To make command line as simple as possible create 3 folders in a root directory
SMDATA (From the steam folder)
EXTRACTED (it dumps the extracted files)
MODELS (it puts the converted obj models)
& copy all files from wudecon into the base directory
(if you are comfortable with adding directory locations with command prompt feel free to skip this and direct to folders where ever they are located)
Open command prompt
wudecon --tacfull "E:\SMDATA\disk_5be2c578.tad" "E:\EXTRACTED" "E:\MODELS" mt5
wudecon --tacfull "E:\SHENMUE2DATA\disk_5be2c4e2.tad" "E:\EXTRACTED" "E:\MODELS" mt7
(For Individual loose MT5 models from the Dreamast Passport disk use)
wudecon --all InputFolder OutPutFolder
Example of processing progress;
E:\>wudecon --tacfull "E:\SMDATA\disk_5be2c578.tad" "E:\EXTRACTED" "E:\MODELS" mt5
wudecon v1.0.7061.27731
Filename database initialized: 68679 entries.
Processing GZ..
E:\EXTRACTED does not exist as a file, falling back to batch mode.
Finished processing GZ!
Processing AFS..
E:\EXTRACTED does not exist as a file, falling back to batch mode.
Finished processing AFS!
Processing IPAC..
E:\EXTRACTED does not exist as a file, falling back to batch mode.
Finished processing IPAC!
Processing SPR..
E:\EXTRACTED does not exist as a file, falling back to batch mode.
Finished processing SPR!
Processing PKF..
E:\EXTRACTED does not exist as a file, falling back to batch mode.
Finished processing PKF!
Processing PKS..
E:\EXTRACTED does not exist as a file, falling back to batch mode.
Oops! E:\EXTRACTED\scene\01\d000\sprt.pks failed!
Exception: ShenmueDKSharp.Utils.InvalidFileSignatureException: The file signature could not be found!
at ShenmueDKSharp.Files.Containers.PKS._Read(BinaryReader reader) in E:\_repo\wudecon\ShenmueDKSharp\Files\Containers\PKS.cs:line 91
at ShenmueDKSharp.Files.BaseFile.Read(BinaryReader reader) in E:\_repo\wudecon\ShenmueDKSharp\Files\BaseFile.cs:line 87
at ShenmueDKSharp.Files.BaseFile.Read(Stream stream) in E:\_repo\wudecon\ShenmueDKSharp\Files\BaseFile.cs:line 77
at ShenmueDKSharp.Files.BaseFile.Read(String filepath) in E:\_repo\wudecon\ShenmueDKSharp\Files\BaseFile.cs:line 66
at ShenmueDKSharp.Files.Containers.PKS..ctor(String filename) in E:\_repo\wudecon\ShenmueDKSharp\Files\Containers\PKS.cs:line 60
at wudecon.Program.ExtractPKS(String path, String folder) in E:\_repo\wudecon\wudecon\Program.cs:line 423
Finished processing PKS!
Processing MT5..
E:\EXTRACTED does not exist as a file, falling back to batch mode.
Finished Processing MT5!
Completed 19791/19792 operations.