How immersive do you think Shenmue 3 will be?

Aw come on, bosmers are awesome (I'm like 5"2 so finally identified I guess). Enjoyed trying to be Kahjiit too, but wished I'd be banned from cities which again points to poor immersion... Kowloon feels like home, total immersion there, but suppose the Golden Quarter actually sums up what you'll have in real life Hong Kong. It's the insides of the buildings in Kowloon that does it.

There'll defo be mods for that (one of the best things about Skyrim for me!)

Kowloon like home though? I'd hate to see where you grew up :LOL: Dobuita on the other hand always felt like heading across to Droylsden, unable to make a single trip outside your house without bumping into someone you know. That is immersion to me. Especially when it's pissing it down. I'd almost "feel" how angin it woulda been for Ryo wearing jeans, a leather jacket, and gelled hair in that weather. Been through it enough times to feel a kinship of sorts with the character. Stalking cross-dressers and competing in organised unlicensed street fights though? Not so much.
There'll defo be mods for that (one of the best things about Skyrim for me!)

Kowloon like home though? I'd hate to see where you grew up :LOL: Dobuita on the other hand always felt like heading across to Droylsden, unable to make a single trip outside your house without bumping into someone you know. That is immersion to me. Especially when it's pissing it down. I'd almost "feel" how angin it woulda been for Ryo wearing jeans, a leather jacket, and gelled hair in that weather. Been through it enough times to feel a kinship of sorts with the character. Stalking cross-dressers and competing in organised unlicensed street fights though? Not so much.

Bahahaha! It was high school, just moved from Norway to Hong Kong for two years of weirdly sheltered life (yes we did literally climb the fence to sneak out and go partay).
The rest of HK feels legit except the parts between the harbour and green market, no way you'd find quiet bricked areas like that (my least favorite because of that, it's just fake).

It's just.... the feels. The gritty, the aircons, the people being semirude. Kowloon works like that.
Dobuita is a different kind of life, totally getting the neighboring knowing it all. Loving it.
It's going to be around as big as Shenmue 1.
Since there probably going to be 3 chapters with 3 locations in the game.
Shenmue IV will be a bigger game through like Shenmue II. Probably the biggest game in the series.

I have a feeling that Shenmue IV is going to be the pinnacle game of the entire story. With III expanding "inward" according to YS, I expect a lot of talking and getting to know Shenhua with more Shenmue I comparisons than to II.