Shenmue IV Will Happen - Here's Why!

I'm sure I'm reading into it too much, but it's certainly another nice piece of evidence for the case being made in this thread.
Maybe, it could be poorly worded (thanks @James Brown ) but you would think they'd be careful knowing the project.

I couldn't help but get a little excited.
Just being optimistic, or... ? :unsure:

"Very soon." Holy shit.


I like it that Yu seems to care about making a game with great gameplay.
Q: What is your keyword for 2020?
YS: “A new project start”.
Q: What is your New Year’s Resolution?
YS: To leverage my know-how from Shenmue III and focus on planning a world with even more freedom
It looks like he is planning on making S4 even bigger than 3 with more freedom in it.
BTW is there any sources for "Shenmue 3's budget was 12 million dollars" ?
IGN interviews. @Switch kindly translated them.

Yeah, I'm wagering that the deals that transpired, maybe not Epic, but at least Deep Silver, were for at least two games.

Fans want it and giving fans what they want is all the rage these days. That's why Rise of Skywalker was predominantly fan service moreso than anything else.

I think his next project is Shenmue IV--assets are there, partnerships and a solid team. He can use whatever funding is granted to expand on his vision already established with III.

As I've said before, I think he'll get to see the series through to the end for his fans and then retire from games. I'd love to see him go for five games, but if he has to finish it in four, okay.

Though a PS5 finale would be an amazing looker, regardless of budget. That system looks to be a monster.