Move Training/Maxing Tips for Shenmue II (some spoilers, pre-Kowloon)

Aug 15, 2018
  • Spar with Jianmin (old guy in the park) as often as you can stand. You can do it multiple times per day...just duck out the left hand exit to the park, go into the next quarter over, then come right back.
  • Once you gain access to Beverly Hills Wharf you can train moves on the big guy on the platform, but you can only do 5 moves. Elbow Assault seems to work pretty well at the higher levels, but I got bored after lv 12
  • While wandering Beverly Hills Wharf looking for Cool Z, you will run into groups and individuals who will all want to fight you (in that horrible first person camera mode). You can try to practice your throws here (if you can see what's going on in that view), since it's your only chance, outside of normal combat. After you win, the person will offer to take you to Cool Z. When this happened to me, I would just hit B to get out of follow mode, and go looking for more d00ds to beat up, until I had beaten every one of them. Just avoid the junk yard with the school bus until you are ready to be done, and save often if you're worried about wandering into it by accident.
I haven't been to Kowloon yet (in this playthrough, I mean) so I will add more tips if I think of any. I know there a bunch of other platform d00ds, but I can't recall if any of them were particularly useful for move training.
Play the arcade games in the Golden Qr arcade, because once you leave Wan Chai you cannot come back once you go to Kowloon

Another obvious and useless post. Are you just trying to pad your post count or something? Nothing to do with fighting or move training.
Another obvious and useless post. Are you just trying to pad your post count or something? Nothing to do with fighting or move training.
If you are playing for the achievements, this is important. Also the fights with Eileen and Izumi can be missed
If you are playing for the achievements, this is important. Also the fights with Eileen and Izumi can be missed

Achievements have zero to do with move training. Like with your duck post, you're really reaching. At least now you have something to reply to so you can pad your count some more. :p ;)