Shenmue The Animation S01E08 Aspiration - Analysis

Welcome to my Shenmue anime Analysis, this time for EP8 Aspiration, this Analysis will have SPOILERS of the anime and the games.


The episode begins with Shenhua in Guilin when Lan Di appear with the Phoenix mirror with him, Lan Di looks at Shenhua and we hear thunder claps, Ryo wakes up in Xiuying’s room and realized he had the same dream, this scene is the bad ending in Shenmue II so is a nice detail to see this scene in the game.

Fangmei enter in the room, she introduce herself, Fangmei remember that her intuition was right and Ryo agree with her. Fangmei say tha Xiuying is waiting for him in the Man mo Temple library. Ryo go to the library, Xiuying say she would like Ryo to take a lot of books out and after that air them on the shelf, that this is a simple task and said for Ryo to please do this, then Ryo say he wants to meet with Yuanda Zhu.

Xiuying say that she gave Ryo a place to stay in respect to Master Chen, but that she don’t remember ever promising Ryo about Yuanda Zhu, for Ryo to consider the books task a way to pay for staying in her place. In the next scene we see Ryo in the library doing the books task, Fangmei was near, Ryo loses his balance and falls on the ground. After that Fangmei say that Ryo needs to be more careful, that all these books are very special, for Ryo not to let the books fall. She said she will take care of the high parts and for Ryo to take care of the parts he can reach.

I love the way the anime team did the books taks in the anime, a beautiful way to adapt this part of the game in the anime.

Ryo say sorry and the scene ends. In the next scene we see a airplane passing just like in the game, nice detail. We see Joy Talking with Ren Dan, the owner of the Come Over Guest House. Joy now know that Ryo is not in the hotel anymore, Ren Dan said that Ryo paid and then left. Joy say that she hopes that he didn't kicked out Ryo of the hotel, Ren Dan say that he already told that this didn't happen, that he thinks that Ryo don't have money anymore.


Back in Man Mo temple we see Fangmei and Ryo, Fangmei saying to let the books air while the weather is nice, and after that take the books back to the library before night time. Ryo think that after that the task is over but Fangmei say that is over for the day but that they will continue this everyday, at least for a week. Ryo wants to know why Xiuying is doing all this, what are her motives, Fangmei say for Ryo that Master Xiuying is a very gentle person and to not doubt Xiuying, Ryo agree and Fangmei continue saying that Xiuying gave a place for Ryo to stay and that this is his chance to return the favor. Ryo is not happy with this.

Ryo go outside of the temple and see Hanhui Liu, he wants to know if Ryo completed Master Tao's Task, Ryo say that all she got him doing is some chores. Hanhui say that Ryo is mistaken, that those books are all precious pieces of history collected since the founding of this temple, that new disciples aren't even allowed near them.

Ryo is serious and impatient about this and say that he can't afford to be wasting his time there. Hanhui noticed that Ryo is impatient and say for Ryo to calm down and his head on straight. Hanhui remember that he advise Ryo to learn all of the Wude. Hanhui say that learning the Wude will lead Ryo to an understanding of Kung Fu, that perhaps that is what Master Tao is helping Ryo to achieve. I love the way the anime team is expanding Hanhui Liu.

After Hanhui said this Ryo remember when he learned the Wude GON and the Wude JIE, Ryo remember this and decided to find more martial artists. Ryo is walking in the street and remember that he need to be back at Man Mo Temple by 3, he start to run when he ends up crashing with Guixiang Lee, she was holding a package but Ryo was able to catch it so nothing bad happened, Guixiang Lee is angry with Ryo and said that if the objects broke it will be coming out of Ryo's pocket, she noticed that Ryo is the person from the other day, Ryo recgonized Guixiang as well.


She said she will not let Ryo walk away after nearly breaking her wares, then Ryo accompany Guixiang Lee to the Hong Kong Tea Shop, she said for the attendant that she brought the wares he asked for and said for Ryo to put in the table and open it, it is a beautiful tea set and the attendant said it is exactly what he was looking for. Guixiang Lee say these were just gathering dust at her place, that it would be better for him to put them to use in the Tea Shop, he said he will treat them with care.

Ryo ask if they are valuable, Guixiang respond that to most people, they aren't worth very much at all, but that they are certainly old, and in other words, their value lies in the eye of the beholder, not unlike Hong Kong itself, after this Guixiang leave the Tea Shop.

The attendant give a cup of tea for Ryo and say that he deserve because he gave Guixiang Lee a hand. In the next scene we see Joy walking, she was thoughtful probably about Ryo, Wong appear behind and tries to steal her walled but she noticed and said for Wong to not even bother, that Wong is still decades away from being able to snatch her purse. Wong say that he still working on his technique.

Joy wants to know what happened to that other technique of "help, mister" and Wong say that it is not worth it, it only worked on Ryo, Joy ask if Wong saw Ryo around, that he apparently checked out of his hotel. Wong say that he haven't seen Ryo and asked why, Joy say no reason, for Wong to forget about it.

Wong say that he can help Joy to find Ryo, that it will be a total cinch with all of his street connections, after saying this Wong do a gesture with his hand and Joy asked what with the hand, Wong will help her to find Ryo but he wants money in return, Joy made a funny face in this part because of what Wong said. In the Man Mo temple Fangmei is working when Xiuying appear, Fangmei say that the books in the library have all been aired out.


Xiuying say that this is great and ask if Fangmei did this, she say that she had to help, that Ryo is such a careless scatterbrain, Xiuying say for her to not say that, that he need her guidance. Fangmei said she will help Ryo.

Xiuying say that she will got out and for Fangmei to accompany her. In the next scene we see Ryo walking and saying that the investigation took up a lot of his time, that he need to figure out where martial artists are, Wong appear behind Ryo and say... "Help me, mister!" Ryo turn aroud smiling and said that this trick only works once, i love this scene, Ryo is treating Wong like a little brother. Wong say that is been awhile since he saw Ryo. Joy appear and say that looks like Ryo learned the ropes around here. Joy ask if he get tired of staying at the hotel.

Ryo respond that not exactly, that someone is letting he crash at their place now. Ryo ask for Wong if he still trying to pull that scam, Wong say no, that nobody falls for that one anymore, so he is working on some new material. Joy ask what Ryo have been up to, Ryo say that he is looking for martial artists, Joy say that Ryo is really obsessed with those. Joy ask Wong if have have any leads he can give for Ryo with the connections he have, Wong respond that there is one lady in Pigeon Park. Ryo, Joy and Wong go to the Pigeon Park and found Eileen training.

Eileen is an NPC in the game so is nice to see her in the anime as well. Eileen ask if Ryo is a practitioner of martial arts, Ryo tries to explain but Eileen ask if Ryo can spar with her. Wong is surprised and say that the ladies really love Ryo and ask if Joy is cool with this, Joy ask with what and Wong say that if she don't take him off the market, someone else will, Joy gets mad and pick Wong's cheek. Eileen ask if Ryo is hesitant because she is a woman, Ryo say that is nothing like that but he must respectfully decline.


Eileen say she knew Ryo would say that and started to attack Ryo, Ryo bests her by grabbing her leg and she say he is not bad. Ryo ask if she know about the Wude, she say "Afraid not, but she might!" Then Ryo go to find the person Eileen is talking about, Wong and Joy continues to be with Ryo, Wong say to ask one of the staff in the supermarket, Joy agree.

They enter in the supermarket and we see Izumi Takano, another NPC from the game, really nice to see Izumi in the anime. Izumi ask if Ryo is japanese and Ryo say yes, She ask if Ryo is Hong Kong on vacation or studying abroad like her.

Wong say Ryo is on a quest to find martial artists. After hearing this Izumi tries to attack Ryo, Ryo block the attack and Izumi say Ryo is pretty good, and said sorry to be abrupt, Ryo ask if she know about the Wude, she say... "Wude?" and the scene ends. Really nice to see Izumi in the anime i hope she appear in other episodes.

In the next scene we see Xiuying and Fangmei walking while carrying some things when they hear someone saying "get lost" and we see 2 thugs trying to do bad things with a boy and his sister, he tries to defend his sister.

Xiuying take away the pipe crane out of the thug's hand, Xiuying say for Fangmei to take them somewhere safe. the other guy say that they don't give ladies any less of a beating.


Xiuying start to look at them in a powerful way that even a powerful energy appear, the guys are scared and don't try to attack her, when Xiuying move her feet a little bit one of them say screw this, that they will go away, they start to run away and one of them said that the lady is bad news. Fagmei say that thugs like them don't stand a chance against the illustrious Master Xiuying.

Xiuying ask if they are all right, they thanked her and then the boy say he need to learn to be stronger, Xiuying ask why and the boy say that those guys will definitely come back and that he have to make them pay for terrorizing his little sister.

Because of this Xiuying remember about her brother Ziming, Xiuying say for the boy to not think like this, that these thoughts can lead him to a bad path in life.

After that Xiuying and Fangmei leave the place. In the next scene we see Ryo in the same Tea Shop of the scene with Guixiang Lee, Joy and Wong are with Ryo this time.

Wong ask if those two ladies earlier weren't enough and Ryo said no, Joy say that this means Ryo is not looking for just any old martial artist. Outside of the Tea Shop two guys are arguing and Ryo noticed that, he stand up and want to interfere but Joy say to not bother, stuff like that happens all the time in Hong Kong.


Wong say for Ryo to look that nobody cares, that the guy is a landshark, Wong explained that loota old buildings in Hong Kong, that they will tear them down and build something new, that this is happening everywhere in the city now, Joy say that before that happens, they gotta harass the old tenants into moving out first, Ryo ask if their neighbors just let it happen. Joy explain that decrepit buildings dissapear and nice new ones replace them and that a lot of people like that and that is the reality, and that all the elites get to pocket fat kickbacks, so they are probably behind it.

Wong say that they treat them like garbage and there is nothing they can do about it. Joy explained that Britain is scheduled to relinquish Hong Kong, that the ciity is changing. I really love this detail that Joy explained about Britan scheduled to reliquinsh Hong Kong, something that i remember that don't have in the game, beautiful addition.

The clock in the wall bang and Wong say that is already 4, that is time to go find someone he can rob, Joy say for Wong to not even think about it. Ryo remember that he is late, that he need to be in Man Mo Temple, in the temple Fangmei say for Ryo that she already put every last book back herself, Ryo say sorry and we see that Xiuying is hearing everything without them noticing her.

Fangmei is angry with Ryo and ask why he took so long, Ryo say that he was looking out for a martial artist who could teach him about the Wude, Fangmei say that this is not a excuse and ask for Ryo if he think about anyone other than himself. Ryo explain that he didn't come all the way to be put to work, then Fangmei ask why exactly did Ryo come there, Ryo say that he want to find Yuanda Zhu, Ryo ask if Fangmei know about him but Fangmei say certainly not, and that even if she did she wouldn't tell for Ryo, she continues that she had it up already about this situation.


Xiuying ask for Fangmei what is wrong and she respond nothing at all, Fangmei leave the place and Ryo explained the situation for Xiuying, he said that Fangmei told him a time to come to organize the books but he showed up late. Xiuying say that Fangmei is very much like her, a straight arrow, to please don't think badly of her, back at the Tea Shop Wong is still with Joy, he say that he missed prime pickpocket time, Joy see a child with his father.

She had a serious expression while seeing this, probably she remember her father, would be nice if we see more of Joy's past in the anime, something that we only saw a little in the manga side story.

Wong ask what is the deal, why she is following Ryo aroud everywhere. She replied that she is not following anyone around, Wong want to know why she is doing so many favors to Ryo, setting him up with a room and stuff. Joy don't know the answer to this, she say it just happens, after this we see someone talking to the attendant of the Tea Shop, he say for the attendant that it seems like this areas started getting eviction notices left and right, that he heard even the South Carmain Quarter is having trouble.

The attendant say that they got a martial arts master over there who is keeping things under control, down at the Yan Tin Apartments, which is also under threat of eviction, Joy and Wong overheard the conversation, they looked at each other and the scene ends.

Back at Man Mo temple we see Fangmei working while talking to herself, she say she is still upset, and wonder how can Ryo be such fathead, Xiuying appear and ask what happened earlier, Fangmei say that she was totally wrong about Ryo, that is just a selfish jerk, Xiuying say that perhaps the problem is that he is just too much of a straight-shooter and reminds her of a certain person, Xiuying ask Fangmei to close the gate after she finish.


Fangmei say okay and Xiuying say... "Please and thank you." After that we see that Ryo is in the outside part of the Man Mo Temple, he is walking and appear to be sad when Hanhui appear and say that Ryo's study of the Wude doesn't seem to be progressing smoothly, Ryo say that even if he learned all the Wude, he is not even sure that Xiuying would agree to help him, that as it stands, he is still not closer to finding Yuanda Zhu. and that totally defeats the purpose of him coming to Hong Kong, Fangmei was in the shadows hearing the conversation.

Hanhui say he want to ask a question for Ryo, he say... "Why do you practice the martial arts?" and Ryo is shocked because of the question and ask what does that have to do with him coming to Hong Kong. Hanhui explain that Ryo appear to see only the path that lies in front of him, that pressing onward to view new sights is undoubtedly an important part of traveling, but the amount of focus that he extend to the scenery around him is far from enough, that Ryo is lacking.

After hearing this Ryo remember when his father said the same thing for him, that Ryo is lacking. Ryo ask himself... "But... not enought what?" Hanhui say that perhaps Master Tao has know the answer to that all along. I love all the scenes that Hanhui Liu tries to guide Ryo like this to a good path, i love how the anime is expanding all these character like Hanhui Liu, Wong, Joy, Lan Di, Shenhua and many more, it is beautiful to see this.

Joy and Wong enter the Man Mo temple to talk with Ryo, Joy and Wong explained that they heard that a master martial artist named Guixiang lives in Yan Tin Apartaments, for Ryo to go there, Ryo thanked them and start to run to Yan Tin apartaments, Fangmei was hearing everything and stared running as well to follow him.

Outside of the Yan Tin Apartment Guixiang Lee is talking with the thugs, she say that she will stay in the apartament, then one of them say that they will do this the hard way then, he try to punch Guixiang but Ryo arrived and block the attack.

Ryo say that Guixiang doesn't want them to bothering her, the thugs say that they got bussines there, that they will making this town new again. Ryo say for them to not make the same mistake that he did, one of them asked what the hell he mean with that, Ryo explained that there is nothing wrong with new sights, but that he didn't focus enough on the scenery of the present that was all around him just like what they are doing, the thugs get mad at start to attack Ryo.

Fangmei was seeing everything in the shadows, Ryo bests all of them and then they ran away. After the fight Guixiang asked what did Ryo come there for, that she know it wasn't to chase off some landsharks.


Ryo say that he came there to learn about Wude from a martial artist named Guixiang. Guixiang ask the reason Ryo helped her, Ryo respond that this is obvious, that she actually said herself, a flashback begin with Guixiang saying that their value lies in the eye of the beholder, not unlike Hong Kong itself.

The flashback ends and Ryo say that to him, protecting the people in Hong Kong simply seemed like the right thing to do.

Guixiang explained that what he said is one of the Wude. She say... "To act without hesitation for what is right. It is the Wude known as Yi. And also... I'm Guixiang." Guixiang continues... she say Ryo need to stop judging people by their appearances so much, Fangmei was in the shadows seeing everything and was happy about what she saw. Beautiful scene, i love everything about these scene and Ryo learned important things.


In the next scene we see Ryo walking, he remember the question Hanhui made earlier about why Ryo practice the martial arts, Ryo stop walking and say... "I get it." Ryo go to the Man Mo Temple, Xiuying is there, Ryo say "To act without hesitation for what is right, one of the Wude, called Yi." Ryo ask if that is what Xiuying thought he is missing, The wude know as Yi.

Xiuying replied that what she saw inside of Ryo was the fire of revenge, that surely by now, Ryo can sense it himself. This is the first time we see the revenge in the story and i'm really glad that the anime team did not cut this aspect of the story, the revenge is in the anime but in a different way and so far i'm enjoying.

She continues... she say that killing in the name of vengeance is murder just the same, and that, she will have no hand in. I love everything about this scene of Ryo and Xiuying, really beautiful and the sountrack is wonderful.

Inside the Man Mo Temple Ryo see Fangmei, he say sorry for her about earlier, she say it's okay, that she think she got the wrong idea about Ryo, she say sorry and she do the bow in front of Ryo. Fangmei say that if she remember right, there is a book called the Wulinshu in the library with the name "Zhu" on the cover. Ryo go to the library and found the book Wulishu, Ryo see the name Yuanda Zhu and the episode ends.

What can we expect to see in the next episode?


The main focus of the next episode will probably be Ryo searching for the Wude DAN while other things happen, I feel that this episode will be slow pace again where Ryo will learn the Wude in the final moments of the episode just like it happened with the other Wude in the previous episodes.

While Ryo is searching to learn the Wude DAN i think Ren will finally encounter Ryo and maybe a fight will happen. More scenes and development for Joy, Wong, Fangmei, more scenes with Xiuying and we will probably see a complete flashback of Xiuying with Ziming, i really hope we can see a longer flashback about this, the other flashbacks were so short so i hope the next episode is dedicated about Xiuying and Ziming story as well.

To me this is one of the important parts of Shenmue II story and one of my favorite things about the game, the anime team can even show what Ziming is doing now and near Niao Sun like in the manga side story, i would love to see that in the anime, so i hope we can see more about this part of the story in the anime.

Maybe in this episode Ryo will start to train about how to catch leaves, i’m not sure, in my opinion this part is important so maybe we will see in the next episode.

So in a few words i think the episode will focus with Ryo searching for Yuanda Zhu and searching how to learn the WUDE DAN, while he search other things will happen like more fights, more scenes with Joy, Wong, Fangmei, Hanhui, Shenhua, Lan Di, Ren, more scenes with Xiuying, a longer flashback with Xiuying and Ziming, maybe Ryo learning to catch leaves and much more.

I feel that the next episode will have a slow pace again and Ryo will learn the Wude in the final moments of the episode, maybe another nice conversation with Xiuying, maybe she will say for Ryo that now she will train Ryo or other things like that, this things to once again ending the episode with an impact scene and moment.

What NPCs do you want to see in the next episode?


I want to see Shenhua, Lan Di, Hanhui, Joy, Wong, Fangmei, Xiuying, Ziming, Niao Sun, Zhangyu Kong, Guixiang Lee and many others, and you? what NPC you want to see in the next episode? share your opinion with us in the comments below.

Final Thoughts


Another beautiful episode. I love the slow pacing episodes in this part of the story and it makes a lot of sense to do this. Ryo is impatient because he wants to meet Yuanda Zhu.

Ryo only see the path of revenge and he think he is wasting his time there, but in this episode Hanhui Liu said for Ryo to have more patience, that he is lacking and much more, and even question Ryo about why he practice martial arts, i love that so much. It is really nice to see a lot of scenes with Hanhui Liu and to see that he is helping Ryo.

Ryo learn a Wude per episode and i love that, it gave even more emotion to one of my favorite parts in Shenmue II, Ryo learning the 4 Wude is one of the unique and special things about Shenmue II and the anime team so far did a beautiful job in relation to this, and when Ryo learn a Wude in the anime the kanji of the Wude appear, beautiful detail.

To me everytime Ryo learn important things about martial arts the story progress a lot as well. Ryo learning the 4 Wude progress the story, Ryo training with an important master and learning important moves like the Body Check in Shenmue III progress the story as well and much more.

Ryo improving as a martial artist is a big part of the Shenmue story, an important part of the story in my opinion so to me the story progress as well when this things happen.


In this episode i love all Ryo interactions with the other characters, it is beautiful to see how much the anime team is expading characters like Wong, Joy, Fangmei, Hanhui Liu and many others, so nice to see Izumi in the anime but no Tomato Convenience Store. 🍅😢

The anime team expanded Guixiang Lee and i love that. It is beautiful to see Fangmei, Xiuying, Wong and Joy with more scenes as well. Nice to see Eileen in the episode. No Ren in this episode... Ren was searching for Ryo in the previous episode so i thought he would appear in this one but i think Ren will probably appear in the next episode, i think in the next episode Ren will meet Ryo.

I love the scene that Xiuying saved the other characters, a scene that don't have in the game and in my opinion is a beautiful addition. Xiuying's gaze and energy was enough to end the situation, i love that, we saw a different flashback but it was short, i hope in the next episode appear a longer flashback of Xiuying and Ziming, i think this will happen.

In this episode we even got character development for Fangmei, she was angry at Ryo and even thought bad about him, she got the wrong idea about who Ryo is, but when Fangmei saw Ryo helping Guixiang Lee and everything about this situation she changed her mind and even apologized for Ryo in the ending of the episode, beautiful character development for Fangmei.

Character development for Ryo in this episode, Ryo learned to be more patient this time and to enjoy the current view and scenario of Hong Kong, he learned that is important to stop and enjoy the moment he is living right now in Hong Kong. I don’t remember this lesson in the game, this is a beautiful addition to the story in my opinion.

Ryo learned the Wude YI and again another character saying that Ryo is judging people by their appearence, Guixiang Lee. I think now Ryo fully learned this lesson in the anime, the lesson to not judge people by their appearance, this lesson have in the games as well with Shozo Mizuki and Xiuying, and this lesson is one of my favorite lessons in the story.

For the first time we saw a character talking about Ryo's revenge in the anime this way, Xiuying, and i love the way it happened, i love how it is in the games but so far i'm enjoying the way the anime team is doing the revenge in the story, and i think we will see more about revenge in the next episodes. In the anime the revenge is in a different way and i'm okay with that.

It is clear to me that the anime team have the care and respect to the original version, so much care and attention to the details of the Shenmue World, it is beautiful.

That final scene with Xiuying is beautiful, the soundtrack in this part is wonderful, i need a Shenmue Anime official soundtrack release, so many beautiful songs and even new versions of songs from the games.

In the next episode we will probably see Ryo meeting Ren, more flashbacks of Xiuying with Ziming, more interactions of Ryo with the other characters, Ryo searching for Yuanda Zhu, Ryo learning the Wude DAN and much more. I think episode 9 will be a slow pace episode again but i think that in episode 10 the pace will get fast again.

I don't know where the season will end but i can see just 3 options for this.

1. After a fight with Lan Di and the encounter with Yuanda Zhu Ryo saying goodbye to his friends in Kowloon and Hong Kong in an emotional scene

2. Ryo arriving in Guilin and meeting Shenhua

3. The season will end in the cave scene in a similar way that we saw in the beginning of the first episode.

To me it makes more sense ending in the cave scene, it is a good part to end the season, the ending of Shenmue II is so interesting and mysterious so it will be a good way to end the season, and it makes sense to end in this part because we saw a part of the cave scene in the first episode, but if the season ends in Kowloon or with Ryo arriving in Guilin it will be okay to me as well.

It is not impossible for the anime to end in the cave scene, in the Yokosuka arc we saw that the anime team cut out many things of the story like everything about Shozo Mizuki, Ryo learning Tornado Kick with Tom, the goodbye scene with Tom and many other things, so maybe the anime team will cut out more things so it is not impossible for the season to end in the cave scene, but like i said if the season end in Kowloon or with Ryo arriving in Guilin it will be okay for me as well. In what part of the story you think the season will end? share your opinion with us in the comments bellow.

i just hope that someday we will get a second season, and i think this will happen after the release of Shenmue IV, this way the second season can do Shenmue III and Shenmue IV story with a lot of nice details like it is happening in the first season. If Shenmue IV happen of course and i think it will happen, this is what i hope for the future of the Shenmue franchise, the more Shenmue in more media the better, i hope one day we can get a official Shenmue Manga as well.

When i miss the games version i can just play the games, it is so nice to see a new take on the Shenmue franchise, a new take on this beautiful journey, like i said other times the anime complement the games and the games complement the anime and this is wonderful, it is a special time to have new Shenmue content every week like this with the anime, i will miss these moments so much when the season ends, and i hope the Shenmue franchise continue to be alive, i really have hope that one day we will see the conclusion of this wonderful journey in the games and in the anime.

Next week i will come back for my Analysis of episode 9 Distinct, thank you all for reading and remember... keep friends... those you love... close to you, bye bye. ~

