What's happened to the original ShenmueDojo.net lately?

Aug 1, 2018
Favourite title
Shenmue II
I've been trying to visit some old threads on the original ShenmueDojo.net site.
Last week it said it were down and to wait a few minutes, now it's just loading forever.

Have the servers for the original website been shut down?
I'd hate to lose all those old posts, there are some really helpful ones from the old forum.
Just went on there, and it's working fine for me.
It's 100% still online. I'll have it looked at though.

We've got everything backed up on there just in case and are always intending to keep it online.

I'd suggest using F5 to refresh and clearing Cookies first.
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Hey, we're absolutely still hosting it!

If that link doesn't work, try hitting shift F5 and clearing your browser cookies.

If you're still seeing any error messages, please screenshot/copy paste them here and I'll take a look!