Death Stranding went from GOTY darling to being Trashed on by Gamers now.

Where have I implied that Death Stranding is anything at all like Shenmue? Like, okay yall can keep intentionally missing the point. Par for the course, to be honest. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
You are comparing both games:

Outside of the mini games of Shenmue, Death Stranding has much more minute to minute gameplay.

Like in comparison, in Shenmue, the core gameplay is you walk around and talk to people to gather clues, with very occasional combat unless you’re training.

I find walking around and talking to people in Shenmue is FUN that I also think that traversing the world of Death Stranding with all it’s environmental hazards and puzzles


This isn’t me saying Shenmue is boring by the way, or that you should be forced to like Death Stranding, by all means
Actually, yes, you are saying it:

To be honest I find it difficult as a Shenmue fan to see how other Shenmue fans can have the audacity to repeatedly say that
this game looks boring or that Sony wasted their money, or that it’s going to fail. Like really?

So yes, you are comparing two "niche" games that has nothing to share but the category of niche.

The Stanley parable its a niche game, I loved it, but doesnt share anything with Shenmue, only the category of "weird/niche/nontraditional" game. That's the point. If you like to walk slowly in an empty open world deliverying stuff with a baby in your stomach while you throw granades to the boss, good for you. But dont say Shenmue fans can't dislike it only because Shenmue it's different and because Shenmue's haters says something similar. Shenmue haters never touched the game in their life, so fuck off with them.
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Yea, justifiably so, I always knew this game was going to be meh, because I'm not blind.

Kojima himself is so overhyped, I'm sorry but Kojima doesn't deserve the status of a legend in the industry.

Back to the point at hand, I saw this coming a million miles away, even when he showed so called "gameplay", there wasn't really any game to speak of.

This Isn't a knock against slower paced, story driven games, hell I'm a die hard Shenmue fan for crying out loud, and one of my favorite genres, is the pure adventure genre, but damn, there's literally no gameplay, in the so called gameplay trailers of Death Stranding. All we saw was traversing a empty wasteland, nothing else.
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You are comparing both games:


Actually, yes, you are saying it:

So yes, you are comparing two "niche" games that has nothing to share but the category of niche.

The Stanley parable its a niche game, I loved it, but doesnt share anything with Shenmue, only the category of "weird/niche/nontraditional" game. That's the point. If you like to walk slowly in an empty open world deliverying stuff with a baby in your stomach while you throw granades to the boss, good for you. But dont say Shenmue fans can't dislike it only because Shenmue it's different and because Shenmue's haters says something similar. Shenmue haters never touched the game in their life, so fuck off with them.

This is quite disingenuous, I am comparing the reactions of how each game is treated from each other. And I asked where did I imply that Death Stranding is anything like Shenmue, in terms of gameplay? not that I am not comparing the games at at all.

See the post above this, that reflects my point. If anyone made a post like that about Shenmue or Yu Suzuki thered be straight ire by many forum members here Its either cognitive dissonance or something much less innocent that prevents the understanding of the point. Regardless, Ive said what I had to say made my stance quite clear. Yall can hate on the game all you want, cuz reasons. Like I said, par for the course. Its not worth responding to nonsense, so I wont respond to it anymore.
Wow, I'm actually baffled by the criticism on this game from this forum, specially when I look outside all the complaints people have with Shenmue 3 are pretty much the same ones members of this forum are throwing towards DS, except for technical achievement. So traversing mountain ranges and rivers while keeping a baby alive is now way more boring than being stuck on remote rural area practicing Kung Fu on a dummy all day because... one is being made by Yu Suzuki?

No "gameplay" in DS? Resource management, free-roaming exploration, crafting, gunplay, stealth, melee combat are not enough? Alright, I can spell out how different DS is from MGS 5 to the people who can't tell them apart. For one MGS 5 is mission based and the game rewards players for stealth more than anything while DS focus on the crafting and resource management elements. Basically one is strictly an stealth action game while the other it's a survival free roaming adventure. Now how is Kojima "revolutionizing" (DID he really say that?) or adding anything new to the genre? Simple, technical prowess and deep mechanics. In DS, your avatar not only visually stacks all his inventory onto his back, adding weight to him and affecting his running speed, but also his balance. How does it actually play out in the game? The more stuff players collect and stack on Sam, the harder it'll be for him to run straight, aim perfectly while using a gun, fight and traverse certain terrains. He can even lose items while crossing a river as seen in the trailer. Imagine the tension of collecting only to abandon loot because of a sudden ambush is coming your way. Another element explained by Kojima is that Sam possesses some sort of mechanical boots that can enhance his jumping ability. That appears to be his main method of dodging attacks, but for it to work your avatar needs to build momentum. Add this to the fact Sam has different walking and running speeds depending on the terrain he is on, you'll be on constant fight setpieces where there's an actual focus on the environment around your avatar.

The other meaty part of the game, exploring and crafting, is as complex. As seen in the trailer there are numerous contraptions that can be crafted by the way of an instantaneous 3D printer tool Sam has with him, and they seem to serve multiple purposes like the little trolley that can help carry some of Sam's load or be used as a skateboard. That alone indicates that there might be possible room for improvised methods of engagement in battle using these tools, Breath of the Wild style. And along with the elements of required well being maintenance for your own avatar and the baby, I'm confident there will be no short moments of thrill to be had when players have to frantically look for resting places while surrounded in an area infested by those Shadowy type of enemies. Also, what a surprise it was to see that in at least one instance when "killed" you are not punished with a game over screen but welcomed to a boss battle.

With all these intricate mechanics, it's pretty much an open canvas for Kojima to set up memorable scenarios that utilize all these elements to the fullest. In the end it might turn out convoluted and messy, but boring I doubt it will ever be. And I don't think I'm the only "blind" one to see legend while speaking of "overrated" Kojima. Shenmue might be my favorite game, but it won't stop me from praising other worthwhile developers.
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Wow, I'm actually baffled by the criticism on this game from this forum, specially when I look outside all the complaints people have with Shenmue 3 are pretty much the same ones members of this forum are throwing towards DS, except for technical achievement. So traversing mountain ranges and rivers while keeping a baby alive is now way more boring than being stuck on remote rural area practicing Kung Fu on a dummy all day because... one is being made by Yu Suzuki?

No "gameplay" in DS? Resource management, free-roaming exploration, crafting, gunplay, stealth, melee combat are not enough? Alright, I can spell out how different DS is from MGS 5 to the people who can't tell them apart. For one MGS 5 is mission based and the game rewards players for stealth more than anything while DS focus on the crafting and resource management elements. Basically one is strictly an stealth action game while the other it's a survival free roaming adventure. Now how is Kojima "revolutionizing" (DID he really say that?) or adding anything new to the genre? Simple, technical prowess and deep mechanics. In DS, your avatar not only visually stacks all his inventory onto his back, adding weight to him and affecting his running speed, but also his balance. How does it actually play out in the game? The more stuff players collect and stack on Sam, the harder it'll be for him to run straight, aim perfectly while using a gun, fight and traverse certain terrains. He can even lose items while crossing a river as seen in the trailer. Imagine the tension of collecting only to abandon loot because of a sudden ambush is coming your way. Another element explained by Kojima is that Sam possesses some sort of mechanical boots that can enhance his jumping ability. That appears to be his main method of dodging attacks, but for it to work your avatar needs to build momentum. Add this to the fact Sam has different walking and running speeds depending on the terrain he is on, you'll be on constant fight setpieces where there's an actual focus on the environment around your avatar.

The other meaty part of the game, exploring and crafting, is as complex. As seen in the trailer there are numerous contraptions that can be crafted by the way of an instantaneous 3D printer tool Sam has with him, and they seem to serve multiple purposes like the little trolley that can help carry some of Sam's load or be used as a skateboard. That alone indicates that there might be possible room for improvised methods of engagement in battle using these tools, Breath of the Wild style. And along with the elements of required well being maintenance for your own avatar and the baby, I'm confident there will be no short moments of thrill to be had when players have to frantically look for resting places while surrounded in an area infested by those Shadowy type of enemies. Also, what a surprise it was to see that in at least one instance when "killed" you are not punished with a game over screen but welcomed to a boss battle.

With all these intricate mechanics, it's pretty much an open canvas for Kojima to set up memorable scenarios that utilize all these elements to the fullest. In the end it might turn out convoluted and messy, but boring I doubt it will ever be. And I don't think I'm the only "blind" one to see legend while speaking of "overrated" Kojima. Shenmue might be my favorite game, but it won't stop me from praising other worthwhile developers.
You're right but its gonna mostly fall on deaf ears.
If nothing else, seeing as how this is one week before Shenmue 3 if this title help sells S3 as part of the odd ball pair of 2019 then it'd be cool if some of the fans overlap and give S3 a good sales boost since they're both sharing the same platform.
Many People are blinded by graphics, and so I do no think that DS ever got the same Critics Shenmue 3 had to face.

And DS is not a bad game, if you like open world games. In it's core ist a bland open world game, with some Kojima Features.

For People that like that stuff great, but it is not a Shenmue. I am not a fan of open world games, so Death Stranding is nothing for me.

I am tired of These crafting, gunplay and running arounds games.

But I am sure Death Stranding will make many People happy. But it is not perfect. So it should be allowed to critical towards it.
Many People are blinded by graphics, and so I do no think that DS ever got the same Critics Shenmue 3 had to face.

And DS is not a bad game, if you like open world games. In it's core ist a bland open world game, with some Kojima Features.

For People that like that stuff great, but it is not a Shenmue. I am not a fan of open world games, so Death Stranding is nothing for me.

I am tired of These crafting, gunplay and running arounds games.

But I am sure Death Stranding will make many People happy. But it is not perfect. So it should be allowed to critical towards it.
It seems Kojima is still playing catch up with the open-world genre so he's more or less tweaking what he started in MGS5 and trying to experiment more with the formula. Konami never let him finish what he started so I can see why DS is more of the same but has a few exotic kinks thrown into the mix.
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Is there a demo out? reading the posts in this thread sounds like people have been able to play the game.