Random Shenmue III Thoughts

Hidetaka Suehiro or better known as Swery / Swery65,
the creator of games like Deadly Premonition and D4 Dark Dreams Dont Die, is playing Shenmue 3.

View attachment 5615

Makes sense considering Deadly Premonition and all :D

As I said in the spoiler forum. If this game gets 5 to 7 average reviews then it's the best 5 to 7 average game I've played this year :D
"It’s the most beautiful ugly game I’ve ever played."

Made me smile :)

BAH, he's going to bed at 9pm? He's missing out on some of the best interactions of this game.

That's my fear from most reviewers. They're gonna be so story focused and rushing beat to beat to pump out a review that they're actually gonna miss out on some of the best little moments the game has to offer.

Don't rush. Take your time with it. I'm doing that and I'm loving the hell out of it so far.

EDIT: Sorry I meant to quote the review in progress but I noticed it didn't quote the link. In the article he mentions the 9pm curfew as in goes to sleep at 9pm. If they're going to sleep at 9pm then they're missing out. That's all I'll say. Stay up late with the cool/dorky kids instead :D You'll be rewarded.

In a way, the game is inconsistently beautiful. Some of the character models look great. Other looks like cartoon characters. And yet, I'm actually kind of loving it for whatever reason. At least they're all unique...even if their designs are completely inconsistent and almost tier based. But then, Shenmue's always been kind of inconsistent in so many things that I kind of automatically forgive it.

I will give them credit though...they have definitely fixed some of the faces. Not entirely but they have made them look a little better than they once did (see the stonemason from the MAGIC trailer compared to the final game...he looks a little improved)
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Did she say "Just play Yakuza" too?
Fortunately not, otherwise I would have had to kick her out.

It's funny how much my family know about Shenmue from my obsession though. My wife saw me talking to the little girl near the beginning of the game (forget her name, think Corey's daughter voices her) and she asked me "is that the annoying girl with the kitten from the first game? I hate that girl!" :ROFLMAO:
Am I supposed to enter the 5-digit backer code in the game menu? Because nothing happens when I do. If I press A after entering it, a red message tells me to enter a code in the Epic Games Store.
It was very surreal playing last night. I'm right at the part where the demo took place (so, the very beginning still).

This obviously doesn't have the same production value as Shenmue 2. The cuts when talking to Shenhua are a bit jarring, and I have one other complaint but don't want to post it in the non-spoiler forum, but I think I can get accustomed to this. I still need to get used to the combat, not being able to "dodge" around is frustrating since Shenmue I and II are so ingrained in me at this point. But I definitely was grinning ear to ear most of the time. I'm already looking forward to replaying and choosing alternate conversation paths with Shenhua.

I have some doubts this game will succeed commercially, but maybe it doesn't really need to. It is very clearly for the fans. I hope there's a solid plan in place for Shenmue 4., but I'm going to enjoy this - I hope everyone else does too.
If I remember correctly from seeing some video of the demo, there are multiples states of zoom for the point of view during motion, so I wanted to ask to the peoples playing, which one did you choose to mainly play with ? almost full body ? closer to shoulder ?
Hey everyone!

You probably don't see me around here as often, but you've definitely heard me and the rest of the mods on social media as we lead up to launch!

It's been a long road! I still remember the many years of drought and dry spells on the Dojo leading up to 2015, and how any ounce of mentions and rumours, let alone genuine news would get our hearts racing/imaginations running wild.

But now it's long left our heads and actually tangible and real. Huge respect to YS.net and everyone else involved for realising it, one heck of a superhuman feat to pull off.

I hope you all enjoy the game! Soak it in, take snaps and continue to share your enthusiasm for the series!

You can grab most of the herbs from Shenhua's house area...but does anyone know where I can find the Crow Dipper herb? I had one a few hours ago but didn't realise I wouldn't be able to find another one so i sold the complete set and now I am really struggling to find it.

Maybe this warrants a thread on its own?

Thanks in advance for any pointers!