Video 2 - Shenmue III COMBAT footage from IGN Japan (6 minutes)

Transitions, and animation on moves/impact was def better on S1+S2 with a dedicated fighting engine. This will need another round of sequel polishing to make it much more proper and get the throw moves back in. One day Sega do a remake proper and give us the budget cuts stuff back in.
Corey's voice sounds a bit hoarse in the combat trailer. I wonder if that's a choice or just a symptom of recording 10,000,000 lines
Wow. This is great but it begs the question; WHY NOT SHOW ANY OF THIS IN THE TRAILERS??

Regardless, wow, I'm not at all worried about this game now.
i dont think its blood, shenmue is not that type of game(?) looks more like Motion blur to me.
i wonder if Ys always intended to have stylized effects?

Looks really good. I’m happy with what I’m seeing. Hearing Suzuki talk about systems it does feel Shenmue 3 is going to be a lot more ‘gamey’ than its predecessors, I think that would include those stylized effects with kicking and blocking. I of course prefer the original representation but understand concessions had to be made.
Without music this sound and look strange.

upd. Peter just fixed it, but I'm starting to think that fans understand the game better than devs ?

Obviously they're playing a build without music. Of course there will be music.
I'm loved the NPCs models in this vídeo. The instructor looks fantastic.

Fighting looks a bit robotic (like other animations thus far) and the reaction of any hit looks strange.

Everything that has been shown so far needs a little polishment here and there, but all environment looks exactly like a Shenmue should.
Eh, I was hoping for the combat to be better than this honestly, but I do realize the game is on a budget, what can we do.
Eh, I was hoping for the combat to be better than this honestly, but I do realize the game is on a budget, what can we do.

It's also a bit frustrating that the player had multiple opportunities to grab him but did not. It irritated more than the animation rigidity lol. Obviously new habits will have to be learned, plus the new fov angle. Loving to see Shenhua on the background, very classy.
I'm sort of in awe of how much at home this feels. This is definitely the Shenmue I remember and love. The English VA and the visuals has this weird, uncompressed, 1080p improvements with just enough jankiness to make it feel like home again. In other words, Shenmue is back. :)

The ONLY critique I have is that I wish they could've went back to the old sound effects and blips and beeps from the UI on the originals. I'll be disappointed if they don't use the same QTE noises.
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