How many of you that have kids are excited about introducing them to Shenmue?

Jul 27, 2018
I have a son who was 3 when the first one came out. He loved watching me play and we had a wonderful bonding experience. Now I have a 6 year old daughter who loves to watch and play games and I am SO excited to introduce this to her. Yes, I could have shown her the Dreamcast and Xbox versions that I have, but I've been holding off for this and I'm so glad I am. I cannot wait! Anyone else?
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I don't have kids yet, but when I do I'd probably let them play the games by themselves when they are old enough to understand the mechanics and just watch. I personally love seeing the different reactions to the Shenmue games as it gives me a new perspective on the series that I probably would not get while playing it on my own.
My son is far too young for games but when the time comes I'll let him try anything I have not specifically Shenmue. I certainly won't be disappointed or surprised if he isn't taken with it.

Same with loads of stuff really, I'd love to get him interested in martial arts but equally I'll support anything he takes an interest in.

The exception to this is Star Wars, my hope is that I get to see his face when he finds out what happened to Luke's father. Would break my heart a little if he doesn't give a shit. :tearsofjoy:
My son is 6 months and he loves the music, it helps him sleep. He also enjoys watching me play and likes to smack the buttons on the Dreamcast controller. I really cannot wait to introduce him to the story when he is a little bit older.
My son is 3 so something like Shenmue is way too complex and advanced for him but when the time is right i’m sure i’ll be giving him a nudge in the right direction.
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My son is only 3 months. And with Shenmue 1-2-3 coming out, it will be the first games he is exposed to just out of timing. :)
My daughter is almost 7. She's definitely very interested in Shenmue as she's seen me reading the forums here and watching the live streams some times. In particularly she's interested in Shenhua. I'll share parts of the game with her, but not everything. I think it would be really upsetting to her to see Ryo's father getting killed, knowing how sensitive she is and how bothered she is by "villains" in stories in general. On the other hand I think she'll find the parts where Ryo is walking and talking with Shenhua in Guilin delightful. She always wants to have conversations with characters in games, even if the game doesn't allow it. So I think that part will be really satisfying for her.
I don't have kids but I do have a nephew who has a brown belt in karate and loves video games, including retro titles (his favourite game is Majora's Mask). I've ordered a copy for him and intend to give it at Christmas. Can't wait for him to experience all the epic moments in this series for the first-time.
I tried years ago to get my son into shenmue. He loved watching me play it but maybe he was too young to get into it.

Now that he is older am waiting for the release of 1-2 to reintroduce him and my daughter to it.

I think she will love it, because when she plays games she makes up her own story and dialogue for all the characters that she is interacting with.
I don't have any children but I've managed to persuade my girlfriend to play them when 1 & 2 are re-released. She lives in Norway but she comes over to visit on the day they are released so we'll be playing them through together.