Video 3 - Shenmue III WOOD CHOPPING footage from IGN Japan (3 minutes)

Oh man how many more in one day? This is getting into overload.
  • Village looks really alive with the kids training and people chatting and everything. Martial arts everywhere
  • Really like how the trees look for some reason. Also a lot of stuff going on the background
  • March 22nd? So about a month after the no file start in Shenmue II. Seems to be very much in line with the events
  • So many items to buy, so many stats to build. Orange soda... and I can't wait to see Ryo stuff a whole garlic in his mouth
  • Wood chopping looks simple but rewarding with how the guy cheers you on. Oh those Yu arcade game icons for the amount
By the way, the place looks extremely similar to what we've seen in the ancient "Miao Village" beta screenshots.
The wooden constrution, the tower, the people practicing. This must be the original incarnation of what we see here and this makes it absolutely clear to me now that this IS Shenmue III were looking at!


Can you feel that everyone? The Hype is back!