Is Shenmue 2 as good or better than 1?

I think the general "consensus" I've noticed over the years of why people like S1 or S2 more can be boiled down to this:

Those who prefer Shenmue 1 like the feeling of having a smaller, intimate setting where they're familiar with every inch of the map and are more connected to the world. They like the feeling of existing within a small town and enjoy how much interactivity they have with the environment. It's much easier to notice details such as the same NPCs in different parts of the environment during different times of the day and in general there are a few more details that make it feel like a lived-in world. I think there's also the factor that it's the first game in the series and what it did was completely new, and that feeling of "newness" could never be replicated in a sequel.

Those who prefer Shenmue 2 tend to, of course, like all the same elements as Shenmue 1, but the feeling of a familiarity is lost since you travel to many new and unfamiliar locations. However, that familiarity is traded for a sense of unease and curiosity that's a reflection of where you are in the story. You can spend a lot of time exploring since the locations are much larger and there tends to be more payoff in finding a few shops or gambling locations off the beaten path. There's a much larger and ambitious story which moves at a faster pace along with an increased amount of combat encounters, branching QTE's, set pieces, and boss fights.

And yes I know that I don't speak for everyone but those are the common thoughts I've noticed. Shenmue 2 is my favorite game of all time and while I really loved S1, I just think S2 is all-around better. I definitely appreciate the small town feel and attention to detail of S1, though.
Yes. I always tell people that my favorite gaming experience is SH1+2, exactly for these reasons. Going from SH1 to SH2 is such an interesting experience. As individual games I probably prefer part 2, but they're very much 1 experience for me.
I agree with a lot of the points here! Shenmue 2 is my favourite of the franchise, because the gameplay feels streamlined from the first game, and the story moves along at quite a fast pace compared to the first. But what probably put it above Shenmue 1 is the fact that 2 seems to take more time in getting to know the other characters, especially Shenhua. Although there were some key character moments in 1, I felt like in 2 we got to see a lot more of Ryo interacting with the side characters, most likely because he feels lost in Hong Kong. For me, I feel like this gives 2 a lot of depth that was missing from the setting. Shenmue 1 had the detailed and intimate setting of Yokosuka, while 2 made up for some lack of world detail with fleshed-out side characters. This is evident when storming the Yellowhead building as well as the final part of the game.

In the end, I do think that the game you prefer comes down to what you appreciate more; a small, detailed world where you feel like you actually live there, or a more character-driven story in a bigger, less familiar setting.
I know that its an unpopular opinion, but Iprefer Shenmue1 because of 3 things that i'm going to enumerate but first,
let me tell you that Shenmue 2 is fantastic as well, and it has some of the coolest moments of the series like the Xiuying's cutscenes, the rooftop batle and the going up the yellowhead building in general.
Fantastic moments no doubt but for me Shenmue 1 is better and here is why!

1- Freequest music is situational - Music changes acording to the story and not the place like in shenmue 2.
that, gives much more immersion from moment to moment placing the story allways in the forefront of the expirience.
2 - It has an English dub that's actually good (mainly in the protagonists) imo.
3 - it's way more polished and consequently has a better sense of "place", for example ppl know Ryo, and Ryo knows people from the streets, wich imply a "past" and "present" context in the game, and the npcs, have a much more situational dialogue.
(i know shenmue 2 has that as well, but shenmue 1 has much more I think.

and thats it for me! ;)
Shenmue 2 the clear winner for me. The sense of adventure into the unknown, the varied and rich environments, the depth and charisma of all of the characters and the pay off of some of the set-ups from the first game. There is one thing where Shenmue 1 has the advantage, though - better Darts 7. In Shenmue 1 you can quit a game of darts mid-game whereas in Shenmue 2 you have to throw all five darts. I love Darts 7 so this is a big plus for me in the first game.
when i was younger in the early 2000s i would of said shenmue 2 was hands down the best game, just based on the size, story and freedom of the gameplay but now.. i would say shenmue 1 is my favorite. it's so detailed, it's almost like real life.. if that makes sense.

since S2, i can say ive played a lot of games like S2 (action, open world rpg type games) but i've never come across game like S1.

..based on gameplay, story etc, i think S3 was in-between S1&2.. personally i would prefer any future shenmue games to be like s1, rather than s2, but having said that a little S2 action would be cool.
I would say it improves on everything from SI.

To be fair to S3, it did technically surpass I and II in terms of graphics and visual beauty… yes, it’s 20 years newer but it is definitely a strong point
I shared a similar sentiment as the OP did in that I wasn't particularly engaged, so to speak, with the beginning moments of S2, but I'm telling you, once you meet up with Ren, things take off like a wildfire. It's becomes an adventure in which you let home for (S1). And I agree with Yada San's post. It is this journey into the unknown (growth).
I think both games function in the way they're both intended to for the greater part of the story so it's hard for me to give a definitive answer. Shenmue 1 is intended to introduce you to what's going on. Shenmue 2 and beyond is meant to be an extension based on where Ryo is. In Shenmue 1, through Ryo, you're in a community where a good fraction of the people know you. In Shenmue 2, you're a stranger in a strange land and as the game goes on, you're in a classic Hong Kong action film. With Shenmue 3, you get something fresh by starting in another unfamiliar land but you have Shenhua to help you and then you find a new part of China to explore.

I like how in Shenmue 1 you can freely practice your martial arts moves but was disappointed this was taken out (which I sort of understand) in the second game. I like how Shenmue introduces this with sparring and helps you get adjusted to the fighting system.

I enjoyed the introduction of the freeze QTEs in 2, but hated how QTEs in general were executed in 3.
I think of them as two entirely different experiences. I don't really compare them or think of one as being better than the other.

What Tomato Convenience Store said is pretty accurate, imo. I think once you get into both games and are enjoying them, they offer significantly different experiences.

S1 is a more cozier experience.
S2 is a grander and more epic experience.