What are your plans?

Syberia 3? Last Guardian? Rez Infinite?

You name some good titles and, moreover, it's true that Sony offers more single player opportunities than I tend to credit. I mostly tapped out of the contemporary scene halfway through the 360's life cycle, so it's hard to imagine getting back in.
I may also go for my other option of borrowing a buddy's PS4, but that's a tall favor for a series that deserves as much intricate exploration. Who knows: come Summer's 11th-hour hype, I may cave in and buy one.
I'm taking at least a couple of days off work. Not reading any reviews or watching review/impressions videos until I've finished the game. I'm going to follow the coverage leading up to release but as soon as the press have review copies I'm going into hiding. Not playing the demo either, unless it's unique content (which I highly doubt given the time constraints).

Syberia 3? Last Guardian? Rez.
This is the first time I've seen anyone reference Syberia outside of the adventure game community. I loved Syberia 1 and 2 as a whole, but I've avoided playing 3. The reviews and impressions I've read range from mediocre to terrible.
Soon as the game goes gold I'll be logging off the internet to avoid spoilers. Taking at least a week off to enjoy the game in it's entirety. I won't do a full playthrough of II but I'll likely start off at Disc 4 and segway into III.
This is the first time I've seen anyone reference Syberia outside of the adventure game community. I loved Syberia 1 and 2 as a whole, but I've avoided playing 3. The reviews and impressions I've read range from mediocre to terrible.

Adventure--let alone point and clicks--along with shmups, I do not trust comtemporary game journalists ever since the 6th gen began. Of course Syberia isn't being reviewed well during late 8th gen--they don't get it. Much like they didn't understand Shenmue, Evil Twin, Floigan Bros, etc. (Showing why Dreamcast is my favorite system because it has so many more hidden gems swept under rug by GTA3/Halo-feverish bias)

Honestly, I'm more shocked it was announced and released before Shenmue 3; was another long awaited sequel I'd been awaiting since 2004ish, as well, along with Last Guardian. Only need Psychonauts 2, now! Beyond Good and Evil I liked, but wasn't as hardcore like most fans. Really glad to see a sequel announced, but does look to be completely unexpected/surprisingly too different?
As I've yet to purchase a PS4 or a computer worthy of gaming-- I can, but it's hard to justify the purchase for what's likely to be a library as small as, say, Shenmue, RDR2, and Sonic Mania-- I'll likely try to bury my head in the sand in vain.
If I do get a PS4 by then, I'll just tell work I have scabies or something and hide in a cave with enough cheap beer to get me to the bad ending.

That said, I spoiled most of Shenmue II for myself as a teenager. While waiting for the Xbox edition, I found a UK Dreamcast magazine stateside and read the entire walkthrough excitedly. I played through it come Christmastide, and it still beat my expectations. Being older yet, I suspect I won't die if I catch a spoiler or two.
No interest in Yakuza, particularly after the internet's demanded us to all think it's vastly superior to Shenmue?

(It's actually very good and you might like it, not that I know you)
No interest in Yakuza, particularly after the internet's demanded us to all think it's vastly superior to Shenmue?

(It's actually very good and you might like it, not that I know you)
This is a tangent (so hopefully won't throw this thread off topic), but if I didn't already like the Yakuza series, I would actually be put off by the peanut gallery trying to put it on a pedestal over Shenmue constantly. Some people are really, really obnoxious about it.
Crap, how could I forget Yakuza in my PS4 list...!

[moved to Yakuza thread]

Also, definitely playing Shenmue 3 back-to-back. Much like i did the first two :D Hence why I won't be playing them in order within mere days of each other until the second file. Once in my hands NOTHING will delay me from booting up the game. Take my time playing all 3 for the second time.
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As I need to work to pay bills lol, if I indeed am NOT going on a vacation this year (looking more and more like it, at this point), I may book just a few days off.

As time is precious though, I don't want to get TOO immersed the first time around, as I actually enjoyed discovering new things upon every subsequent playthrough.

I will say though, lol, if I DO go on a vacation this year, it will indeed most-likely be on the week of release! So I can catch up to you guys later ;)
We shall see. Lots of factors come into play with a physical meet up that make things difficult.

However we do stream weekly anyway via our twitch and our social media is always active.

Stay tuned :)

I've derailed this haha so back on topic!
A physical meetup would be cool, plenty of gaming bars in London etc.

Would it be possible to simulcast from fan meets in Japan, Europe and USA ? Would time differences work?
A physical meetup would be cool, plenty of gaming bars in London etc.

Would it be possible to simulcast from fan meets in Japan, Europe and USA ? Would time differences work?
There was a meet-up a couple years back that the 500k organised. I'm not sure of the logistics though.

Time differences is a question. 7pm UK time is 2pm in NYC for example so it is workable. 7pm UK time to Japan is the early hours in the morning.

It's something to look into for sure.
I should reach out to Adam and the documentary guys to see if we can do a Toronto meet-up, if things pull through with the Simulcast ?
Boot up the game. Instead of sailors, imma look for some carpenters.
Are you guys going to power through the game or savor the moment? I am usually not into fully completing games but I am thinking I will explore every nook and cranny with Shenmue III.

I will also be avoiding trailers and most information. Helped me enjoy God of War a lot more but there was also a situation when watching a walk through to solve a puzzle, someone basically showed a massive spoiler which I could not avoid.
Are you guys going to power through the game or savor the moment? I am usually not into fully completing games but I am thinking I will explore every nook and cranny with Shenmue III.

I will also be avoiding trailers and most information. Helped me enjoy God of War a lot more but there was also a situation when watching a walk through to solve a puzzle, someone basically showed a massive spoiler which I could not avoid.

I'll be taking my time with the game. Exploring and just taking everything in. No rush we've waited a long time for Shenmue 3 so I'm going to savour it!
I'll be taking my time with the game. Exploring and just taking everything in. No rush we've waited a long time for Shenmue 3 so I'm going to savour it!

Me and my Bro will be going through it together slowly as well. We like to discuss high notes as we make progress and sometimes we'd speculate on story directions then see who hits closest to the mark. It's the only past time we still enjoy doing together from our childhood years for any game that is on both of our highly anticipation list.:giggle:
Put it like this, if it is normally a 30 hour game, I will complete it in no less than 90 hours. Not because it will be hard, but because I will intentionally backtrack, talk to every NPC, multiple times to see dialogue changes after events, explore all areas multiple times to see change in geometry after events, will try multiple dialogue options to see change in story, will try to evoke all endings, will try to see all events after failing a quest or a fight, will try to see all alternate QTE scenarios.

This is also why I am 140 Hours into Dragon Quest XI, and just NOW hit the post game. Without doing any trophy/achievement hunting. Will probably be 250 or 300 hours played when am done.

Gonna treat Shenmue 3 the same way, unless it is just a terrible game that I won't feel like playing but I really doubt it.
Even today I still can't believe we are going to have Shenmue 3. I remember those days, during 18 years, in which I logged in ShenmueDojo every month to look for any rumor, any news about the probability of Suzuki making Shenmue 3. I remember EVERY YEAR in the E3 time lots of rumors about the game that were fakes and I was always dissapointed afterwards.

So I'll play the game flavouring every detail, with no rush, admiring every detail of the backgrounds, shops, NPCs...I hope the game last as much as it could.
I'll ask for time off work, and work will be like "Err, no. Summer is a busy time. You'll just have to deal." So I guess I'll just kind of play it on evening and weekends while cursing having to go to work as I do with every other game I play...

I do intend to take my time with the game as best as I can though. Who knows how long it will be before the next one comes out, or even IF the next one comes out. Maybe I'll try and make it last for ten years...
Think the first play through will be just that; an ordinary .... who am I kidding, there's nothing ordinary about being able to actually play Shenmue 3! Ordinarily timed, then.

The next playthroughs will be of the more go back and check every QTE result, every choice option development etc. just want the first time to be experienced as one, whole experience. The main story laid bare.