Shenmue 3 Collectors Editions. Where to Buy

Well, not really technically sold out as somebody gotta buy from those scalpers now otherwise I wouldn't be surprised that even they will start requesting refunds from Yu Suzuki. That's the world we live in nowadays.
I copped the shit out of this at 12:04. At first I was going to wait until I got home to preorder but I'm glad I didn't. Anyone have any experience with LRG and their shipping? Curious to know if there is a chance that Shenmue III may arrive before 11/19.

I'm still in a state of shock, disbelief, excitement, nervousness, and catharsis and multiple other emotions just knowing that I actually just paid for Shenmue III. It's starting to feel real now!
LOL. I was coming back on to make a joke about buyers of the collector's edition wanting refunds because of EPIC FIASCO....but I've been beaten to the punchline.

Unfortunately, I wouldn't be surprised if some idiots actually do. I saw comments in the Shenmue documentary kickstarter comments about them needing to include the Epic store fiasco and negative comments about Yu & company. They probably have people clamoring for a refund of the documentary backing as well. Sigh.
I'm really bitter looking at almost entire 2 pages on Ebay listing the collection already. But I guess I'm happy that it looks like most fans that really wanted it, got it. Congratz to every fan out there!

Scalpers are annoying. I buy a lot of comics and one that came out last week that I ordered hasn't arrived. Probably lost in the post or maybe it'll arrive late.

Anyways, I headed over to Ebay to see whether there's any going there so I can pick up a replacement and apparently it's "sold out" and a "super rare first printing" which obviously means 20 pages of paper are now worth over £10... :rolleyes:
I got mine as well it seems that it manages to sell out under 45 minutes that is great news thanks to the amazing shenmue community
Scalpers are annoying. I buy a lot of comics and one that came out last week that I ordered hasn't arrived. Probably lost in the post or maybe it'll arrive late.

Anyways, I headed over to Ebay to see whether there's any going there so I can pick up a replacement and apparently it's "sold out" and a "super rare first printing" which obviously means 20 pages of paper are now worth over £10... :rolleyes:

I certainly know the feeling. When I got out of college and got a decent job I swore to myself I would complete a library of SNES and Dreamcast titles. That was 10 years ago and I'm still swearing... at scalpers.

Anyway, in Shenmue 3's case it might be a good thing in the long run as scalpers will help avalanche at the idea that a Shenmue physical copy is a really valuable thing to have and prompt gamers in general to buy out retailer copies before scalpers finish them off.
So Limited Runs collectors edition just sold out. I didn’t get one but I couldn’t afford it anyway so I am not too fussed. Still, would have been neat.

Anyway, 500,000$ made excluding licensing fees and the BOM.