What are your plans?

Me and my Bro will be going through it together slowly as well. We like to discuss high notes as we make progress and sometimes we'd speculate on story directions then see who hits closest to the mark. It's the only past time we still enjoy doing together from our childhood years for any game that is on both of our highly anticipation list.:giggle:

The moment Ryo says 'I see I'll be sending a recording to my brother lol
I'm taking at least a couple of days off work. Not reading any reviews or watching review/impressions videos until I've finished the game. I'm going to follow the coverage leading up to release but as soon as the press have review copies I'm going into hiding. Not playing the demo either, unless it's unique content (which I highly doubt given the time constraints).

This is the first time I've seen anyone reference Syberia outside of the adventure game community. I loved Syberia 1 and 2 as a whole, but I've avoided playing 3. The reviews and impressions I've read range from mediocre to terrible.

I recently played Syberia 3, if you like adventure games and are not just in for the newest graphics, you will still like part 3.
You might also want to try the Myst series, Atlantis 1+2 and Obduction :-)
I'm going to probably do a livestream (on YouTube) for 30-45 minutes where I can talk about the game with other people and try to avoid any potential spoilers in the meantime.