got stuck in Carnival Night, so 2 for me

Golden Axe II
I know is almost a expansion, but it is a pretty good one. Also one of my favourite MegaDrive soundtracks. I think it is under rated just because it was not first released in Arcades. Unpopular opinion: I hate III and I don't get the appeal in Revenge of Death Adder, but I would buy it if released in Sega Ages series.

Favourite racing game ever. Period. Closely followed by OutRun 2. Also, one of the best video game soundtrack ever created.

Streets of Rage
I know II is better, but I love the game back in the day, the whole cops help, the soundtrack etc

Yakuza 6
I have only played Zero, Kiwami, Kiwami 2 and 6, but Onomichi, Today is a Diamond and the Kiryu only focused story is my main reason. I know that a lot of fans hate it, but Onomichi is the closest thing to Yokosuka...

Honourable mentions
Sega Rally
Fighters Megamix
Daytona USA
Alex Kidd in Miracle World
Revenge of Shinobi
Shadow Dancer
Bayonetta 2
Crazy Taxi
Virtua Tennis 2
I was not raised in a Sega household(Ninty family) so it took me a while to finally get acquainted with their IPs once I was older. But I did experience a bit of Sega hardware's offering through my cousins who had a pretty decent library.

That said, in no particular order off the top of my head:

Sonic 1-3
Space harrier
Shining Series
Golden Axe
House of the Dead
Phantasy Stars 1-4/PSU
Skies of Arcadia
Sakura Wars V
Space Channel 5
Chu Chu rocket

That's all I can call atm, the rest I sort of remember were third party fillers.
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I actually haven’t played much of Sega anything outside of Sonic, Shenmue, and Yakuza, and all pretty late in each series. Only Sega console I had was a Dreamcast, and that was probably after they’d stopped making or selling them lol

From those I’ve played, though, well, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle was my first Sonic game, so I have some fond memories of it as well as DX despite it being way more jank. I did initially enjoy stuff that came after like Heroes and Shadow and even Secret Rings, but find they don’t hold up as well unfortunately. I’m not a huge fan of the older games either outside Sonic 3. Guess I’m just no good at them.

Yakuza I’ve gone over, but after playing so many it’s a bit difficult to pick a favorite when so many are so similar. I think I’ve enjoyed 6 the most, or Ishin, but I have yet to actually finish half these games.

Shenmue all feel pretty similar, not a bad thing because it’s good to have some consistency in a long running story. Overall I think the first is my favorite of the three just because most of it seems to flow pretty naturally and there’s no real long boring sections imo.

Lastly I suppose there’s Jet Set Radio, which I played for the first time on the 360. Hard to get into at first until I used to how the momentum and tricks worked. This one might be my overall favorite out of these just for the style and soundtrack and level design,not to mention charm. Have wondered whether I should get an original Xbox to play Future, but have been hoping they’d just rerelease it instead.
I just need to look at my leg lol:

Series: Golden Axe
Favourite Game: Golden Axe

The VERY first videogame I ever played in my life. 2 was a major disappointment for me (even though it is still a good game) and 3 is absolutely awesome. RoDA I REALLY want to play, but it is so damn hard to find a cabinet in the wild. I also really like Golden Axe: The Duel and feel it is highly underappreciated.

I have 1cc'd GA about 13 times or so, beaten it a ton more.
I beat GA2 once and then gave it to a buddy lol.

Series: Alex Kidd
Favourite Game: Enchanted Castle

Another highly underappreciated game, I can't believe the terrible reviews it has (always) gotten. I find it significantly more fun and engaging (AND less repetitive) than any Mario game and there is a great challenge in each of the levels (save for Rookietown). Miracle World is absolutely awesome, Shinobi is too (I finally learned how to get past the bricks in the first level, but haven't had a chance to try it out), Lost Stars is fun and good and High Tech World is just beyond bizzare. I will (hopefully) be getting BMX Trial soon (with paddle controller), so that I can complete the collection, but it's nearly $200.00.

I have 1 cc'd EC just once, beaten it a ton more.
I have beaten LS just once.
I have beaten HTW just once.

Series: Phantasy Star
Favourite Game: IV

I mean, everyone loves IV lol. It truly is a transcendent, absolute masterpiece of a game and it has just fantastic characters, locations, plots (yes, multiple) and it is just one of Sega's 3 best RPGs ever made. Absolutely adore PS and it has (always) been my vote for the best SMS game, II is a very underwhelming, frustrating and not stellar game, III is a ton of fun, even if it isn't the best and Online is absolutely not my cup of tea, though it is a good game. I also have the GG game, though I've never played it (really should get around to that lol).

I have beaten all of the games once, in the mainline series.

Series: Sonic The Hedgehog
Favourite Game: 3 & Knux or Flicky

I am actually NOT a Sonic fan, to be honest with you (the only mainline Sonic-related thing I have tattooed on my leg, is a single ring), as I never grew up with 1 (grew up with 2) and when I first played 3, it took an absolute shit on 2 (save for multiplayer). When locked on with Knuckles (my favourite character in the series), it is yet another transcendent, masterpiece of a game. The adventure games are fantastic too, as well as CD, but I'm not a huge fan of them, compared to 3 & Knux.

I have beaten 1 once.
I have beaten 2, 3 times.
I have beaten 3 dozens, if not over 100 times, with many different configurations of characters and emeralds (and I was stuck on the sphere in Carnival Night Zone for 3 years :mad::mad:).
I have beaten CD once.
I have beaten Chaotix once.
I have beaten SA once.
I have beaten SA2 once. (stuck on the same part for 4 years :mad:)

Flicky would be my favourite Sonic-related title and I adore it to death. It is so simplistic, yet difficult, I always have a phenomenal time playing it. Also own it for the SG-1000.

I have beaten it twice.

Series: Hang On
Favourite Game: SHO

I love all the games in the series, on each platform I've played them on, but SHO is the one that does it for me; it is my favourite Sega Racer, after a game below and I remember loving this in the arcade as well. Super music and love the Original mode on the Genesis!

I have beaten Hang-On once.
I have beaten SHO once and 3 of the 4 Arcade mode tracks (haven't gotten Europe done).

Series: Virtua Fighter
Favourite Game: 1 or Megamix

My first Saturn game and the one I've probably spent the most time on; it plays SO WELL!!! And still to this day, don't care about the looks of the game, because I love playing best of 9 round matches, listening to the awesome soundtrack. 2 is the best game in the series and one of the best fighting games ever made; another transcendent masterpiece. Love 3, tons of fun and it looks superb. Only ever played 5 on the Yakuza titles, but it too is great. Fighting Vipers is a fantastic addition and I always have a blast when playing it, as well as FV2. Megamix is just a brilliant piece of fanservice and I so wish that Sega could do another like it again.

I have beaten them all a ton of times

Series: Panzer Dragoon
Favourite Game: PDS

Incredible bunch of games, among the Saturn's best! PD is a bunch of fun, but rough. Wonderful soundtrack. PDZ tugs at your heartstrings and it another fantastic game, a completely improvement over the first. PDS though, is yet another Transcendent Masterpiece. A phenomenal RPG from top to bottom (save for maybe replay), it is one of the most enjoyable experiences I have ever had playing a video game. It is also one of the three best RPGs Sega has ever made. I may break it out again, this year (we'll see). Have never played Orta or Mini.

I have beaten all 3 mainline titles, once.

Before I get to my favourite 2 series, I want to highlight a few of the one-offs.

Honoo no Doukyuji: Dodge Danpei

Based off of my favourite anime ever, I have sunk hundreds of hours into this game. I truly think a dodgeball game series would sell like hotcakes and with this game as a (primitive) blueprint, I definitely think it could work. Great graphics, fun gameplay and follows the anime quite accurately.

I have beaten it dozens, if not hundreds of time.

Formula One World Championship: Beyond the Limit

I've mentioned it in many past lists. It is a super well-put-together Racing game (which uses the Super Monaco GP engine, I believe) and it is a treat for any major F1 fan.

I have beaten it dozens of times.

Last Bronx

The forgotten Sega fighter, it is another superb game with a fairly decent story as well. Great soundtrack, hilariously-cheesy tie-in feature film and I really want to crack open that fan disc, but I don't speak Japanese :(.

I have beaten it dozens of times.

Magic Knight Rayearth

This got me into the fantastic anime and it is an incredible game, aided by the Working Designs Translation (I feel). So much fun, so many laughs, a phenomenal soundtrack and it looks gorgeous! Also quite in-line with the anime (though I feel it is even closer to the manga).

I have beaten it once.

Skies of Arcadia

The final of Sega's 3 best RPGs, such brilliant characters in a fantastic world, this too is a transcendent game, arguably one of the best RPGs ever; anything Rieko Kodama touches turns to gold! I really should give this another play and hopefully it doesn't take me 5 hours to beat Ramirez again...

I have beaten it once.

Series: Yakuza/Ryu ga Gotoku
Favourite Game: 3

After Shenmue, IMO, the greatest series Sega has ever created and 3 is just a phenomenal title. Brilliant work is put in by everyone involved and I truly love each game to pieces... save for 2 and 4. 3, 5, Ishin!, 0, 6 and Judge Eyes are the standouts in the series and each is work of art; elite games that surely, Sega is proud of. 3 is just a magical ride from beginning to end; it has emotion without shoehorning a love interest, it has suspense without pulling 50 twists in 2 minutes and the characters are just incredible.

I have beaten 1 once (Kiwami once).
I have beaten 2 once (Kiwami 2 once).
I have beaten Kenzan! once.
I have beaten 3, three times.
I have beaten Kurohyo once.
I have beaten 4 twice.
I have beaten Kurohyo 2 once.
I have beaten Dead Souls twice.
I have beaten 5, three times.
I have beaten Ishin! twice.
I have beaten 0 twice.
I have beaten 6 twice.
I have beaten Hokuto ga Gotoku once.
I have beaten Judge Eyes once.

Series: Shenmue
Favourite Game: Shenmue II

We don't need to talk about it, as we already know. I still contend the II is the greatest videogame ever made and is the most transcendent of masterpieces.

I have beaten What's Shenmue? 7 times.
I have beaten Shenmue 11 times (1 HD once).
I have beaten Shenmue II 11 times (II HD once).
I have beaten Shenmue III once.

As you can see, I have spent a ton of time, replaying my absolute favourites, though I do need to get back to some of the games I've only beaten once.

Sorry for the essay.
Other than Shenmue

Yakuza series: I’ll admit this is the game I mostly played to scratch my Shenmue itch, but I’ve come to appreciate it for its unique distinctions.

Initial D: I’m a huge fan of the anime and Eurobeat, and I think this arcade series does a great job of capturing the spirit of the original series and yet appeal to racing game fans.

Virtua Fighter series: I’ll admit I wasn’t fond of it at first because it didn’t have fireballs, but I came to appreciate it for wanting to be realistic and it’s now one of my favorite 3D fighters

Panzer Dragoon: While it’s not a Suzuki series who loved to make on-rails shooters, this series took the genre to new creative heights that have yet to be emulated.

Rescue Heroes: It’s a firefighting game for the arcade. I enjoyed putting out fires with arcade hoses.
Big time Sega fanboy goes nuts with the name drops:

My fave game of all time is Space Harrier. I never get bored of it. Never tire of it. Love and live every glorious pixel. The speech. The premise. The graphics. The simple yet challenging action. The Sega Ages version on Switch and the 3DS version are my favourite modern iterations.

Defenders Of Oasis is a Game Gear RPG that I absolutely enjoyed wholeheartedly. The GG experience as a whole gave me so much pleasure and fun. Along with the Sega Nomad I describe the GG as a 90's Switch. I won't side track too much but you can use the GG TV Tuner as a screen for a console if you have the right cables. Back to Defenders: A great RPG for its time. I recommend playing it on your phone emulator of choice.

Last Survivor on FM Towns: CRI for the most part did great ports and this is right up there. I only ever emulated this. I came so close to owning an FM Towns Marty but when I booted it up it was FUBAR. Couldn't repair it. I was devastated. Last Survivor is bitter sweet because I nearly played it legit. Deep sigh and back to emulation for me...

Clockwork Knight 1 and 2 on Saturn: A great platformer that wasn't Sonic. Everything about it holds up today. My experience was nothing but pleasure. Occasionally frustrating but never annoying, my only criticism is they butchered it into two games.

I'm sure there's more but can't think off the top of my head right now.
I love Sega and I'm actively collecting games for all their consoles. My top favourites would probably be

Sonic (loved Sonic as a kid, and Sonic 2 continues to be my favourite platformer ever)
Shinobi (The Revenge of Shinobi is my favourite, but Shadow Dancer gets honourable mention)
Phantasy Star (Didn't play these at the time, but now have them through Sega's compilation releases)
Out Run (Playing the original on Sega Saturn is a great way to relax. I also love Coast 2 Coast on PS2)
Panzer Dragoon (Perhaps the best game series on Sega Saturn)
Sega Rally (If Out Run is my favourite acrade driving game, Sega Rally comes second)
Streets of Rage (My favourite beat 'em ups. Great memories from playing the first one with my friends after school as a kid.)
Virtua Fighter (My introduction to the series was the 2D version on Sega Megadrive, but I then got the proper versions on Saturn as well)

Yakuza (My favourite modern game series. I've been playing them since the PS2 days.)
Valkyria Chronicles (Criminally underrated series. I'm glad Sega gave it another chance with Valkyria Chronicles 4.)
Super Monkey Ball (The first one for Gamecube is awesome. Others are okay.)

And of course: Shenmue (My all time favourite game series.)
I'm a collector and I have to say of all the companies that produce games it's Sega that have the most intrigue/variety/cleverness.

Golden Axe Warrior on Mastersystem is basically Zelda but on a Sega console. I really enjoyed it but if your not a Zelda fan then GAW is not really for you.

I'm off to bed now lol... Keep wanting to type more lol
I love Sega and I'm actively collecting games for all their consoles.

Do you have an SG-1000? :D

I won't side track too much but you can use the GG TV Tuner as a screen for a console if you have the right cables.

Whoa, whoa...

Does that mean I can use a capture device and capture GG gameplay? What cables?!?!?!?!?! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
I hear you loud and clear ;)

I got lucky and got a mint (still in original, mint box!) SG-1000 V.1 in 2008 for a good price... and it was just as rare back then too.

I wish you nothing but the best in adding to your collection :D
I want an SG1000 and SC3000 except I have a wife and kids. I'm still in negotiations with the better half on this lol.

Ok so this one is mainly for Truck: -
GG TV Tuner just makes GG screen a TV. The RF/Analogue signal is now dead but you can still connect to TV's with RGB - You need 3.5in jack to RGB cables. There is an AUX input in the tuner. So unless there is something I am missing then it can only be used as a screen. Actual capture I am assuming is therefore not possible (If it is I am guessing quality would be bad). Hoping someone else may chime in here and elaborate on this.

This is seriously not a plug and there are much better videos on the subject but if you search for me on YouTube and look at my very old GG vids you'll see I do a quick/stupid vid on using the GG as a console screen. The quality on both vid and GG is bad but there you go. Laugh at my pathetic attempts at YT.

Pro tip for folks who are interesting in SG1000 gaming on 'semi' legit hardware (aka Either the GG or SMS): If you have an Everdrive GG/SMS they have the SG1000 mappers built in. So long as you can get the game ROM's you can play SG1000 games with correct resolution and colour. Best bit about this is that the Sega Mastersystem revision that removed the SG1000/card functionality (Think its literally called Mastersystem II but don't quote me) won't load SG1000 games - This is not the case as the Mastersystem is an 'upgrade' of the SG1000 (Hence Mark III in Japan) therefore any SG1000 ROM's played through Everdrive will play correctly provided the mappers are in place (Old ED's need the mappers to be flashed on, this is easy, just a download and option select from the ED menu.).

To be fair to Truck and others I am guessing you already know this but might be useful for folk just getting into console collecting.

For me I use GG a lot and I can play SG1000 games quite happily on the tiny screen. The downside is the resolution makes text/characters quite small. Otherwise its all good. You can to some degree play SC3000 roms in the sense that they do boot and 'work' but of course no keyboard etc.

I like to use the Everdrives I do have in annoyingly and fun ways. For example you can boot Sega CD BIOS from an Everdrive connected to a Nomad. Its stupid but it works.

SG1000 really is something though. Wonderboy/Bomb Jack/Flicky are great ports for the hardware. Dragon Wang had the funniest name ever. Turns out it's quite a good game too.

I won't bore you guys with the SG1000 / MSX connection yet. Save this for another reply lol.
Ugh, after your description, I went back to your original post and I completely misunderstood what you wrote; my apologies to make you write out so much :(.

I finally got my CRT so I will hook up the SG-1000 (it's at my parents' house) and see if I can get a signal (should be able to). Think it has to be on channel 96 or something.
Sonic 3 & Knuckles - In my opinion, this is where 2D Sonic hit his pinnacle and has not moved past it since. This game expands on everything from the world to the lore. I really hope Hyper Sonic and the Super Emeralds make a comeback someday.

Sonic Adventure Series - In my opinion, the Adventure series is the highlight of 3D Sonic’s life. While I prefer Adventure 2 for the refinement to its gameplay, I appreciate the well told story from both games and the depth of the content contained within. The transition of high momentum platforming in 2D to 3D was handled well and actually has a moderately decent skill ceiling. All one needs to do is to take a look at this video to show why I prefer the Adventure style of gameplay over the contemporary Boost gameplay.

Phantasy Star I-III - I am not a fan of MMO’s, so I have not gotten into Phantasy Star Online. However the dark science fantasy that this series started out as is really engaging. The gameplay might be primitive by modern standards, but its fantastic.

Space Harrier - There is something just so addicting about dodging fast obstacles and blowing up aliens all around you. I used to play this game a lot as a kid and even to this day, I still have not beaten it. So nowadays, I simply just try to beat my best score and take satisfaction in that. Out of all the arcade games in Shenmue and Ryu ga Gotoku, this is the one I played the most.

The Shenmue Series - It’s Shenmue. Do I really need to explain?

The Ryu Ga Gotoku Series - I enjoy how this series can mix a gritty crime noir with absolute silliness and make it work. The games are rich with personality and enough gameplay content to keep you busy. While I am definitely a bigger fan of some entries more than others, I still enjoy the series as a whole. Also I appreciate that while the games can become redundant, they always offer enough new content (in terms of gameplay or story) to keep me coming back for more.

The Virtua Fighter Series - A vastly under appreciated series in the modern era of fighting games. Asking me to chose one is not possible because each game has either a historical significance (like Virtua Fighter One being the first 3D fighting game in existence), or raises the standards for which other fighting games have to live up to. For example, I still have not seen a fighting game with a more in-depth training system than Virtua Fighter IV Evolution. Every game in this series just keeps refining itself and still stands on top when it comes to depth and balance; the two most important elements in a fighting game in my opinion.

Valkyria Chronicles - A well crafted war based strategy role playing game. The story and characters are engaging and well written that you develop a strong emotional connection to.

Golden Axe - Long before there were beat em ups with depth like Devil May Cry or Bayonetta there was Golden Axe. The game was challenging but fun.

Skies of Arcadia - Fun ship battles, the simple fun of discovering unknown islands, whimsical music, and fun characters make this game a real joy to play. Even today, this game is a unique and creative endeavor which showed SEGA at their absolute best. My only criticism is that the encounter rate is ridiculously high even for a JRPG but other than that, I really hope to get a sequel one day.
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I'm a collector and I have to say of all the companies that produce games it's Sega that have the most intrigue/variety/cleverness.
Yeah, I strongly feel that when Sega was in the console business they had the strongest first-party line-up of games. Nintendo has their big well known IPs, but the scope and variety of titles Sega put out in their glory days is simply unmatched. They made pretty much every type of game imaginable and did them well.

It's a pity this was never matched with as strong third-party support as Nintendo and later Sony enjoyed on their consoles.