Hands on: Shenmue 3 Review - By Trusted Reviews

Jul 27, 2018
The long awaited third chapter in Yu Suzuki's beloved series is coming later this year - and we had a chance to go hands-on at E3 2019.
by : Jade King

First Impressions
It’s clear that YSNet is trying desperately to create Shenmue 3 on a lacking budget, failing to truly deliver on the vision they hoped to present so many years ago. It’s a grand, ambitious effort that I’m keen to see come to fruition, but nothing I’ve seen here paints a pretty picture.

Key Specifications
  • Review Price: £49.99
  • Platforms: PS4, PC (Epic Store exclusive)
  • Genre: Adventure
  • Developer: YS Net
  • Release Date: November 19, 2019
The moment when Shenmue 3 was finally announced to the world will forever be etched into my mind. Yu Suzuki’s ill-fated ambition was finally going to be finished, although fans would have to contribute millions and front the bill to make the journey a reality. Now, it’s almost here, with E3 2019 offering one of the very first opportunities to go hands-on with the upcoming narrative adventure.
Sadly, it’s undeniably rough around the edges, seemingly put together with a shoestring budget that seldom feels like it belongs in this generation. Yu Suzuki evidently has one specific experience in mind for Shenmue 3, and it’s one that happily maintains all the qualities of its predecessors, and that includes all the negatives.

Ryo Hazuki is a slow, prodding protagonist with a stylish jacket and tight-fitting jeans, determined to find the man who killed his father and bring him to justice. The original plan was to tell Shenmue’s epic story across multiple games, but its troubled creation, extraordinary budget and relatively obscure game design kept it in the realms of obscurity.
I can’t help but admire what Shenmue 3 is going for, trying it’s very best to continue a story that started so many years ago despite the odds being set against it. But having spend 15 minutes with the game, I’m not impressed.


Forklifts are back, baby! It’s time for some manual labour

My timed demo of Shenmue 3 begins with Ryo Hazuki and Shenhua Ling walking across a bridge into a small village, laying out their plans to find a man with a scar on his face known as ‘The Bookie.’ From the first line of dialogue it’s clear this is Shenmue, lines delivered with an identical monotone awkwardness as our two heroes stare dead-eyed at one another. It’s almost unsettling, and does not look good. Well, their hair is kinda nice I suppose.

Once our plan is set in motion, I’m given free reign to explore the village. A shop is located right in front of me, so I step forward and try the capsule machines sitting outside. Just like the old games, Ryo kneels down, twists the dial and inspects the prize that pops out. Mine was a miniature tennis racket, which he doesn’t seem to be impressed with. This whole process takes forever, and that was fun, and potentially groundbreaking, twenty years ago, but now it’s slow and frustrating.

You could also opt to chop firewood outside the shop, one of many everyday activities in Shenmue 3 that attempt to make it feel like a living, breathing world. There were side-activities I didn’t have time to try, such as practicing stances at the Dojo or idly chattin away with villagers. Down by the river I found local merchants offering me the chance to compete in Lucky Hit and Turtle Races, the latter forcing me to press buttons as fast as possible for far too long. By the end my hands hurt, but at least I had some pennies to show for it.


You’ll find plenty of quirky characters throughout Shenmue 3 – many of which have the same face

After failing hard at the village attractions and awkwardly flirting with the Lucky Hit girl, I venture back across the bridge to the Village Dojo. This is where I catch my first glimpse at Shenmue 3’s mediocre combat. Much like what came before it, there’s a combo system where stringing together the right button presses will devastate foes, but any feedback to your strikes is non-existent beyond a tiny health bar in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

My opponent looked stiff and uncomfortable, moving strangely from side to side desperately trying to fight back, and when they do every animation is incredibly awkward and stilted. In most combat encounters, you’ll be faced with a brief quick-time event which unleashes a more powerful attack, but you wouldn’t know from how it looked. Eventually I emerged victorious, earning a few levels worth of experience from my time at the Dojo. Now, it was time to face The Bookie.

Within seconds, I joined the other E3 attendees who faced The Bookie’s wrath and didn’t live to tell the tale. The scarred fellow did obscene amounts of damage, cutting down my health bar with vicious blows, but the fight was made tedious when he started ragdolling awkwardly onto the ground after each combo. It made this presumably epic battle into an exercise in comedy, which is a shame since there’s so much potential here.


Our hands-on demo was set during the day, although Shenmue 3’s night sections look gorgeous

Despite my criticisms, Shenmue 3 still has a beloved charm to it. Ryo can pull out his diary with the touch of a button to scan through objectives and catch up on the day’s events, creating a tangible sense of progress outside of bland, complicated menus. The dialogue is bad, voice acting even more so, yet for some, it’s the exact kind of over-the-top silliness they’re hoping for. But if you’re hoping for a major advancement over what came before – this is definitely not it.

First Impressions
It’s clear that YSNet is trying desperately to create Shenmue 3 on a lacking budget, failing to truly deliver on the vision they hoped to present so many years ago. It’s a grand, ambitious effort that I’m keen to see come to fruition, but nothing I’ve seen here paints a pretty picture.

Fans will likely adore the continuation of Ryo Hazuki’s passionate hunt for Longsun Zhao, eating up all the stilted dialogue, quirky minigames and unconventional approach to combat. But for me, this feels like a time capsule from decades past that might’ve been better off staying closed. Guess we’ll find out later this year.

Shenmue 3 trailer

Shenmue 3 release date – when is it coming out?
Following a recent delay, YSNet has confirmed that Shenmue 3 will launch for PS4 and PC as an Epic Games Store exclusive on November 19, 2019.

Source: trustedreviews.com
Yeah, you really can't. We knew right from the get-go that Shenmue III was never going to be for everyone so a review like this every so often is completely fair.
It seems like a newcomers approach to what Shenmue is and what it looks like.
And even though the writing is pretty informal, I can see people thinking just that and doesn't seem like a malicious or unfair take.
Shenmue comes more alive the more time you put in it, sadly many people will not reach that threshold if their first impression isn't that good.
To be fair, a time limited, out of context chunk of Shenmue was never really going to make much sense to a person who's never played it before. Especially when Shenmue is a game your not supposed to rush.

I think newcomers who play the game from the start at their own pace and discover the story flashbacks, mechanics etc. for themselves will have a much better time.
his hands hurt after the turtle races?
Why was he trying so hard lol.
For me with him complaining about the slowness that is shenmue, that sounds good to me.

He does contradict him self for talking about a shoestring budget and then blasting the graphics for not belonging in this generation.

I think he is being little harsh, maybe he didn't want to write the article
It is like reading one of the polite bad reviews of Shenmue I and Shenmue II, and that is a good thing for old time fans such as us.
It's pretty clear that even though Shenmue III is clearly a Shenmue game made on a budget, the soul of Shenmue is very much alive and well. I understand now what Suzuki meant when he said this was going to be for the hardcore fans of the series. There's going to be a lot of people turned off by their impressions of the game, but for me personally this is more than what I could have asked for in a Shenmue game.

I'm just happy to see Shenmue back. The more footage I see from the game, the more I'm falling in love with Shenmue as a series all over again and what it means to me.
5 months is a lot of time for polishing. Huber saying the e3 build was better than the b-roll so I think we're in good shape on release day.
That clearly shows the chasm between casual onlookers and fans of the series (old and new). The review sounds part wanting the game to be what it isn't, part inexperience. It is a very valid review, but of someone not familiar to the series, and will probably reflect in the mainstream reactions to it post release. Any low budgetisms will also augment the negative opinions of people, but I believe that even if Yu had infinite money and tech to do the game people would still complain and not get it.

We need to accept that this won't be a miracle million seller that will bring droves of modern games into the fanbase.

''It’s clear that YSNet is trying desperately to create Shenmue 3 on a lacking budget, failing to truly deliver on the vision they hoped to present so many years ago. It’s a grand, ambitious effort that I’m keen to see come to fruition, but nothing I’ve seen here paints a pretty picture. ''
This guy is a prick. Unfortunately he seems like a child minded moron that forgot to take his daily Call of Duty pills. Shenmue will never cater to people like this, and rightfully so.

But what if he’s just genuinely telling us the truth. Hell I don’t want to hear it at all, but why would he come up with some cock and ball story? What’s he trying to prove and who’s he trying to impress?
But what if he’s just genuinely telling us the truth. Hell I don’t want to hear it at all, but why would he come up with some cock and ball story? What’s he trying to prove and who’s he trying to impress?
From what I've seen of Shenmue III, he's completely full of crap. People like this reviewer are very close minded people. They only care about the "fun" aspect but don't realise that Shenmue is so much more than that.