Random Shenmue III Thoughts

So are we expecting any incoming patches to make significant changes to the game? Or do we think it will be like minor stability improvements?

Probably nothing drastic on the content side (animations, character models, etc.), but I imagine they should be able to make fixes to things like the black cuts during dialog, music integration fixes, dialing in stamina, dialing in physics for lucky hit, etc. However a lot of that is wishful thinking on my end on changes I'd personally like. Typically patches will be there for major bug fixes.
I got to Niaowu today and I have to say the shop card scavenger hunt sidequest is so perfect for this series that I want something similar retroactively implemented in the previous games. They're doing such a good job of adding meaning/incentive to all the mundane stuff like visiting the various shops and exploring the environment this time around.
I feel like there is more dialogue between Ryo and Shenhua than in the final disk of Shenmue 2. I guess that 'is to be expected' to some, but this is a Kickstarter game! It is incredible to me. Truly magical. Thank you everyone, the whole team and Yu Suzuki. This will be my proudest gaming achivement to date and I am beyond happy at my name being in the credits. :)
I fell for the sunk-cost fallacy with the gem capsule set, really would not recommend. I've spent $1300 now trying to get that stupid green pyramid gem and only stopped because Ryo got sick of my shit and forcibly took me to save the old people in Hornet's Nest before I could do another spin.
I'm really glad that they got more fundings after the Kickstarter and could even implement more of the goals.
All of these features we have now - a lot of voiced NPCs who even have different lines depending on your mission,
the different arcade mini games, fishing, fighting, shops, environment, size, character design ...
are at least on a acceptable (or better) level. There is room for improvements and its not perfect, sure,
but it works and it feels like a real Shenmue game.
Imagine this game but only with the KS money and nothing else (- the money for the reward production and fees) ...
this game could have been super rough, like super super super rough.
Alright another day, another Shenmue day.

Despite the shitty critics I think there are a lot of stuff to do, even much more than SI & SII. I mean, my day is:
- Waking up
- Say hi to my waifu
- Say bye to my waifu
- Train the punch
- Train the horse position or whatever
- Fight with some of the dudes of the dojo
- Fight with the fat guy of the square
- Work
- Try to get some toys
- Try to get some plants
- Fish
- Do the main quest of the day
- Go to the house at night
- Talk to my waifu
- Say gd'night to my waifu

There's a lot to do and when I finish the day I feel like "released". I can wait calmly for tomorrow to play another day.
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Does eating certain type of food impact your training gains? I know thats the kind of immersiveness Yu strives for, but IDK if he was able to implement it.
Man, I love this game. I've noticed that as you move into each new area ( still in Bailu ) and as the story unfolds new characters appear and existing characters start to move to new locations that they weren't before. I've counted 3 to 4 unique Ai schedule pathing so far. A few can travel quite a fair bit round the map if you follow them. This area really does remind me of Shenmue 1 Yokosuka town. The only difference is the pathing is fully unlocked for most NPC from the get go. I'm really quite surprised by the level of depth in just Bailu village, if you look for it.
Sorry if this has been asked already, but is anyone able to confirm whether or not the DLC included with the Day One edition (specifically the training outfit) or Digital Deluxe are obtainable in-game or will be available to buy separately at a later date?

I'd research it myself, but nervous about running into spoilers.
In-game you have one that is black in choubu for like 160k tokens.
Sadly it doesn't seem to unlock buying the "season pass" at least in EGS.
Kinda sucks, the green one is the one in all the concept arts.
Yeah, as far as I understand, that black jacket is included with the Digital Deluxe, but not the season pass itself. I might be wrong, though.

The only bonus DLC (aside from what's in the season pass) I care about having is the jacket, kenpogi training outfit and the move scroll. Couldn't care less about the booster packs as I'd rather earn all that naturally.