~ Road to CyberPunk 2077 Thread ~

I really dont understand the market campaign and PR talk behind this game from these 8 years.

All this talk about how important your origin / life path is and how it changes everything
(its not important, we are talking about a 30 minute start and some dialouge options every two hours),
'we will only release this game if its ready' (yeah sure),
'i saw the base console version and it runs surprisingly well' (mhhmm),
'experience the game world in style' (no transmog feature, the whole clothing system makes you wear random stuff,
character creator is as basic as it gets with presets and nothing else, cant even change hairstyles in the game world)
'NPCs have hand crafted routines' (??? they almost dont react to anything, they spawn / despawn in a couple of meters)
'you can customize your genitals' (yeah and for what? it has no purpose at all, it is not a part of the main game at all,
and there is even a bug that makes you wear underwear in the open world even if you are nude in the inventory screen)
'make your own path' (you cant, V is a pre built character and you are playing this character)

AI cars are driving on rails, police spawns on your location and then cant find you because you ran 5 meters away,
side activities outside of missions like cinema, strip club, slot machines, karaoke, invite other NPCs or anything?
nope, nothing.
Then there is all this braindance preview stuff and how everything matters and its so detailed and deep ...
... no, its not.

What the hell happened? Where is all this stuff? This was supposed to be the 'next generation of RPG's' (?)
This is one of the most basic open world western RPGs out there.
This is a very good looking (on PC) full storyline game about V and thats it.
I dont see how this does anything better or new than all the Assassins Creed, Watch Dogs, GTA's etc games
in terms of open world game design.
Which special feature in this game deserves the hype that the game had for all this time?
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Is Deus Ex Mankind Divided actually worth trying? I've considered it before but haven't bothered.
Itโ€™s not nearly as good as Human Revolution, nor the original Deus Ex (2000) for that matter. But I had fun with it.

I think it especially approached the idea of body augmentation more interestingly, exploring perceptions in society and how it could pave the way for more prejudice and forced segregation between normal humans and augmented ones.
So CD Project Red made this new apology tweet
and console players can now refund their game if they want (digital and physical)
they even have a email address just for that.
Seems like Playstation also allowed refunds, which they never do except
if they acknowledge that a game is kind of broken.

So CD Project Red made this new apology tweet
and console players can now refund their game if they want (digital and physical)
they even have a email address just for that.
Seems like Playstation also allowed refunds, which they never do except
if they acknowledge that a game is kind of broken.

Starting from today you can email us up to 1 week?? Ridiculous. The game is completely broken. What happens to the people who buy it 8 days from now and it's still broken?? Are they not entitled to a refund? How did this game LEAVE the studio in this condition?? They did the money grab and now they're trying to save face. Most likely due to pressure by Sony and Microsoft, also the fact that no one will trust them as a studio anymore going forward, and rightfully so. I'm all for second chances in most cases, but this is one of those cases where this is blatant and even if the guy who cleans the toilets with no video game development skills in their studio played the game before release, on any console, he would have felt completely ripped off and taken advantage of. It was already confirmed Sony contacted them about the complaints, hopefully other retailers will. If I were Sony/Steam/Microsoft I'd pull the digital versions of the game out of the stores until they can show competence in the product they've hoodwinked everyone on with some type of update. Same goes for major physical retail stores, though they're less likely to care since their entire business model isn't usually based on video games(unless were talking about GameStop). They're not going to be able to fix the fact that the game itself sucks beyond the broken technical side of things and that they over-hyped an overall below average story and gaming experience, but the least that they are accountable for is to not release it completely broken like they did. In all industries and businesses there are so many of us that put our heart and passion into making the business the best we can for both ourselves and our customers, then there's behavior like what CD Projekt Red has done that is just not good business practice, but since we live in a world and a time where the big retailers and major corporations can do whatever they want and get away with it, why not a mid-sized company attempting to emulate it and see what they can get away with?? This sounds like a good plot of a sci-fi future distopia...I'll call it CyberPunk 2020. The worst part of this is that they are only honoring the refunds for 1 week, they will no doubt still be in the profits even with a select number of refunds, as well as the fact that not only people will continue to buy it after Dec 21, but some people will keep their copies of it hoping this game will be fixable(it won't)and then there's the majority of people who won't even know the refund is available. I would really like to see Sony/Steam/Microsoft pull this title digitally as that has made up 75% of the sales on this title as a way to save themselves the headache of having to refund and take on the responsibility that CD Projekt Red is responsible for, also at the same time preventing their customers from getting taken advantage of. I understand these major companies will most likely continue to sell and give the customers the freedom to choose, and that is cool as long as there is an unlimited refund period on this particular product that goes along with their purchase and a big disclaimer of the games condition and lack of quality, but as a small business there's no way I'd do business with such a broken product, or worse yet the people who willingly let it leave in this condition. CD Projekt Red has proven one of two things, or both: 1. They're incompetent on a business based checks and balance system for quality control 2. They have zero integrity. This was 100% an avoidable loss, so it's most likely the latter.
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So CD Project Red made this new apology tweet
and console players can now refund their game if they want (digital and physical)
they even have a email address just for that.
Seems like Playstation also allowed refunds, which they never do except
if they acknowledge that a game is kind of broken.

They are good guys!
This project is more ambitious than anything they made so far BY A LOT!
Even compared to the biggest AAA studios in the world, this project
is gigantic so, I will be a bit more forgiving than usual.
They probably felt they had to release it even knowing the game was unfinished beause of all
the backlash they were getting from fans concerning the delays.

They will fix the game well and recover their reputation I feel.
The game at its core is fantastic I think
So CD Project Red made this new apology tweet
and console players can now refund their game if they want (digital and physical)
they even have a email address just for that.
Seems like Playstation also allowed refunds, which they never do except
if they acknowledge that a game is kind of broken.


I now have to wait until February 2021 to play a properly finished version of a game I just bought.

I will always respect CD Projekt Red for showing proper courtesy to Yu Suzuki, but this is just ridiculous.
I guess there wont be a real PS5 / Series X version anytime soon
when they are still working for 2-3 months on the basic stuff now.
So if you want a smooth optimized next gen experience with the correct resolution, textures
and more enhanced features, you should probably wait 4, 6, 8 months.
Theres no real benefit for next gen users right now
you are just playing a brute forced performance old gen version with the same old gen bugs and glitches.
I said to my brother that he next gen update may be June next year and he laughed. Looks like I may be right or near enough. I just find it inexcusable that you can release a game in such a state. Just delay the damn thing.
The game itself aside from all the bugs, glitches and brokenness is a 4/10 or maybe 5/10 being generous. I see a lot of people talking about refunding and then buying it again when it comes on XB Series and PS5 but even if they smooth out the bugs, the game is still subpar.
Well, another day, another f up.
I guess you know that Cyberpunk was always advertised with full nudity
and how theres no censoring and how its a adults only product. And it was totally possible
to see your own character full nude in the first person perspective and the photo mode
until all of a sudden it didnt work anymore and the character is always wearing underwear even tho
nothing is equipped in the inventory.
So of course people reached out to CD Project Red on Steam, GOG board and so on
because they thought its a bug / glitch.

Well turns out, actually the bug was that some people were able to see their character full nude
in first person view and photo mode. It shouldnt be possible to do that.
So the bug / glitch isnt that the nude system is broken because of a patch or something,
CD Project Red never had the intention to let you see your character full nude in FPP or the photo mode.

After 7 hours or so, I'm really not feeling it at all.

Not a fan of the gunplay...I know it's supposed to be an RPG and not a shooter, but the gunplay just isn't great. I don't really like the way it feels.

Stealth feels largely pointless.

Driving feels too loose...almost GTA IV era of driving (which I hated back then)

Story and dialog isn't doing much for me. For an RPG, it really doesn't feel like much of one.

The world itself is really nice to look at but I just can't shake the feeling that it's just another action based open world game with some mediocre RPG elements thrown in to help make it look different. The game doesn't feel like it has much direction or distinction as to whatever it wants to be and just feels wildly mediocre at everything it's trying to do. The city and landscape is awesome, without question, but everything else isn't grabbing me. I think I was right not to buy into the hype of this thing.

I'll probably finish the main quest but right now? I just can't say the game has really grabbed me in any way. If anything, it just feels like further confirmation that I'm largely over open world games.
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Well, another day, another f up.
I guess you know that Cyberpunk was always advertised with full nudity
and how theres no censoring and how its a adults only product. And it was totally possible
to see your own character full nude in the first person perspective and the photo mode
until all of a sudden it didnt work anymore and the character is always wearing underwear even tho
nothing is equipped in the inventory.
So of course people reached out to CD Project Red on Steam, GOG board and so on
because they thought its a bug / glitch.

Well turns out, actually the bug was that some people were able to see their character full nude
in first person view and photo mode. It shouldnt be possible to do that.
So the bug / glitch isnt that the nude system is broken because of a patch or something,
CD Project Red never had the intention to let you see your character full nude in FPP or the photo mode.

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Further confirmation CDPR is full of crap on their recent public apology. On so many levels they marketed one thing and gave us another. For those without integrity: It's easier to violate now and ask for forgiveness later. They already did their money grab. Also, what was the point of the genital nudity? If it served a centralized purpose to the story, or even if it was a side thing(like the romance scenes and you could see your genitals)then it would have some actual function. Another pointless addition. If you look at "All Flash, No Substance" in the history of video games, CyberPunk 2077 is the first in line.
After 7 hours or so, I'm really not feeling it at all.

Not a fan of the gunplay...I know it's supposed to be an RPG and not a shooter, but the gunplay just isn't great. I don't really like the way it feels.

Stealth feels largely pointless.

Driving feels too loose...almost GTA IV era of driving (which I hated back then)

Story and dialog isn't doing much for me. For an RPG, it really doesn't feel like much of one.

The world itself is really nice to look at but I just can't shake the feeling that it's just another action based open world game with some mediocre RPG elements thrown in to help make it look different. The game doesn't feel like it has much direction or distinction as to whatever it wants to be and just feels wildly mediocre at everything it's trying to do. The city and landscape is awesome, without question, but everything else isn't grabbing me. I think I was right not to buy into the hype of this thing.

I'll probably finish the main quest but right now? I just can't say the game has really grabbed me in any way. If anything, it just feels like further confirmation that I'm largely over open world games.
That's right around the time I threw in the towel. The game does many different things, but doesn't do a single one of them well. And that's not me including the unacceptable glitches, issues or general brokenness. It just isn't good at RPG, FPS, adventure/exploration, action and yeah!! the car physics are worse than GTA IV era. The lack of variety in car designs is annoying too, I think I've seen seen 5 cars and 1 truck model through the entire city, even GTA 1 and 2 in the 1990's had more variety and those were aerial view games!